Goshen Elementary PTO Meeting Tuesday, May 11, 2015 Meeting Minutes President Emily Klingensmith called the meeting to order at 7:00. Welcome. Introduction of our new principal, Mary Miller. Thank you to the Goshen PTO. As a Goshen parent and district employee, she personally appreciates everything the PTO and staff do to support the students. Dr. Wells and the teachers work collectively with the PTO. Students benefit from our programs and events. She firmly believes in working collaboratively and communicating, and she hopes we continue the success the school has established. Looking forward to the challenge. There is a great administrative team to support her. Her door is always open. Call, email or stop by the office. We will review the minutes from the March meeting. Raise your hand if you’ve had a chance to look at it. Maria moves to approve. Nekisha seconds. All in favor say I. Minutes approved. If something comes up, let us know. Principal’s Report Five more principals for the day. Total is twelve from AR. Two from fall fest. Total 14. The kids had a great time. Great way to celebrate AR accomplishments. Wifi solid estimate to install in all classrooms for 15-16 school year will be right about 20k. As a district, making an effort to get in all elementary buildings. $10,000 from Cardinals game can be allocated toward wifi. Teacher Appreciation Week. Thanks to everyone who has brought in treats. It helped make everyone feel fantastic. Triathlon 19th. Ocean Olympics 21st. No school 25th. Last day of school 27th. Teacher’s institute 28th. Teachers still in building in case you forgot anything. In office until June 4th. Closes until July. Practice for Cardinals event two nights. 14th and 16th of July from 6-730. Kids practiced today and did a great job. Each year goes a little more smoothly. T-shirts will be in this week. Most tickets are here. We sold 817. Ordered 700. Great sale. Phenomenal support on that. Ordered two mediums and two larges in child sizes. July 23rd elementary registration. Office open everyday 8-430. Will send out emails and do Facebook reminders. 27th Cardinal game. As we wrap up school year, want to thank exec board, volunteers, committee chairs. There is no other PTO that can compare and do what you do with no drama. Everything we ask for as a teaching staff is on it. Everyone is here for the right reasons. Parents are excited to get involved because of you. Have enjoyed every moment being here for the last 7 years and especially this last year. We think about how happy the kids are. They have everything they could possibly want. Next step was to introduce Mary. She has been in the office once a week the last couple of weeks. At meetings, she has been meeting parents and staff. She is excited to be part of this school and family. What time does triathlon start this year? Triathlon 1-120 starts. Off track by 315. Not doing fruit this year. Just Gatorade. Trying to streamline this year. Medals are here. Not doing t-shirts. Kids wear Gatorwear. Need a few volunteers to help with getting water and Gatorade out. Emily will work on this. Sign up for that. Staff appreciation. Kristi Hancock. Regular spring one is next Tuesday. If you want to donate, we can do tonight. Kristi asked about Teacher Appreciation Week. Did Extra gum and water bottles and breakfast one morning. Went above and beyond. Treasurer’s Report Emily. One sheet front and back. Back is report put together so we can talk about Tara’s request for wifi. Budget report is income vs. expense. So you can’t really see profits. You can see that here. We haven’t gotten our check yet from Texas Roadhouse. $400. What Julia wanted us to do was to look at 6.12 for tech fund. Inflated because we had not paid for listening centers. $4500 could be put toward wifi. Julia’s proposal was to take $1400 from fall fest and $4000 from Get Up and Goshen which would bring the total to $10000 from PTO for wifi. Spending what we have from technology and using those other overages. Emily makes motion to use to support Goshen in wifi package. Installing over the summer. Goal is to have it live in fall. Maria seconded. Does anyone have any questions about the budget in general? Also, checks for Leslye, Debi and Kristi. Committee Reports Need to really push to get volunteers for internal programs going on during the week. Accelerated Reader Leslye. AR was great this year. Ms. V’s class has a student with the highest amount of points I’ve ever seen. Leslye