FUTURE BUSINESS LEADERS OF AMERICA BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING September 11, 2012 Call to Order The regular meeting of the Colorado FBLA Board of Directors was called to order at 9:07 a.m. on Tuesday, September 11, 2012 by Board Chair Jennifer Flummerfelt at the Conference Center at the Lowry Campus. Secretary: Mrs. Lindbloom will continue to be the Board Secretary. Role Call: Mrs. Jennifer Flummerfelt, District One and Board Chair; Mr. Jerry Clayton , District Two; Mrs. Sue Terrell, District Three; Mrs. Jeanett Lambrecht, District Four; Mrs. Janna Robinett, District Five; Mrs. Karen Kelling, District Six; Mrs. Linda Malers, District Seven; Mrs. Sharon Adams, District Eight and State Officer Team Adviser; Mrs. Nancy Lindbloom, District Nine and Board Secretary; Mr. Marv Lewis, District Ten; Ms. Jacqui Geiselman, State FBLA-PBL Adviser; Ms. Randi Sims, State Officer Team Adviser, Ms. Aish Narang, FBLA President; Ms. Katie Clark, PBL President. Agenda: Add to agenda: Jasper Peters from the Microsoft Store will visit with the board at 11:00 today. It was moved by Mrs. Terrell, seconded by Mr. Clayton, to approve the agenda as presented. Minutes: Mrs. Lindbloom submitted minutes from the previous Board Meeting. It was moved by Mrs. Adams and seconded by Mrs. Terrell to approve the minutes as presented. Reports State President—Aish Narang reported that the officer team is working to prepare for the Denver NFLC getting restaurant coupons, and other items for the adviser gift bags. Aish met with the DECA president and Jacqui and Randi to develop their roles; visited Vista Peak HS, a new FBLA chapter; several state officers have visited other schools. CTSO training went very well; District 9 VP moved so Mrs. Lindbloom will put on conference; Aish will attend the District 9 Conference. State PBL President—Katie Clark reported that they are focusing on bridging the gap between FBLA and PBL, focusing on high school seniors; PBL officers will be at CFLCs. Katie attends DU and is part of a “virtual chapter” option. She is working to start a chapter at DU; needs 10 members and an adviser. She reported that there were 3 new PBL chapters last year: Community College of Aurora, DeVry, and UNC. She will send out PBL contact information. State Officer Team Advisers: Mrs. Adams reported that there were a few challenges with CTSO because of personal and family issues for some of the officers including fires, death in family, and an officer was in the Aurora movie theatre. In spite of this, CTSO was very successful. The officer team clicked and worked well. Deb was honored at CTSO. SLC was a positive experience for all who attended; Whitney did a great job as a national Vice President. The Officers will be working at the NFLC presenting workshop introductions and assembling gift bags. Randi Sims reported that Jared completed the Colorado FBLA Annual Business Report which can be used as a great marketing tool. The report will be posted on the web site and Jared will email it out for us to forward to all Districts. Newer teacher mentor program currently has10 advisers participating and it could grow to 13. On Web page new section for new advisers, fall web quest updated with an adviser key that is password protected. Other activities included attending Jeffco CTSO meeting for installation; Program of Work update; letters drafted by state officer team to welcome new advisers; creating a Middle Level info packet; gathering sponsorship info, and getting leads for exhibitors at NFLC. Jerry suggested that some of our correspondence should be in Spanish as well including the Medical Release and Code of Conduct. He offered to look into the use of the DPS translator. State Officer Adviser Report: Ms. Geiselman visited National HQ in Virginia and received training from the National team and met Jean Buckley. She is very excited for CFLC; Tri Leadership will be running this again; tracks will be adjusted so we have new information from last year, focusing on social media and etiquette. NFLC looks to be a great conference and is projected to be the most popular with a wide variety of workshops and exhibitors including a student enterprise workshop from Monarch High School. She is looking for items for Advisers goodie bag, need about 200 of each. She will be presenting at CMEA this weekend and encouraged all to attend the Oct. 5-6 CBE conference in Pueblo. Registration and program are currently available online. She reported that Whitney represented Colorado and Mtn. Plains very professionally at the NLC. We had 8 members complete the final BAA level (4 of them did all levels in one year). Jacqui discussed the need to raise dues which was suggested that we revisit last year—Colorado is one of the higher dues state; needs to be a vote at state. We’ll look at this at our March board meeting after CFLC numbers are in. Laurie Urich, Business and Marketing Program Manager Ms. Urich provided pdates on: Menotoring