AP Human Geography Industrialization and Economic Development

AP Human Geography
Industrialization and Economic Development Chapters 9, 11, 14
VI. Industrialization and Economic Development
A. Key concepts in industrialization and development
1. Sectors of the economy
a. Primary activities
b. Geographic distribution of secondary activities
c. Geographic distribution of tertiary activities
2. Global trends with respect to sectors of the economy
a. Trends in MDCs
b. Trends in LDCs
3. Types of economic systems
a. Subsistence vs. commercial
b. Free-market economies
c. Planned economies
d. Mixed economies
B. Growth and diffusion of industrialization
1. The changing roles of energy and technologies
a. Types of energy resources and their implications
b. New technologies and development possibilities
2. Industrial Revolution
a. Origin of the Industrial Revolution
b. Diffusion of industrialization (19th and 20th centuries)
c. Manufacturing regions of the world
d. Connection between industrialization and the demographic transition
3. Evolution of economic cores and peripheries
a. Core/Periphery Model
b. Evolution of development models
c. Global geographic distribution of wealth
d. Regional disparities in wealth
e. Case studies: U.S.A., Europe, and Latin America
4. Geographic critiques of models of economic localization (i.e., land rent, comparative costs of
transportation), industrialization location, economic development, and world systems
a. Land rent theory
b. Comparative costs of transportation
- Ship, rail, truck, & air
- The FedEx story
c. Weber’s Least Cost Theory of Industrial Location
d. Bulk-gaining vs. bulk-reducing industries
e. Site & situational factors
f. Economic development strategies for national, regional, and local economies
g. World Systems Theory, Wallerstein
C. Contemporary patterns of impacts of industrialization and development
1. Spatial organization of the world economy
a. The Human Development Index (HDI)
b. The HDI by country and region
c. North/South split and/or core/periphery
d. Trends in geographic distribution of wealth
e. Millennium development goals
2. Variations in levels of development
a. Regional disparities around the world
b. Variations within regions (Latin America, Europe, & Asia)
c. Variations of development within a country
3. Deindustrialization and economic restructuring
a. The changing geography of the textile and auto industries
b. Maquiladoras and EPZs
c. Tourism and its economic, cultural, and environmental impacts
d. Commodity chains and the Fair Trade movement
e. The information economy?
4. Globalization and international division of labor
a. Outsourcing and the changing geography of jobs
b. The Four Asian Tigers
c. Case studies: The Rise of China and India
5. Natural resources and environmental concerns
a. Non-renewable resources (fossil fuels & minerals)
b. Distribution and usage of non-renewable resources
c. Renewable resources (wind, solar, geothermal, water)
d. Distribution and usage of renewable resources
e. Environmental changes
f. Global Warming
g. Drawbacks of industrialization (air and water pollution etc.)
- New technologies
h. The future for non-renewable and renewable resources
6. Sustainable development
a. Sustainable development as an economic strategy
b. Sustainable development as an environmental strategy
c. The future of sustainable development
d. Case studies: forestry and fisheries
7. Local development initiatives: government policies
a. National development strategies
- International trade approach vs. self-sufficiency
b. Micro loans and the Gramin Bank
c. LDC debt crisis
8. Women and Development
a. Gender Development Index (GDI)
b. Gender National Empowerment Index (GNEI)
c. Gender Empowerment Measurement (GEM)
d. Gender Development in the Developing World
AP Human Geography
Unit VI. Industrialization and Economic Development
Key Terms/Concepts to Know
1. Development (definitions - social vs. economic)
2. Sectors of the economy (primary, secondary, and tertiary)
3. Sectors of the economy (trends and implications)
4. Geographic distribution of the sectors of the economy
5. Global trends with respect to sectors of the economy
6. Categories of wealth ( More Developed Countries (MDCs) vs. Least Developed Countries (LDCs))
7. Types of economic systems (planned, market, and mixed)
8. Subsistence economies
9. The Industrial Revolution (definition, origin, growth, and diffusion)
10. Manufacturing regions of the world
11. Change in the geographic distribution of manufacturing regions within a country and worldwide
12. Connection between industrialization and the Demographic Transition Model (DTM)
13. Industry before the Industrial Revolution (cottage)
14. Fordism
15. Distribution of fossil fuels and the implications
16. New technologies and implications
17. Location and distribution of economic cores and peripheries
18. Core/periphery model
19. Evolution of development schools of thought
20. Regional disparities in wealth (examples and explanations)
21. United States, Europe, and Latin America
22. Alfred Weber and least cost theory
23. Comparative costs of transportation systems
24. Bulk gaining vs. bulk reducing industries (examples and applications)
25. Site factors of industrial location
26. Situational factors of industrial location
27. Development strategies (national, regional, and local)
28. World Systems Theory
29. The Human Development Index
30. Geographic distribution of the Human Development Index (HDI)
31. The north/south split
32. Core/periphery to development
33. Changes in the geographic distribution of wealth
34. Growth poles
35. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) vs. GDP per capita
36. Variations of wealth within regions
37. Rostow’s model
38. Changing geography of jobs (textiles & automobiles)
39. Just-in-time manufacturing
40. Maquiladoras
41. Export-Processing Zones (EPZs)
42. Rise of China
43. Japan as a role model for development
44. Outsourcing (examples and reasons)
45. Rise of tourism as a development strategy
46. Industrial pollution issues (air & water pollution)
47. Global warming
48. Acid rain
49. Sustainable development
50. Debt crisis
51. Regional trading blocs (North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), European Union (EU))
52. International trade approach
53. Self sufficiency model
54. Globalization and trade
55. Globalization’s impact on local economies
56. Fair trade movement
57. Micro-lending (Gramin Bank)
58. Gender Development Index (GDI)
59. Non-governmental organizations’ (NGOs) impact on development issues
60. The informal economy
61. United Nations (UN) Millennium Development Goals
62. Commodity chains
63. Gender Empowerment Index (GEM)