research assignment

Grade 7 Geography- Physical Patterns In A Changing World
In Grade 7 geography, students will explore opportunities and challenges presented by the physical environment
and the ways in which people around the world have responded to them. They will develop an understanding of
patterns in Earth’s physicals features and of the physical processes and human activities that create and change
these features.
A1.1 describe various ways in which people have responded to challenges and opportunities presented by the
physical environment (e.g. ,building dams, levees, or dikes to contain water and/or reclaim land; building
terraces or irrigation systems to permit farming on inhospitable land;
A2.2 gather and organize data and information from a variety of sources, and using various technologies, on the
impact of natural events and/or human activities that change the physical environment, ensuring that their
sources reflect more than one perspective
A2.1 formulate questions to guide investigations into the impact of natural events and/or human activities that
change the physical environment
A3.4 describe patterns and physical characteristics of some major water bodies and systems around the world
(e.g., river systems, drainage basins, lakes, oceans)
In Grade 7 science, students realize that humans have many impacts on the environment. In the study of this
topic, they will analyze some of these impacts and their consequences, while reflecting upon their personal
responsibility to protect the environment.
1. assess the impacts of human activities and technologies on the environment, and evaluate ways of controlling
these impacts;
2. investigate interactions within the environment, and identify factors that affect the balance between different
components of an ecosystem;
2.4 use appropriate science and technology vocabulary, including sustainability, biotic, ecosystem,, population,
and producer, in oral and written communication
3.8 describe ways in which human activities and technologies alter balances and interactions in the environment
RESEARCH ASSIGNMENT: to investigate what life is like around one of the important rives of the
You will investigate how geography affects lifestyle and how geography affects natural resources.
In your presentation include its geographical location, its source and direction, the plants, homes,
animals, uses, problems, societies living around them and the ways people help and harm the rivers.
Terms: source, mouth, tributary, drainage basin
Important Rivers of the World
Asia: Ob, Yellow (Huang He), Yangtze (Chang Jiang), Ganges, Indus
Africa: Nile, Niger, Congo
South America: Amazon, Parana, Orinoco
North America: Mississippi and major tributaries, Mackenzie, Yukon
Australia: Murray-Darling
Europe: Volga, Danube, Rhine
BECOME AN EXPERT ON YOUR CHOSEN RIVER. See me to confirm selection of river and
for approval for presentation format
Research Organizer
Name of River
Plants (Ecosystems)
Animals (Ecosystems)
Uses (Human Activity)