class 4 & 5 trip to Truro Cathedral and Museum

Goonhavern Primary School
Goonhavern Truro TR4 9QD
Tel: 01872 573311
Wednesday 12th November 2014
Dear Parent/Carers,
We are taking Classes 4 and 5 on an educational visit to Truro Cathedral and Truro Museum
on Tuesday 18th November 2014.
We will be leaving Goonhavern at 9.15 a.m. by coach. Class 5 will visit the museum in the
morning to attend a ‘Ancient Greeks’ workshop. After lunch, they will visit Truro Cathedral for
a tour. Class 4 will visit Truro Catherdral in the morning and after lunch, they will visit the
museum to attend a ‘Ancient Rome’ workshop. Please can children wear school uniform,
including a warm coat. They will also need to bring a packed lunch and drink (no fizzy drinks or
glass bottles). No pocket money will be required. We will be leaving Truro at 2.30 p.m. and
arrive back at school by 3.15 p.m.
Unfortunately it will not be possible to make this visit unless parents are willing to meet part of
the cost of the trip on a voluntary basis. FROGS are very kindly subsidising this trip by
donating £2.50 per child, however, in addition, I ask you to make a voluntary payment of £6.50
to cover the cost of transport, tour of the Cathedral and entry in the Museum including a
This note is written in such a way as to comply with the Education Reform Act of 1988 which
permits the school to request only a voluntary payment for a visit that takes place wholly or
mainly within school hours. Parents who face difficulty in meeting the cost are asked to
contact either ourselves or Mr Hayes personally at the school.
With many thanks,
Miss S Gurney and Miss S Batchelor
Class 4 and Class 5 Teachers
Please return this slip along with payment to school by Friday 14th November 2014.
Name of pupil................................................................…….
I am * willing/not willing for my child to visit Truro Cathedral and Truro Museum on Tuesday
18th November. (*Please delete as appropriate)
I am *willing/not willing to make in advance a voluntary contribution of £6.50 towards the cost
of the trip. (*Please delete as appropriate)
Signed: Parent/Guardian .............................................................
Date ……………………..