YEDITEPE UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF ENGINEERING C OUR SE SYLLA BUS Department of ChemicalEngineering 2015-2016/Fall Course Code-Name Chem 113.02 - General Chemistry Laboratory Course Schedule Instructor’s Name E-mail Office Hours Office Wednesday 14:00-16:00 Lab Session; 16:00-17:00 Post-lab Exercise Assoc. Prof. Nihan Çelebi-Ölçüm Wed 11:00-13:00 Thu 11:00-13:00 A-806 Assistant’s Name Ş. Nermin Şen E-mail Website Prerequisites Chem 111 Textbook and Supplementary Materials “General Chemistry Laboratory Manual - Techniques and Experiments” D.Rende, S. Bucak, Z. Tuiebakhova, N. Baysal.Yeditepe University, 2010. “Chemistry”, RaymondChang, Kenneth A. Goldsby, McGrawHill, 11thedition, 2012. 09 Sept: General review of chemical fundamentals 16 Sept: Introduction to chemical experimentation 23 Sept: Kurban Bayramı 30 Sep: LS1-Yield of a Chemical Reaction (Exp#7) and Finding the Gas Law Constant (Exp#13) 07 Oct LS2- Determination of specific heat of an unknown metal and heat of fusion of ice (Exp#15) 14 Oct: LS3-Chemical Glassware and Equipment. Preparing a Solution, Dilution and Mixing (Exp#1-2-3) 21 Oct: LS4-Solubility Rules and Precipitation Reactions (Exp#6) 27 Oct: MIDTERM EXAM (Tuesday, 17:00-18:30) 28 Oct: No lab. (29 Oct - Cumhuriyet Bayramı) 04 Nov: LS5-Factors Affecting Solubility (Exp#4-5) 11 Nov: LS6-Freezing Point Depression (Exp#14) 18 Nov: Üniversitemiz Tanıtım Gezileri Haftası 25 Nov: LS7-Factors Affecting Reaction Rate (Exp#11) (*R) 02 Dec: LS8-Chemical Equilibrium (*R) 09 Dec: LS9-Acidity (pH) of Solutions and Strong AcidStrong Base Titration(Exp#8-9) 16 Dec: LS10-Potentiometric Titration (Weak Acid-Str Base-Exp#10) 23 Dec: Grand Review Experiments Exams Midterm: Tue 27.10.2015, 17:00-18:30 Grading POST-LAB EXERCISES 40%, Midterm 20%, Final 40% Attendance 100% attendance is compulsory. 1 Course Objectives Course Outcomes To place the abstract concepts encountered in lecture into an experimental context, to reinforce the theoretical background of the textbook and lecture. To introduce students to rigorous experimental methods, record keeping, and report writing. To develop students’ skills in various laboratory techniques. To learn to design and conduct experiments as well as to analyze and interprete data. i. Adequate knowledge in mathematics, science and engineering subjects pertaining to the relevant discipline; ability to use theoretical and applied information in these areas to model and solve engineering problems. (Matematik, fen bilimlerivekendidallarıileilgilimühendislikkonularındayeterlibilgibirikimi; bualanlardakikuramsalveuygulamalıbilgilerimühendislikproblemlerinimodellemeveçözmeiçin uygulayabilmebecerisi.) iv. Ability to devise, select and use modern techniques and tools needed for engineering practice; ability to employ information technologies effectively. (Mühendislikuygulamalarıiçingerekliolan modern teknikvearaçlarıgeliştirme, seçmevekullanmabecerisi; bilişimteknolojilerinietkinbirşekildekullanmabecerisi.) v. Ability to design and conduct experiments, gather data, analyze and interpret results for investigating engineering problems. (Mühendislikproblemlerininincelenmesiiçindeneytasarlama, deneyyapma, veritoplama, sonuçlarıanalizetmeveyorumlamabecerisi.) vi. Ability to work efficiently in intra-disciplinary and multi-disciplinary teams; ability to work individually. (Disipliniçiveçokdisiplinlitakımlardaetkinbiçimdeçalışabilmebecerisi; bireyselçalışmabecerisi.) vii. Ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing; knowledge of a minimum of one foreign language. (Sözlüveyazılıetkiniletişimkurmabecerisi; en azbiryabancıdilbilgisi.) viii. Recognition of the need for lifelong learning; ability to access information, to follow developments in science and technology, and to continue to educate him/herself. (Yaşamboyuöğrenmeningerekliliğibilinci; bilgiyeerişebilme, bilimveteknolojidekigelişmeleriizlemevekendinisürekliyenilemebecerisi.) ix. Awareness of professional and ethical responsibility. (Mesleki ve etik sorumluluk bilinci.) 2 Additional Remarks To be able to pass the CHEM113 course, STARTING FROM 9th SEPTEMBER 2015, all CHEM-113 Lab Sessions and Post-lab Exercise Sessions must be attended, and related formal Lab. Reports must be submitted according to the deadlines given. There are no make-up sessions in this course! Acquaint yourself with the day’s experiment and solve the problems given at the end of the notes for each experiment in the Laboratory Manual before coming to the lecture/laboratory. In each lab session, a data-sheet/observation sheet will be given to you before the start of the experiment. You should fill it carefully during the experiment and take additional notes if and when you think necessary. You will use this data sheet/observation sheet when answering questions during Post-lab Exercise Session. The Post-lab Exercise will involve questions ON THE EXPERIMENT PERFORMED IN THE PRECEEDING LAB SESSION. THE AVERAGE OF MARK OF THESE EXERCISES WILL COUNT 40% OF YOUR OVERALL MARK FOR THE COURSE. You are asked to submit TWO FORMAL LAB REPORTS ON THE EXPERIMENTS INDICATED AS (*R) Lab reports must be submitted as hard and soft copies! You should always have your laboratory coat and safety glasses on when you are working in the laboratory. You must wear appropriate clothes for safety. Otherwise, you will not be allowed to conduct your experiment, which means that you will fail. 3