Academic Resume - USC - Viterbi School of Engineering

Ronald C. Henry
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University of Southern California
Civil & Environmental Engineering Department
Environmental Engineering Program
3620 South Vermont Avenue, KAP 224E
Los Angeles CA 90089-2531
Tel: (213) 740-0596
24017 Ingomar Street
West Hills, CA 91304
Tel: (818) 348-8587
Ph.D. Applied Physics, 1977
Oregon Graduate Center, Beaverton, Oregon
Thesis title: A Factor Analysis Model of Urban Air Pollution
(The first thesis written on this topic.)
M.A. Mathematics, 1968
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California
Specialization in Probability Theory
B.S. Science Curriculum, 1966
Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, New Jersey
Graduated with High Honors
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA
Assistant Professor of Civil & Environmental Engineering, 1984-1990
Associate Professor of Civil & Environmental Engineering, 1990-2002
Professor of Civil & Environmental Engineering, 2002 - Present
Faculty member in the Environmental Engineering Program, Civil Engineering Department
Responsible for teaching courses in introduction to environmental engineering,
fundamentals of air pollution, and atmospheric chemistry. Research interests are
perception and measurement of visibility degradation; identifying sources of air pollution by
receptor oriented modeling; multivariate statistical analysis of environmental data; and
materials damage caused by acid precipitation. Research support from the US
Environmental Protection Agency, National Park Service, California Air Resources Board,
South Coast Air Quality Management District, Electric Power Research Institute, Southern
California Edison Company, and others.
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Texas A&M University, College Station Texas
Temporary Member of the Graduate Faculty, 1996 - 1998
Outside member of the Ph.D. committee of students in the statistics department.
National Park Service, Air Quality Branch, Colorado State University
Visiting Scientist, Colorado State University, June - December, 1994
While on sabbatical leave from USC, developed new receptor modeling methods to
apportion secondary species, with application to sulfate in the desert Southwest and the
Pacific Northwest.
Private Consulting
1984 - Present
Advise academic, governmental, and industrial clients on visibility and air quality issues.
Major areas of expertise are visibility perception and receptor modeling.
Environmental Research and Technology, Inc., Newbury Park, CA
1977 - 1984
Manager, Visibility Studies. Responsible for program and technical management of
applied research on aerosol pollution and its effects, especially visibility degradation and
sulfur oxide pollution. Directed data analysis for the Sulfate Regional Experiment (SURE)
and the Denver Winter Haze Study. Projects included field studies, data analysis,
computer modeling and expert testimony.
Oregon Graduate Center, Beaverton, Oregon
1973 - 1977
Research assistant in x-ray fluorescence, aerosol field studies including inertial impactors,
optical particle counters, pollutant gas monitors and data collection and reduction.
US Peace Corps Volunteer, Sabah, Malaysia
1970 - 1972
Taught chemistry and mathematics curriculum for the overseas
Cambridge examinations at Sabah College.
Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc., Whippany, New Jersey
1969 - 1970
Member of the technical staff in the prototype design group of the SAFEGUARD
anti-ballistic missile system applying computer simulation to radar and missile control and
guidance systems.
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A. Book Chapters
1. Henry, R. C. Psychophysics, Visibility and Perceived Atmospheric Transparency. In
Managing Air Quality and Scenic Resources at National Parks and Wilderness Areas ed.
by R. D. Rowe and L. G. Chestnut. Westview Press, Boulder CO, pp. 64-74, 1983.
2. Henry, R. C. Multivariate Receptor Models in Receptor Modeling for Air Quality
Management, ed. by P. K. Hopke, Elsever, New York, pp. 117 - 148, 1991.
3. Henry, R. C. 8000 word article on Receptor Models in the Encyclopedia of
Environmetrics, John Wiley & Sons, 2001.
B. Refereed Journal Articles
1. Henry R. C. 1977. The Application of the Linear System Theory of Visual Acuity to
Visibility Reduction by Aerosols. Atmospheric Environment 11:697-701.
2. White, W.H., S.L. Heisler, R.C. Henry, G.M. Hidy, and I. Straughan 1978. The
Same-Day Impact of Power Plant Emissions on Sulfate Levels in the Los Angles Air
Basin. Atmospheric Environment 12:779-784.
3. Henry R. C. and G. M. Hidy 1979. Multivariate Analysis of Particulate Sulfate and
Other Air Quality Variables by Principle Components, Part I, Annual Data from Los
Angeles and New York. Atmospheric Environment 13:1581-1596.
4. Henry R. C. and G. M. Hidy 1980.
Potential for Atmospheric Sulfur from
Microbiological Sulfate Reduction. Atmospheric Environment 14:1095-1103.
5. Henry R. C., J.C. Collins, and D. Hadley 1981. Potential for Quantitative Analysis of
Uncontrolled Routine Photographic Slides. Atmospheric Environment 15:1859-1864.
6. Henry R. C. and G. M. Hidy 1982. Multivariate Analysis of Particulate Sulfate and
Other Air Quality Variables by Principal Components - Part II. Data from St. Louis and
Salt Lake City. Atmospheric Environment 16:929-943.
7. Hidy G. M., D. A. Hanson, R. C. Henry, K. Ganesan, and J. Collins 1984. Trends in
Historical Acid Precursor Emissions and Their Airborne Precipitation Products. J. Air
Pollution Control Association 34:333-354.
