Forslag til arsplan Tid Kapittel Læringsmål Språkrammer Basic Skills Teksttyper Forslag til vurdering Seks uker 1 A fresh start Use words and phrases you need in English lessons Verbs Language Factual texts Skriftlig: avsnitt med fokus på ordforråd Present yourself and introduce others Nouns Speaking Drawing Muntlig: intervjue hverandre Describe everyday life at school Adjectives Numbers Poster Egenvurdering: I am able to side 35 Work with numbers in English Novel extracts Find and sort nouns verbs and adjectives Song lyrics Læringsstrategier: å sette seg mål for arbeidet med engelskfaget Diary Fire uker 2 Heroes Define different types of heroes Present simple Language Factual texts Skriftlig: dagbok List heroes in real life and literature British and American English Listening Novel extracts Muntlig: rollespill Poem Egenvurdering: Basic Skills. Listening (side 155) Place major cities on a map if Great Britain Past simple Language Play Skriftlig: kort saktekst Explain why Britain is a multicultural society Pronunciation Reading Poem Muntlig: mini-talk Speaking E-mail Hverandre-vurdering: mini-talk eller kort saktekst Use adjectives to describe heroes List some differences between British and American English Find and use verbs in the present simple Seks uker 3 Britain Describe typical British food and drink Identify and use verbs in the past simple Factual texts Improve pronunciation of difficult sounds Map Collage Novel extracts ©Gyldendal Norsk Forlag Tid Kapittel Læringsmål Språkrammer Basic Skills Teksttyper Forslag til vurdering Fem uker 4 Action Describe and compare different sports and games Nouns Language Film script Skriftlig: blogg Write instructions for sports and equipment Adverbs Writing Blog Muntlig: mini-talk Speaking Collage Egenvurdering: Basic Skills. Speaking (side 149) Write a blog post Explain how to make the plural of nouns Screenplay Improve sentences using adverbs. Game Factual texts Novel extracts Seks uker 5 Disasters List examples of disasters Contractions Language Using adjectives to compare Writing Eyewitness account Skriftlig: eyewitness account Explain the difference between natural and everyday disasters Speaking Diary Hverandre-vurdering: Eyewitness account Write a short factual text about a natural disaster Factual texts Compare and contrast using adjectives Novel extracts Muntlig: mini-talk Explain when to use contractions Seks uker Seks uker 6 Science 7 India Explain how some inventions work Language Drawing Skriftlig: skrive instruksjoner Describe illnesses and symptoms Imperative of verbs Writing Dialogue Muntlig: presentere statistikk Read graphs and statistics Numbers Poster Identify reliable Internet sources Digital Skills Factual texts Egenvurdering: Basic Skills. Writing (side 125) Write e-mails and letters using formal language Graphs Identify and use verbs in the imperative form Novel extracts Write and present facts about Indian history and culture Concord Language Factual texts Skriftlig: saktekst Writing Novel extracts Muntlig: mini-talk Explain the link between India and Britain Speaking Graphic novel Hverandre-vurdering: mini-talk Identify keywords in a text Listening Myth Write a variety of questions Use verbs in the present simple correctly ©Gyldendal Norsk Forlag Newspaper article