program—12 present, 15-20 enrolled in 4th year; offer the opportunity to any new teachers. MBA Research for High School of Business—5 start up $2500 grants, see Laurie for more info; Conclave in Denver very successful; this summer it will be held in Rhode Island. State Connection—please create a login and password; it is on the web site mbaresearch.org; gives you direct clearance for getting into the MBA Research web site with a course guide “Business and Marketing Essentials” great for intro classes. May take a couple days to be approved. Laurie will add two more and is considering Principles of Marketing and Principles of Management. Laurie will develop a plan of study, even though we are a locally controlled state. These course guides will be aligned to our standards. Teacher Effectiveness Content Collaborative meetings began this summer; reviewing assessments from around the country. If you have any to submit for review, please send to Laurie. Working to develop a test bank of assessments for Business and Marketing. A guide will then be provided for you to determine if you wish to use these. Continuing with Professional Development Credit, on CCCS web site. 5 credits available. $55 per credit through CSU. On October 12, at Red Rocks Community College, Business and Marketing Content Team meeting will be held; consists of secondary and post-secondary; help develop mission and vision. If you would like to join that content team, let Laurie know; 2 meetings per year usually. CBE at CSU Pueblo, October 5-6; putting together a workshop of best practices for Saturday. Would like to put together something on FBLA. Looking for new CBE Board Members. Standards Web Site –email coming on how to use it easily; CTSO now aligned with standards. One of the few states in the country with CTSO aligned with standards. Helps reinforce that we are co-curricular. Middle Level—we have 10 approved programs right now; look at this opportunity on the web site. Microsoft Teacher Tech opportunities starting in October Treasurer’s Report: Checking balance: $75,378.57 Savings balance: $51,147.80 Total balance: $226,526.37 CD Balance: $100,000 Guest: Jasper Peters, Community Development Manager from the Microsoft Store in Park Meadows Mall. Mr. Peters introduced several opportunities for teachers and students to team with the Microsoft Store including an ongoing program, Teacher Tech Night, starting in October (free or almost free opportunities for teachers). Biggest ongoing opportunity for students at the store –MS Office competency, junior professional development and job shadow opportunities, inspiring connections with employees; can send a list of opportunities for people who are far away, including summer camps, job shadow opportunities, game masters night to learn the basics of code design to apply to the classroom; movie maker night upcoming; can host up to 35 students (25 is prime) to visit their facilities, 90 minutes to 3 hours. Old Business Redistricting was discussed. Following discussion, Mrs. Malers moved that because of the unique situation of having an executive state officer, Wheat Ridge will be given the option of choosing to remain in their current district or moving districts. Mrs. Lambrecht seconded; the motion passed. This will be discussed and decided at State Officer meeting tomorrow. Jacqui is working with schools who have FBLA chapters that are not active. Reviewed the requirements for a chapter to be considered a state and nationally affiliated chapter. State Officers are working with chapters who have no active members to assist them in increasing their activity and membership. Middle Level: There is a middle level program approval now available on the web site. Perkins funding is available; they do have to be business or marketing endorsed programs. We had 18 Middle Level registered students last year. These students may attend the CFLC and be in the new member track. BAA’s: Requirements have been updated on the national web site. Last year Colorado BAA accomplishments: Future, 27; Business 39; Leader, 37; America, 8, for a total of 211 recognized from Colorado. This is a great opportunity for our kids to be recognized for their accomplishments and is a goal for Colorado FBLA this year. Video posted on Colorado facebook page regarding BAA’s. Every month something new will be posted. Competitive Events The only changes this year—Digital Design can be 1, 2, or 3 team members. Digital Video Production: there has been a change to the presentation portion of the event regarding the length of video being shown. Jacqui will call Nationals for clarification on this. Peak Awards: Add to officer visit verification form that an option is a virtual visit (Skype, face time, google hangout). Preferred visit is in person, but this could be a last resort option. Aish will encourage the district vp’s to have a Skype virtual meeting with all district presidents this year. NEW BUSINESS Bronco Invite—will not be held this year because the NFLC will be in Denver. Many advisers have requested these practice meets be held; perhaps they can be held online. September Sweeps—National Project: This is a national membership drive; posted on the FBLA website as an event to encourage membership. An activities tracking form is available online. 