TM 7-14(draft) Cycle-Slam Test Test Method for Determining the Physical Endurance of Wood Doors & Associated Hardware Connections under Accelerated Operating Conditions WDMA TM 7-14(draft) 1 1 WINDOW & DOOR MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATON WDMA T.M. 7-2014(draft) TEST METHOD FOR DETERMINING THE PHYSICAL ENDURANCE OF WOOD DOORS & ASSOCIATED HARDWARE CONNECTIONS UNDER ACCELERATED OPERATING CONDITIONS Published By Window and Door Manufacturers Association 330 N. Wabash Avenue, Suite 2000, Chicago, IL 60611 2025 M Street NW, Suite 800, Washington, DC 20036 ® Copyright 2014 No part of this publication shall be reproduced in any form, in an electronic retrieval system or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. 1. SCOPE The purpose of this test method is to test the performance of a wood door as it swings in its opening. The test is designed to accelerate the actual operating conditions. 2. 3. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS 2.1. ANSI/BHMA A156.l-2013, American National Standard for Butts & Hinges 2.2. ANSI/BHMA A156.4-2013, American National Standard for Door Controls – Closers 2.3. DHI-WDHS-3, Recommended Locations for Architectural Hardware for Wood Flush Doors (1993) SIGNIFICANCE AND USE This test method will not determine the useful life of doors in service as a result of the data obtained during this test. It will however, indicate what the effects of hard impacts upon closing (slamming) and cycling will be on the door and door hardware connections. It will provide useful data for designers, specifiers, and manufacturers in making judgments on the ability of the door assembly to maintain serviceability under actual operating conditions. 4. APPARATUS 4.1. The main testing apparatus shall be constructed as shown in Figures 1 and 2. The test frame or buck must be constructed of steel I beams or steel channel or material of comparable rigidity. The test frame must be welded to the base and supported by two (2) or more steel members welded at the base and at the frame. The apparatus shall conform to the parts shown in Figures 1 and 2, except that the opening height and width may vary to allow the testing of various door sizes. The base shall be heavy WDMA TM 7-14(draft) 2 2 enough to insure the stability of the testing structure. The apparatus shall be sufficiently rigid to prevent frame deflection during cycling 5. 6. 4.2. A steel crossbar fitted with end brackets that attach with through bolts within 4 inches [102 mm] of the door edges shall be mounted on the test door. The height of the crossbar shall be 40 inches ± 2 inches [1016 mm ± 51 mm] from the bottom of the door. 4.3. Operating Hardware: A door opener, such as an air cylinder with push rod, shall be positioned to apply pressure on the crossbar mounted on the door at a 65 degree angle to the plane of the door in a closed position. The actual contact point shall be within the middle third of the crossbar and shall be set to push the door open to a 45 ± 5 degree angle, then retract to allow the closer to bring the door back to its original closed position. 4.4. The door closer shall be a regular commercial grade device conforming to Grade 1 of the latest revision of Section 2.2, of a size recommended by the closer manufacturer for the size of the test door. The closer shall be applied to the door and frame with the fasteners normally used in the field and in the location recommended by the closer manufacturer. The operating hardware shall be capable of achieving 24 ± 3 cycles per minute when testing the door leaf. The latching speed mode of the closer shall be disengaged prior to testing to ensure an uncushioned impact. 4.5. The door stop shall be 0.625”± 0.125” [15.9 mm ± 3.2 mm] high and extend the full height of the frame along the strike leg. The stop shall be constructed of steel and attached so that it is flush with (and parallel to) the entire length of the door and leading door edge (lock stile). See Figure 2. TEST SPECIMEN 5.1. The tests shall be conducted on a nominal 3'0" x 7'0" pre-fit door (35.75” x 83.375” [908 mm x 2118 mm] with 0.125” +0”/-0.0625” [3.2 mm +0 mm/ -1.6 mm] clearance of vertical edge and top edge), and shall be described completely in Section 9. Hardware locations shall be used in accordance to Section 2.3. 