does the whole program. We hope and pray Leslye will do this again next year. A Kindergarten parent would be awesome, too. Assemblies Reptile Experience was our last assembly of the year. It went great. The kids loved it and were able to touch snakes, alligators and a tarantula. It was a lot of fun. Box Tops One last submission. Jami Mayhew is going to do next year. Debi is keeping Labels for Education. Charitable Giving April 21st was Culver’s Night. Did not do staff sign up until day before. It went well. Texas Roadhouse was fun as well. Don’t want to kill these dine and donate nights. Decorating Committee Chrisann and Kermit did a great job. Foreign Language Committee Julia will do again if no one else steps up. Media Center /Spring Book Fair Over $6500 in Scholastic dollars. $2500 for Scholastic News. Can’t get a lot of hardbound books for library from them. Any suggestions about what teachers want? Tara wants to see catalog. Leave in workroom or lounge with suggestion list. School starts August 17th. Have us down to meet the following week. Back to school night or grandparents breakfast might work better. If you still want to do a night in addition to the day, just not night before grandparents. September 11th is grandparents day. Bogo fair first week of April. Can only do in April or May. Media Center’s last week was last week. Organizing shelves this week. Tress may be interested for next year. Rewards Program Nothing to report. Spirit Day Tress Kurzym. Got her Snapper and Snapper’s helper. Everything’s good. This Friday is the last Spirit Day. FitGo kids from Liberty can get service hours. They may be interested in helping out. Tress is doing again next year. Staff Appreciation Next Tuesday. Julia did say she needs some help setting up and tearing down. A fun, special event. Drawing with prizes. Webmaster Nothing to report. Yearbook Yearbook is good. Bindhu doing again next year. Old business Leslye …water fountain update. Talked to PTO president in STL. School is K5. No maintenance or repair this year with it. Also researched on internet. Water companies have sponsored buying these for some of the schools. Does district have regulations about things like that. Some ADA compliant. Some are not. Options to submit to maintenance department to look at and see which ones they would recommend. Also have kind you can mount outside. Refillable bottles versus plastic bottles. Kids drink more water, less germ swapping. We could put proposal together for Dr. Wells and Ms. Miller to take to the District. $1200-$2600 or tamper resistant $2100-$3200. Just one for now. In main hallway. If we looked at outside resources to pay, we may be able to ask for every school. But, we have different water suppliers throughout the district. HS has some type of group that may fit with mission well. Could also go into Fall budget proposal. New business Election of officers. Nominees stand. President Maria Maxwell, VP Nekisha Omotola, Secretary Emily Klingensmith, Treasurer Liddy Lafikes. Do not need written ballot if only one candidate for office. Vote entire slate in interest of time. Takes a quarter of us here who are already on slate for quorom. Move to accept from Emily. Seconded by Leslye. PTO Volunteer Form Need to talk about committee chairs. Updated PTO volunteer form. AR. Leslye may need a helper. Get Up and Goshen, Ashley Thompson and Tracy Baird. Liddy will be treasurer. Done it before. Kindergarten Orientation August 11th. Might want to have a table. 4:30 and 6:30. Bldg walk through August 13th.. For everyone, teachers are not here. Opportunities to recruit parents. Need to step up our game to get volunteers we need. Some people are intimidated or think they can only volunteer in the classroom. AR fun way to get to know every classroom teacher. Media center too. Get to know kids, books and staff. Is Sign Up Genius database updated? Yes. 209 emails go out every time we are having a meeting. Might want to invest in Constant Contact to see who has opened emails. Free up to certain number of emails that go out. Maybe utilize Goshen Facebook page for PTO. Can put sign up genius link on Facebook page. Or dividing message by working and non working parents. Need to find decorators. In attendance: Tara Wells, Emily Klingensmith, Maria Maxwell, Liddy Lafikes, Debi Hill, Nekisha Omotola, Taran McKey, Leslye Norsworthy, Ashley Deets, Judy Blaskie, Krista Rudd, Mrs. Riddle, Mrs. Michel, Mrs. Marsh, Ms. Miller, Ms. V, Kristi Hancock