English 11 * Fall 2014 - Coeur d`Alene School District

English 11 – Fall 2014
1307 - ENGLISH 11 - 2 Credits/2 Semesters The course is designed to
improve the student's skills in reading, writing and language through the
study of themes and writers of American literature, past and present. Primary
text: Elements of Literature
Welcome to Ms. Pomerantz’s English class. I hope you are ready to continue
building your skills as a reader and writer this semester. As long as you follow
classroom rules and procedures, participate in discussions, and come to class
prepared and willing to take on new learning challenges, you will be successful
in my class! Our block classes are 90 minutes long, so expect to participate in
reading, writing, speaking/listening, and language skill activities each day.
Throughout the school year, we will use a variety of texts to explore major
literary periods and writers in America, including literary fiction and non-fiction
and informational texts.
Kirsten Pomerantz
Materials to bring every day:
 Pen or pencil, notebook
 Student ID, Bathroom Pass sheet
 Electronic device IF BYOD form
signed (academic use only)
The Year at a Glance:
First Semester
Unit 1: Foundations to 1800
Unit 2: Romanticism (1800-1860)
Unit 3: American Masters
Unit 4: Realism (Civil War-1914)
Second Semester
Writing will focus on four modes: argumentative, informational, descriptive, and
narrative. Idaho Core Standards place an emphasis on argumentative writing
that references evidence from text.
Unit 1: The Moderns (1914-1939)
Unit 2: Contemporary Lit. (1939-now)
Grammar instruction will be embedded in reading and will be practiced in our
Read three novels each semester and
prepare a book report/project
(details given first week of class). Two
will be district classics and one will be
student’s choice.
Student behavior is expected to follow all district and school policies. This
classroom emphasizes the legal language of individual rights balanced with
responsibilities to the community. All behavior is mediated by appropriate
time, place, and manner. We will discuss and post examples of what this looks,
sounds, and feels like during the first week of class.
Grades will be posted on Skyward and every assignment uses a point scale. The
online gradebook will be updated at least every two weeks.
Summative assessments (EOCA’s) will be given each semester. Students with
more than 4 absences MUST pass the EOCA in order to pass the class.
First semester novels:
The Adventures of Huck Finn
The Narrative of Frederick Douglass
The Scarlet Letter
Complete one research project each
First semester: historical
Second semester: author
Opt-Out Policy Alternate Novel Requests
Policy 644 and 653 state that “an individual student may be excused from using instructional materials after the parent or guardian” has requested such.
If a parent or student wishes to request an alternative title for any novel assigned in an ELA class, he/she should contact the teacher, communicating the
reasons for requesting an alternate title so the teacher, working with the parent and student, can select a suitable alternate. You can request an Opt Out
Form directly from the teacher or access it through the district’s website. **Opt-Out does not apply to selections from the approved textbook**
Plagiarism Policy
Unless specifically exempted, all quizzes, tests, and assignments are to be the original product and/or ideas of the individual student being evaluated.
Violation will result in a grade of zero for the questioned work. Repeated violations may result in suspension or removal from the class and loss of credit
(as referenced on page 32 of the LCHS student handbook).
English 11
Classroom Policies & Procedures
Skyward – Assignments will be posted on Skyward, so missed work can be accessed at home. Often,
assignments will be posted slightly ahead of time – be aware that an assignment with an asterisk (*) have
not been graded yet, though Skyward will include those in missing assignments.
Google Drive – Most assignments will be completed on Google Drive. Login:
##firstinitiallastname@student.cdaschools.org (## grad year). Password: PwStudentID#
Assignments will follow this format: Period LastName AssignmentName (eg. A4 Pomerantz Name Project)
and must be shared with kpomerantz@cdaschools.org to be graded.
Absent – You need to be in class to learn and practice the material. Excused and unexcused absences
count the same. Five or more absences in a semester mean that you will have to pass the Summative
Course Assessments (EOCA’s) in order to pass the class.
Late/Tardy – You are tardy if both feet are not in the classroom when the tardy bell rings. Tardy students
need a pass from the office or a note from another classroom teacher. Excessive tardies will cost classroom
participation points and may result in night school assignments.
End of class – The bell is a reminder to the teacher, not the students. If there are materials to collect and
count or other pressing needs, I will hold the class as long as needed.
Turning in work – All work is due at the posted or stated time. All assignments are posted on Skyward
and should have an attachment on there as well. Most work will be submitted through Google Drive. Missed
work is due after the number of days you missed for full credit. DO NOT DELETE OR THROW AWAY
WORK UNTIL END OF SEMESTER GRADES ARE POSTED!!! Your work is your proof of completion in case I
make an error.
Late work – Work that is handed in after the due date hinders its purpose as a formative assessment. Late
work will receive partial credit. Knowing and being able to follow a schedule is a CRITICAL LIFE SKILL
and assignment due dates are an opportunity to practice this. Late work will be graded as my schedule
Homework –Basic English will only have reading and book report homework. You will get a schedule and
expectations during the first week of school.
Extra help – If you need additional time to discuss assignments or conference, make arrangements with
me. While I am on campus 30 minutes before and after school and during my preps, I may not be in my
room. Please schedule time with me if you need to see me.
Food & drinks – Save food for breaks and lunch. Drinks are allowed if the container is closed. Be smart
about your drinks – water really is your best option. No food or drinks are to be by the computers!
Bathroom – You will get a bathroom pass with spaces for my sign-out at the beginning of the semester.
This can be turned in for extra credit points on the last day of class each semester.
Parent Signature: ________________________________________
English 11
Student Name (Printed) : ____________________________________