Seasonal Poem Throughout the poetry unit, you will be applying


Seasonal Poem

Throughout the poetry unit, you will be applying your knowledge of the poetic devices we learn about in class, as well as your own creativity, to create three of your own poems. Each poem will be worth 20 points.

Poem 1 Requirements: Seasonal Poem

Choose one season

12-18 line poem about that season

2 examples of alliteration

1 example of onomatopoeia

At least 2 sensory images

Must be coherent and unified

Poem must be typed out or printed neatly (you may be creative with the presentation of the poem)

STEP ONE: Once you have picked your season, brainstorm what comes to mind when you think about the seasons. Think about the sensory images associated with each one (actions, adjectives, feelings, colors, weather, etc.). Feel free to use the characteristics around the room for inspiration!

STEP TWO: Begin writing your rough draft. Depending on your topic and images, you might have 2, 3 or even 5 different rough drafts of your poem. You may peer-edit during this time, but you do not have to.

STEP THREE: Once you have completed the composition of your poem, type it up or write it out neatly. Again, feel free to be creative with the final presentation of your seasonal poem!

Seasonal Poem Rubric




(5 points total)

The poem is 12-18 lines long, is coherent and unified, and is typed out/ printed neatly

5 points

Use of



(10 points total)

Creativity and


(5 points total)

The poem contains 2 examples of alliteration, 1 example of onomatopoeia and at least 2 sensory images

10 points

The author went above and beyond expectations

5 points

Above Average

The poem is 12-18 lines long, is mostly coherent and unified, and is typed out/ printed neatly

4 points

The poem is be missing one example of alliteration, onomatopoeia or sensory images

9-8 points

The author clearly put a lot of work into the poem

4 points

Name: ____________________


The poem is 12-18 lines long, is disjointed and unfocused, and is typed out/ printed neatly

3-2 points

The poem is be missing two examples of alliteration, onomatopoeia or sensory images

7-5 points

The author put some work into the poem

3-2 points


The poem is less than 12 lines long or is missing, is disjointed and unfocused, and is sloppy

1-0 points

The poem is missing three or more examples of alliteration, onomatopoeia or sensory images

4-0 points

The author clearly put no effort into the poem

1-0 points

Seasonal Poem Rubric




(5 points total)

The poem is 12-18 lines long, is coherent and unified, and is typed out/ printed neatly

5 points

Use of



(10 points total)

Creativity and


(5 points total)

The poem contains 2 examples of alliteration, 1 example of onomatopoeia and at least 2 sensory images

10 points

The author went above and beyond expectations

5 points

Above Average

The poem is 12-18 lines long, is mostly coherent and unified, and is typed out/ printed neatly

4 points

The poem is be missing one example of alliteration, onomatopoeia or sensory images

9-8 points

The author clearly put a lot of work into the poem

4 points

Name: ____________________


The poem is 12-18 lines long, is disjointed and unfocused, and is typed out/ printed neatly

3-2 points

The poem is be missing two examples of alliteration, onomatopoeia or sensory images

7-5 points

The author put some work into the poem

3-2 points


The poem is less than 12 lines long or is missing, is disjointed and unfocused, and is sloppy

1-0 points

The poem is missing three or more examples of alliteration, onomatopoeia or sensory images

4-0 points

The author clearly put no effort into the poem

1-0 points
