Lesson Two, Length, Area and Volume

Good morning everyone and welcome to your first assignment! This
is how your lessons will look.
Day 1 (3.1 Systems of Measurement) -
1) Start by reading pages 94-101 and make notes in your math
1b) Optional - If you would like watch this video (click here), it is really
old, but it goes through both the imperial and metric systems.
2) Open Three Length, Area and Volume
Do the questions that are highlighted yellow. There are example
problems there that you should look at as well. When you are finished the
key is attached (103_01-02-Answers), go over each question and make
sure that you got the correct answer.
Please put the numbers of the questions in these boxes.
Send me •
(i.e. # 1, 2, 3...etc)
the following
ction 3.1 Table:
ns that I got
100% right.
ns that I got
wrong, but
was able to fix
on my own.
Day 2 (3.2 Converting Measurements) -
1) Start by reading pages 106-109 and make notes in your math
1b) Optional - Video (Converting Units of Measure)
2) Open Three Length, Area and Volume
Do the questions that are highlighted yellow. There are example
problems there that you should look at as well. When you are finished the
key is attached (Ma103_01-02-Answers), go over each question and make
sure that you got the correct answer.
Send me the following table:
3.2 Table:
ns that I got
100% right.
ns that I got
wrong, but
was able to fix
on my own.
Day 3 (3.3 Surface Area) -
1) Start by reading pages 115-119 and make notes in your math
1b) Optional - Video (Surface Area)
2) Open Chapter Three Length, Area and Volume
Do the questions that are highlighted yellow. There are example
problems there that you should look at as well. When you are finished the
key is attached (Ma103_01-02-Answers), go over each question and make
sure that you got the correct answer.
Send me the following table:
3.3 Table:
ns that I got
100% right.
ns that I got
wrong, but
was able to fix
on my own.
Day 4 (3.4 Volume) -
1) Start by reading pages 124-130 and make notes in your math
1b) Optional - Video (Calculating Volume)
2) Open Three Length, Area and Volume
Do the questions that are highlighted yellow. There are example
problems there that you should look at as well. When you are finished the
key is attached (Ma103_01-02-Answers), go over each question and make
sure that you got the correct answer.
Send me the following table:
3.4 Table:
ns that I got
100% right.
ns that I got
wrong, but
was able to fix
on my own.
That is all for this week! Make sure that you are keeping on top of
your weekly assignments!
There will be a summative exam for Length, Area, and Volume in
week 3! Please contact me if you are having any troubles.
Mr. Wiedrick
You may contact me for one on one help or discussion anytime between 9am - 4pm on
regular school days.
Invite me to chat or send me an email. If I am not online I will respond to you no later than one
school day after recieving your message.