METROPOLITAN COMMUNITY COLLEGE COURSE OUTLINE FORM COURSE TITLE: Clinical Terminology II COURSE PREFIX AND NO. MDST 1050 LEC 4.5 LAB 0 CREDIT HOURS 4.5 COURSE DESCRIPTION: The goal of this course is to expand on the basic Clinical Terminology I course. Clinical Terminology II is studied as it relates to each system of the body, including medical and surgical procedures and lab reports. This course instructs the student in proper charting techniques, discharge summaries, and transcription of medical reports and administrative correspondence. This course focuses on both the clinical and administrative aspects of outpatient care and the roles of the Medical Assistant/Allied health Professional. COURSE PREREQUISITE (S): All general education courses required for entrance into the Medical Assisting program, as well as Medical Terminology I MDST 1040, Medical Disorders HIMS 1030, Administrative Procedures I MDST 1020, Intro to Law & Ethics HIMS 1150, RATIONALE: This course provides the Medical Assistant/allied Health Professional with the knowledge and skills necessary to achieve certification and become a competent member of the healthcare team in the clinical setting. The student must be able to identify and understand complex medical terms and how they relate to the body systems, diseases, procedures, lab tests and appropriately apply them to patient care. In addition, the student must use correct medical terminology when charting in the medical record. The student will learn to transcribe physician letters, reports, test results and medical procedures and describe how medical documentation is compiled. REQUIRED TEXTBOOK (S) and/or MATERIALS: Title: The Language of Medicine Edition: 9th Author: Davi-Ellen Chabner Publisher: Saunders Attached course outline written by: Reviewed/Revised by: Effective quarter of course outline: Dona Marotta Dona Marotta Date: 03/08/12 12/Winter Associate Dean: Metropolitan Community College Date: 03/08/12 Date: Page 1 Revised: Oct., 2012 COURSE OBJECTIVES/TOPICAL UNIT OUTLINE/UNIT OBJECTIVES TITLE: Clinical Terminology PREFIX/NO.: MDST1050 COURSE OBJECTIVES: Upon successful completion of this course, the student should be able to: Name and locate the major organs and accessory organs, and use the correct medical terminology to describe the organs, the systems and their functioning. Correctly spell, pronounce, and apply, in proper context, common medical terminology used to describe, understand and explain the body systems. Identify, understand and explain diseases, and conditions and how they affect the organ systems of the body and the body as a whole system and how it works together. Define, use and pronounce medical terminology as it relates to all of the human body. Identify the medical terminology terms, and abbreviations, and how they are used to describe procedures, tests and treatments. Using correct medical terminology, explain how hormones affect the body systems. Understand and properly use the combining forms and related terminology for the organs of the body. Understand and have a working knowledge of the laboratory procedures, tests and exams relating to all the body systems. Use the proper medical terminology of the used in medical reports and letters. Understand and perform the transcription of, and retrieval and interpretation of transcribed reports, communications and various medical reports properly. Apply critical thinking and problem solving skills to case studies. Metropolitan Community College Page 2 Revised: Oct., 2012 OBJECTIVE ASSESSMENTS COURSE OBJECTIVES ASSESSMENT MEASURES 1. Name and identify all of the organs of the body systems and how they function using correct medical terminology. chapter assignments, vocabulary tests, quizzes, chapter tests 2. Correctly spell, pronounce, describe and apply in proper vocabulary tests context, common medical terminology and abbreviations for Spelling tests each system and the body. quizzes homework assignments 3. Use and apply the correct medical terminology used to Tests identify, explain diseases and conditions that affect the Vocabulary Tests organs, systems and as a whole. Projects quizzes Paper 4. Identify, understand and use the proper medical terms and Tests/quizzes abbreviations and how they are used to describe procedures, Homework Activities tests and treatments Vocabulary tests, abbreviation tests 5. Understand and use the proper medical terminology used in Tests, Quizzes, Vocabulary tests medical reports, letters and documentation Homework assignments 6. Understand and perform the transcription of, and retrieval, interpretation of transcribed reports, communications and medical reports Transcription exercises Homework Activities 7. Apply critical thinking and problem solving skills to case studies Assignments Group activities Metropolitan Community College Page 3 Revised: Oct., 2012 IMPORTANT DATES: See calendar below for due dates for tests, projects, and TPO’s Drop Policy; Refund Policy: www.mccneb/sos/enrollment.asp November Nov. 29, 2012 Chapters 3&4 reading and homework due December Dec. 4, 2012 Dec. 6, 2012 Dec. 11, 2012 Dec. 13, 2012 Dec. 18, 2012 Dec. 20, 2012 Chapters 3&4 chapter bookwork due, Due, Chapters 5&6 reading and chapter work due Chapters 5&6 homework due, Chapter 7 reading and homework due Test Chapter 5&6, Chapter 7 chapter work due Test Chapter 7 due, Chapters 8&9 reading and homework work due Chapters 8&9 chapter work due, Chapter 10 reading, chapter work due Test Chapter 8&9 Due, Chapter 10 homework due January Jan. 7, 2013 Jan. 8, 2013 Jan. 10, 2013 Jan. 15, 2013 Jan. 17, 2013 Jan. 22, 2013 Jan. 24, 2013 Jan. 29, 2013 Jan. 31, 2013 Feb. 5, 2013 Feb. 7, 2013 Feb. 12, 2013 Feb. 14, 2013 Feb. 19, 2013 Feb. 21. 2013 Feb. 26, 2013 Test Chapter 10 Due Chapters 11&12 chapter work due and homework due Chapters 11&12 Test Due, Chapters 13&14 homework Due Chapters 13&14 reading and chapter work due Chapter 15 homework due, Paper Due Test Chapters 13& 14, Chapter 16 reading and chapter work due Chapter 16 reading and homework due Test Chapter 16, Chapter 17 reading and homework due Test Chapter 17, chapter 18 reading and homework due Test Chapter 18, Chapter 19 and 20 reading and chapter work due Test Chapter 19& 20 Due, Paper due (19&20 homework will be part of test) Chapter 21 Reading and Chapter work due, Chapter 21homework due Chapter 22 homework due, Chapter 22 reading and chapter work due, Pronunciation Test, Group Projects Due Research Paper Due, Test Chapter 22 Due Final Terminology Test Metropolitan Community College Page 4 Revised: Oct., 2012