
EI Fundamentals Module 3 Webinar Outline and Homework
Demonstrations of six functions in TEISS, including starting a new TEISS project, which is the homework
for this module.
This folder contains 2 files, including this one.
This file: EIF-3-ReadMeFirst_and_HW.doc
A “Notes” file (EIF-3-Notes_TEISSIntroduction.doc), containing the narrative and screenshots for
the six demonstrations
The homework for this module is to start a new TEISS project and email a screen capture of the map
to your instructors.
Module 3 videos are all demonstrations in TEISS, and can be found in the Emissions InventoriesFundamentals playlist at:
There are 6 videos from this module, so that each TEISS function is demonstrated separately, and
EI-Fundamentals-3A: Opening an Existing TEISS Project
Demonstration of how to open an existing TEISS project. This is the 1st video in Module 3 of Emissions
Inventories-Fundamentals, presented by the Tribal Air Monitoring Support Center.
EI-Fundamentals-3B: TEISS Point Sources
Demonstration of viewing information about point sources in a TEISS project. This is the 2nd video in
Module 3 of the Tribal Air Monitoring Support Center's online workshop Emissions InventoriesFundamentals.
EI-Fundamentals-3C: TEISS Data Input View
Demonstration of where the data is in TEISS, and how the Data Input View functions. This is the 3rd
video in Module 3 of the Emissions Inventory-Fundamentals workshops, presented by the Tribal Air
Monitoring Support Center.
EI-Fundamentals-3D: Point Sources in TEISS Reports
A brief introduction to TEISS reports, demonstrating how reports for point sources can be generated
using the Emission by Facility report. This is the 4th video in Module 3 in Module 3 of the Emissions
Inventory-Fundamentals workshops, presented by the Tribal Air Monitoring Support Center.
EI-Fundamentals-3E: Non-Point Sources in TEISS Reports
Demonstration of TEISS reports for emissions from residential heating (including wood stoves), which is
a non-point source. Included in this video is an introduction to SCC codes. This is the 5th video in
Module 3 of the Tribal Air Monitoring Support Center's online workshop Emissions InventoriesFundamentals.
EI-Fundamentals-3F: Starting a New TEISS Project
Demonstration of how to begin a new TEISS project and track filenames and folders for your project.
This video is available if you find it helpful to follow along with a video as you start your TEISS project for
your EI. This is the 6th video in Module 3 of the Emissions Inventory-Fundamentals workshops,
presented by the Tribal Air Monitoring Support Center.