IDEA vs. ADA in braille

Differences between K-12 Education and College
K-12 means the years in school from kindergarten through the end of high school. K-12 students
with an IEP receive services according to the provisions of the 2004 Individuals with Disabilities
Education Act (IDEA). College students with exceptional needs do not have an IEP. They can
receive accommodations through the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
IDEA K-12: Success more of a right
College and ADA: No guarantee. Student responsible for own success
IDEA K-12: District identifies disability
College and ADA: Student provides documentation of disability and need for
IDEA K-12: Free evaluation of disability
College and ADA: Student's responsibility
IDEA K-12: District develops Individual Education Plan (IEP)
College and ADA: Student identifies accommodation needs
IDEA K-12: Entitled to services identified on IEP
College and ADA: College services not automatic; each college decides eligibility
and services
IDEA K-12: District ensures that the IEP is implemented
College and ADA: Student responsible for own progress
IDEA K-12: Teacher advocate
College and ADA: Student advocates for self
IDEA K-12: Fundamental alterations to program of study permitted as identified on
College and ADA: None allowed: Accommodation may not alter fundamental nature
of course or impose an undue burden on an institution
IDEA K-12: Personal services: e.g., transportation, personal attendant, nurse
College and ADA: None provided