Prestructural Indicators: water quality, levels of salinity soil quality

Indicators: water quality, levels of salinity soil quality, levels of biodiversity (genetic diversity, species
diversity, and ecosystems diversity), number of introduced species, and levels of endangered species
Biodiversity: refers to the variety of life and the interrelationships within natural environments.
Biodiversity contributes to the sustainability and resilience of eco systems and is essential for the
survival of living entities.
Water quality: to determine how healthy the water is you can assess how clear and clean it is, the
cleaner and clearer it is generally determines the healthier it is. Also if there a lot of organisms living
in there it determine that it is healthy water.
Level of salinity: unhealthy levels of salinity can be seen where there are great amounts of salt
tolerant organisms such as pig face, healthy salinity levels are usually shown by small amounts of salt
tolerant flora or none at all.
Soil quality: is generally seen as healthy by great amounts of luscious flora is growth vigorously in an
area. When oil quality is unhealthy it is shown by the unhealthy plant growth caused by the lack of
nutrients being consumed and obtained.
Genetic diversity: the lowest genetic diversity would occur within a group of cloned individuals. A
naturally occurring population is more likely to have a larger genetic diversity.
Species diversity: species richness describes the number of species that exists in a particular
environment. Species abundance describes the relative numbers of individuals among different
species in a particular environment.
Ecosystem diversity: refers to the variety of habitats, communities and ecological processes that
exist in a natural environment. This occurs over larger natural environments-places we would
probably call a wilderness area.
Introduced species: low to no introduced species generally indicates a healthy environment and
native species are normally thriving with no threat from predation.
To test the water quality
at Wilson’s prom you can
see if it’s clear and clean
and has living organisms in
it, as it doesn’t, which
means the water is
Soil quality
Parts of Wilsons prom has salt
present but because of the sea,
and the parts where there is no
se there is no salt present which
indicates a healthy
There is a variety of life
living at Wilsons prom
which contributes to the
sustainability which
indicates a healthy
At Wilsons it’s covered by tall
healthy tree’s, however there
is a lot of native vegetation
cover that allows the
environment to stay healthy.
There are very few evident
species and many native species
which indicates a healthy
environment throughout
Wilsons prom
Extended abstract
If a flood and fire was to come through Wilsons prom, the water quality would become unhealthy it
wouldn’t be clean and clear anymore. This would be due to the water running through from the
floods and having mud, sticks and broken branches along with it which would impact the water
quality to become unhealthy. Fires going through Wilson’s prom would impact the soil quality as the
soil would become dry and wouldn’t be able to grow anything within it. There would be a huge loss
of native animals and for a due to the damage fire can create. The sustainability and variety of life
would decrease because of the harshness of the fire.