Food for All Campaign
Liturgy Resources during the weeks of the Bread of Life discourse
The Archdiocese of Cincinnati is sponsoring the “Food for All Campaign” as a faith in action gift for Pope Francis’ arrival in the United States.
It is providential that the Campaign is taking place during these summer months when the Bread of Life discourse from John’s Gospel is proclaimed on Sundays in
Ordinary Time from late July through mid-August.
These Bread of Life Sundays, in conjunction with the “Food for All Campaign,” provide us with an opportune time to reflect with our assemblies on the relationship between Eucharist and mission.
Not only are we nourished with holy food, Jesus’ Body and Blood, we are called to respond to this gift by being bread for others, by giving of ourselves and our material resources for the life of the world.
The Eucharist always sends us forth into the world to be “missionary disciples.”
May we take this opportunity to make connections between liturgy and life for our faithful.
Following are some liturgical texts that parishes may want to use (or adapt)
for the liturgies of these five “Bread of Life” Sundays, especially as we participate in the “Food for All Campaign.”
Provided by the Worship Office, Archdiocese of Cincinnati
Some texts are inspired by Living Liturgy for Sundays and Solemnities,
Joyce Ann Zimmerman, C.PP.S., Kathleen Harmon, S.N.D. de N., Rev. John Tonkin
© Liturgical Press, 2015.
Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
July 26, 2015
For the next several weeks we will hear the “Bread of Life” discourse found in chapter 6 of John’s Gospel. We are reminded in today’s Gospel that Jesus came to show us the abundance of God’s goodness by providing food for the multitudes so that we will never hunger. In response to God’s goodness, we are called to do as Jesus did, to provide food for the hungry and to advocate for the poor in our midst.
Penitential Act:
As we are fed on Word and Sacrament, let us be mindful of the times we have not recognized the abundance of God’s gifts or been willing to share with those in need; therefore, let us acknowledge our sins and so prepare ourselves to celebrate the sacred mysteries.
Lord Jesus, you reveal God’s goodness to us: Lord, have mercy.
Lord Jesus, you provide for all our needs: Christ, have mercy.
Lord Jesus, you are priest, prophet, and king: Lord, have mercy.
Universal Prayer:
God provides for all our needs with great abundance. Let us pray for the needs of our world.
The following intercession may be added to the other intercessions.
That our parish community be a sign and witness of God’s abundant goodness as we share our many blessings through the “Food for All Campaign.“ We pray to the Lord.
Presider: Good and gracious God, you provide for our every need and feed us with the Bread of Life. Fill our hearts with gratitude and help us to generously share our many gifts with those who hunger. We ask this through Christ our Lord.
Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
August 2, 2015
Jesus came to be for us “bread from heaven,” bread that does not perish, but endures forever. This bread from heaven is God’s gift to us and gives life to the world. As we partake in the gift of the Eucharist, Christ’s Body and Blood, we become what we eat, bread for others. As we listen to the Good News today, we might reflect on this question: Am I willing to share the eternal bread God has given me and become for others the bread of life?
Penitential Act: For the times we have grumbled against God and failed to respond in gratitude, let us acknowledge our sins and so prepare ourselves to celebrate the sacred mysteries.
Lord Jesus, you are the true Bread from heaven: Lord, have mercy.
Lord Jesus, you are the One who satisfies all our needs: Christ, have mercy.
Lord Jesus, you call us to be Bread for others: Lord, have mercy.
Universal Prayer:
Jesus became “bread from heaven” for the life of the world. Recognizing the many needs of our world, let us pray.
The following intercession may be added to the other intercessions.
For our Eucharistic communities: that we open our eyes to the needs of all who hunger and advocate for those who lack food, clothing, shelter, and meaningful employment. We pray to the Lord.
Lord God, we are filled with gratitude for the heavenly food you send to us each and every day. Stir our hearts with compassion for the poor and strengthen our resolve to become what we eat as we share in the Eucharistic banquet. We ask this through Christ our Lord.
Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
August 9, 2015
Jesus is “the living bread that came down from heaven.” Sometimes we take these words for granted, and we don’t always reflect on what it means for us to receive the living bread from heaven. To receive the gift of the Eucharist means that we must respond to this gift in gratitude. Our response of gratitude is not only words of thanksgiving, but includes our service and care for others conscious that we have been fed with the Bread of Life and desire to share that same bread with others.
Penitential Act:
Unfortunately, we do not always respond in gratitude through lives lived in love. Therefore, let us acknowledge our sins and so prepare ourselves to celebrate the sacred mysteries.
Lord Jesus, you are Bread come down from heaven: Lord, have mercy.
Lord Jesus, you give food to the hungry: Christ, have mercy.
Lord Jesus, you show us the way to eternal life: Lord, have mercy.
Universal Prayer:
God blesses our lives with living bread from heaven. Trusting that he provides for all our needs, we pray:
The following intercession may be added to the other intercessions.
For our parish community: that we might always respond to the gift of Christ’s Body and Blood with lives of generosity, service, and advocacy for those who live in poverty and need. We pray to the Lord.
Lord God, you provide food for those who hunger and thirst for you. May the Bread of Life sustain us in the work of the Gospel and inspire us to live as true disciples of Jesus. We ask this through Christ our Lord.
Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
August 16, 2015
Jesus gave himself as food and drink that we might have eternal life, and he tells us that unless we eat and drink of his Body and Blood we will not have a share in the heavenly kingdom. Participating in the mystery of the Eucharist includes sharing in the self-giving of Jesus Christ. In other words, as Jesus gives his life for the world, so must we. It is this generous spirit, this selfless love that offers the world hope for something much better.
Penitential Act:
As we enter into this sacred celebration, we recognize that we are often more selfish than self-giving. Therefore, let us acknowledge our sins and so prepare ourselves to celebrate the sacred mysteries.
Lord Jesus, you are eternal gift of the Father: Lord, have mercy.
Lord Jesus, you became bread for the hungry: Christ, have mercy.
Lord Jesus, you show us the way to eternal life: Lord, have mercy.
Universal Prayer:
God sent his Son to nourish us with living bread from heaven. With great confidence in God’s providential love, we pray for the needs of the world:
The following intercession may be added to the other intercessions.
For a greater spirit of self-giving and for a willingness to reach out to those in need of the love and hope of Christ. We pray to the Lord.
God of compassion, pierce our hearts with the love of your Son so that we, too, might be willing to surrender ourselves to the self-giving love that he gave to us. May we share the love of Christ to all whom we meet for the life of the world.
Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time
August 23, 2015
For the past several weeks we have listened to the Bread of Life discourse from John’s Gospel. Today is the conclusion of Jesus’ discourse, and like the disciples, we must choose between following him or returning to a former way of life. Choosing to follow Christ is to choose a life of self-giving, a life of generosity, a life of advocating for those most in need, those left on the margins of society. The
Spirit strengthens us and propels us to a life lived in love.
Penitential Act:
Conscious that we do not always choose to live as Christ in the world, let us acknowledge our sins and so prepare ourselves to celebrate the sacred mysteries.
Lord Jesus, you are the Holy One of God: Lord, have mercy.
Lord Jesus, you are Spirit and life: Christ, have mercy.
Lord Jesus, you lead us to eternal life: Lord, have mercy.
Universal Prayer:
Jesus invites us to follow him by choosing to believe and to live life in the
Spirit. Let us pray for the Church and the world that we may live the call to discipleship.
The following intercession may be added to the other intercessions.
Deacon/Lector: For the Archdiocese of Cincinnati as we continue our “Food for All
Campaign,” may we be a sign and instrument of Christ’s love, generosity, and prophetic advocacy for those who live in poverty and need. We pray to the Lord.
God of all goodness, we know that you hear our prayers. Create in us a selfless spirit and a generous heart so that we might serve those in need of our time, our prophetic advocacy, and material resources. We ask this through Christ our