2013 NFLC—Nationals has requested that we provide10 advisers to help with workshop presentations and dance supervision. Jacqui will send out a request for help from schools attending. State Officers will be introducing presenters. Working on getting Avs game for Saturday night; profit will go to benefit March of Dimes. Sept. 24 group sales will announce price; $3goes towards March of Dimes. 2013 District Leadership Conferences The following dates have been set for District Conferences: District 1, February 6 District 2, February 19 District 3, February 6 District 4, February 7 District 5, February 8 District 6, February 13 District 7, February 5 District 8, February 5 District 9, February 4 District 10, February 1 Web Site Jacqui is working to include an interactive calendar on the web site that she will have control over and can update as needed. More details will be coming soon. 2013 State Leadership Conference 2013 and 2014 looks like will conflict with ACT again this year. Jacqui is working to contact ACT and see if there is any flexibility in their scheduling and she understands the concerns that school administrators have with this. She is currently looking for keynote speakers and workshop presenters. Chapter Management Handbook—is on web site under Advisers Corner. Please proofread and let her know if there are any changes necessary. Peak Awards will be updated. Online Registration—Mrs. Flummerfelt is going to work with the online registration page designers to revise the design of the Colorado online registration. Jacqui will ask for top 2 concerns. Mentoring—Jacqui may be directing the new advisers to the board members for FBLA specific concerns. Integrating FBLA into the Classroom—Jacqui reminded the advisers to work BAA’s into classroom activities, and to remember that FBLA is co-curricular, not extra-curricular. Membership—2011-2012 final numbers: FBLA: 195 chapters, 6,509 members (including middle level), 199 professional members PBL: 12 chapters, 202 members, professional members State Conference Committees: Seminars/Workshops: Board members may be asked to help find workshop presenters. Judges/Tabulations: Joanne Dawe has done this in the past; Jacqui will contact her to see if she is Exhibitors: Randi will organize the exhibitors again this year Dance: DJ is set; Security and advisers will supervise dance; jeans and t-shirts ok; no hats, no shorts, no short skirts. Randi will again create an exhibitor’s scavenger hunt with prizes given away at the dance Nuggets and Av’s Night—Avs night at NFLC will be scheduled. A Nuggets night will be scheduled later in the year. Sponsorships—forms are available on the web site; please encourage students to apply. Membership—Jacqui will keep us up to date on any new chapters. If an approved business program is discontinued, the chapter can exist only one more year; no new members allowed that year. ByLaws—Dues increase will be reviewed by the board in March and determined if need to be added as a bylaw change for this year. Correspondence: Colorado FBLA Relief Fund Request: NLC refund request for student who paid for Nationals and then became ill and was diagnosed with leukemia. She is requesting funds from FBLA Colorado Relief Fund to be reimbursed for travel costs. The student is seeking refund from Smith World Travel, United Airlines, and National FBLA. It was agreed that reimbursement would not be an option, but assistance could be provided. Jacqui will check the balance for the Relief Fund account and will ask if this money will be going to the family or the FBLA chapter. Mr. Lewis suggested that the State Officer team put together a mission statement and application process. Aish will take this to the State Officer team tomorrow. For this and future cases, it was decided that policies and an application process will be established by the state officer team. The Board will then evaluate each situation on a case by case basis. Aish and the officer team will have this completed by September 21. Bylaws state that reimbursement can not be given, but financial assistance can be granted from the Relief Fund. Calendar: March 6, Board Meeting, tentative location New Foundations building March 20, Skill Grading, Presidents Room, Bldg. 959 May 7, Board Meeting, Room 104, bldg. 697 May 8, New State Officer meeting, Room 100C, bldg. 697 *Jacqui will look into alternative locations for meetings that will be free of charge, such as the Daniels Fund building and Johnson and Wales. Adjourn It was moved by Linda Malers and seconded by Marv Lewis to adjourn the meeting at 1:30 pm. Respectfully submitted, Nancy Lindbloom Nancy Lindbloom, Secretary