5.2. Hinges used on the test specimen shall meet or exceed Grade 1 of the latest revision of Section 2.1. Hinges shall be mortised properly into door edge and attached with appropriate CONDITIONING The test specimen shall be conditioned to equilibrium moisture content at 75 degrees ± 10 degrees F [24 degrees ± 6 degrees C] and 50% ± 5% RH. 7. PROCEDURE 7.1. The specimen shall be securely mounted to the test frame in strict accordance with the door manufacturer’s installation instructions. WDMA TM 7-14(draft) 3 3 7.2. The specimen shall be tested until failure occurs (as defined in Section 8) or to a predetermined number of cycles. A cycle consists of one opening and closing of the door with associated dwell times (see Figure 2). 7.2.1. The test door shall be inspected at least every 25,000 cycles in the first 100,000 cycles and then checked at regular intervals, as required. 7.2.2. A record of the condition of the door and associated cycle count shall be made at each inspection (see Section 8). 7.2.3. Perform necessary maintenance on the door operator and associated hardware. Tighten and lubricate hinges as necessary. Replace broken screws which have failed for reasons other than door construction (See Section 8). 7.3. 8. The specimen shall be tested at a rate of 24 ± 3 cycles per minute when testing the door leaf. The speed used to open and close the door shall be equal and dwell times kept to a minimum (see Figure 2). TEST RESULT Test specimen failure occurs if one of the following conditions has been noted: The door becomes inoperable. The test specimen is unable to continue cycling. The door/hardware connections fail. This mode of failure must be a direct result of the door construction and not the result of a hardware failure. Door/hardware connections refer to screws, through-bolts or other connectors used to attach the hardware to the door. Any structural integrity failure of the door. 9. TEST REPORT Report results on test report form attached. The test report shall include the following: Full description of sample. Full description of hinges, closer, attachment screws, and other hardware used during the test, including any deviations from the apparatus and equipment described in Section 3. Comments and statements as to the condition of the door and hardware, including the conditions of: o The hinges, closer and attachment hardware. o The stiles, rails, and face panels and core material of the door. The condition of the adhesive bond in the door construction. Hinge to door attachment. Number of cycles completed and reason for stopping the test. A complete description of the door failure with photograph(s) optional. Date(s) of test. Name and identification of testing organization. Photograph of test device with the specimen installed. WDMA TM 7-14(draft) 4 4 WDMA TM-7 CYCLE SLAM TEST DETAIL "A" TYPICAL PUSHER APPARATUS (SIDE VIEW) CYLINDER SHOWN AS 1-1/2" x 5" NYLON ROLLER FIGURE 1 TYPICAL APPARATUS (TOP VIEW) CLOSURE DETAIL "B" LATCH EDGE DETAIL 45° PUSHBAR OPEN POSITION FRAME 0.63"±0.13" [15.8mm±3.2mm] HIGH STOP 0.13” +0.00 / -0.06” [3.2mm +0.0mm / -1.6mm] CLEARANCE DOOR (SHOWN BEVELED AND IN CLOSED POSITION) FIGURE 2 NOMINAL CYCLE 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 DOOR CLOSING 4.0 4.5 DWELL DOOR OPENING DWELL DOOR CLOSING DWELL DOOR OPENING DWELL 1 CYCLE 5.0 TIME (SEC) WDMA TM 7-14(draft) 5 5 WDMA TM-7 CYCLE SLAM TEST REPORT Name & Identification of Testing Organization: Reported by: Test Start Date: Test End Date: Cycles Completed w/o Failure: 1. Door Construction Door dimensions Hinge edge Stile edge Top rail Bottom rail Core Blocking Facing Special Features 2. Hardware Hinge (size , quantity, screws) Closure (model and method of attachment) Lites (quantity, size, glazing, method of installation) Other 3. Observations (see attached form) 4. Results Cycles completed Reason the test was stopped Description of failures WDMA TM 7-14(draft) 6 6 WDMA TM-7 CYCLE SLAM TEST REPORT DATE CYCLE COUNT OBSERVATIONS WDMA TM 7-14(draft) 7 REPORTED BY 7 WDMA TM 7-14(draft) 8 8