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8. Henry R. C., C. W. Lewis, P. K. Hopke, and H. J. Williamson 1984. Review of
Receptor Model Fundamentals. Atmospheric Environment 18:1507-1517.
9. Henry R. C. 1986. Improved Predictions of Plume Perception with a Human Visual
System Model. J. Air Pollution Control Association 36:1353-1356.
10. Henry R. C. 1987. Psychophysics, Visibility, and Perceived Transparency.
Atmospheric Environment 21:159-164.
11. Henry R. C. 1987. Current Factor Analysis Receptor Models are Ill-Posed.
Atmospheric Environment 21:1815-1820.
12. Collins J. F. and R. C. Henry 1987. A Prototype Visual Colorimeter for Atmospheric
Research. Transactions of the Air Pollution Control Association 10:884-894.
13. Henry R. C. and B. M. Kim. 1989. A Factor Analysis Model with Explicit Physical
Constraints. Transactions of the Air Pollution Control Association 14:214-225.
14. Kim B. M. and R. C. Henry. 1989. Analysis of Multicollinearity Indicators and Influential
Species for Chemical Mass Balance Receptor Models. Transactions of the Air Pollution
Control Association 14:379-390.
15. Henry, R. C. and L. V. Matamala 1989. A Visual Colorimeter for Atmospheric
Research. Color Research and Application 15:74-79
16. Schaug J., J. P. Ramaek, E. Steinnes, and R. C. Henry 1989. Multivariate Analysis of
Trace Element Data from Moss Samples Used To Monitor Atmospheric Deposition.
Atmospheric Environment 24A: 2625-2631
17. Henry R. C. and B. M. Kim 1990. Extension of Self-Modeling Curve Resolution to
Mixtures of More Than Three Components. Part 1. Finding the Basic Feasible Region.
Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 8:205-216.
18. Watson J. G., N. F. Robinson, J. C. Chow, R. C. Henry, B. M. Kim, T. G. Pace, E. L.
Meyer, and Q. Nguyen 1990. The USEPA/DRI Chemical Mass Balance Receptor
Model, Version 7. Environmental Software 5:38-49.
19. Henry R. C. and L. V. Matamala 1990. Prediction of Color Matches and Color
Differences in the Outdoor Environment. Transactions of the Air and Waste
Management Association 17:92-113.
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20. Matamala L. V. and R. C. Henry 1990. Initial Results of a Color Matching Study in the
Grand Canyon National Park. Transactions of the Air and Waste Management
Association 17:114-123.
21. Malm W. C., K. A. Gebhart and R. C. Henry 1990. An Investigation of the Dominant
Source Regions of Fine Sulfur in the Western United States and Their Areas of
Influence. Atmospheric Environment 24A:3047-3060
22. Henry R. C., Y. J. Wang, and K. A. Gebhart 1991. The Relationship Between Empirical
Orthogonal Functions and Sources of Air Pollution. Atmospheric Environment 25A:
23. Henry R. C. 1992. Dealing With Near Collinearity In Chemical Mass Balance Receptor
Models. Atmospheric Environment 26A: 933-938.
24. Henry, R. C.; T. Shibata,; D. Chitwood 1994. Construction and Operation of a VideoBased Visual Colorimeter for Atmospheric Research. Atmospheric Environment 28A:
25. Henry, R. C.;C. W. Lewis and John F. Collins 1994. Vehicle-Related Hydrocarbon
Source Composition from Ambient Data: The GRACE/SAFER Method. Environ.
Science & Technology 28:823-832.
26. Henry, R. C. Receptor Model Applied to Patterns in Space (RMAPS). Part I - Model
Description 1997. J. Air & Waste Management Assoc., 47:216-219.
27. Henry, R. C. Receptor Model Applied to Patterns in Space (RMAPS) Part II Apportionment of Airborne Particulate from Project MOHAVE 1997. Air & Waste
Management Assoc., 47:220-225.
28. Henry, R. C. Receptor Modeling Applied to Patterns in Space (RMAPS) Part III Apportionment of Airborne Particulate Sulfur in Western Washington State 1997. J. Air
& Waste Management Assoc., 47:226-230.
29. Henry, R. C. History and Fundamentals of Multivariate Air Quality Receptor Models,
1997. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems. 37: 37-42.
30. Henry, R. C., C. Spiegelman J. F. Collins, and EunSug Park 1997. Reported
Emissions of Volatile Organic Compounds are not Consistent with Observations.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 94:6596-6599.
31. Lewis, C. W.; R. C. Henry and J. H. Shreffler 1998. An Exploratory Look at
Hydrocarbon Data from the Photochemical Assessment Monitoring Stations Network.
J. Air & Waste Management Assoc., 48: 71 – 76.
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32. S. Mahadev and R. C. Henry 1999. Application of a Color Appearance Model to
Vision Through Atmospheric Haze. Color Research and Application, 24: 112 - 120.
33. Kim B-M and R. C. Henry 1999. Extension of Self-Modeling Curve Resolution to
Mixtures of More Than Three Components: Part II: Finding the Complete Solution.
Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 49: 67 - 77.
34. Kim B-M and R. C. Henry 1999. Diagnostics for Determining Influential Species in the
Chemical Mass Balance Receptor Model. Journal of the Air & Waste Management
Association, 49: 1449 - 1455.
35. R.C. Henry, E.S. Park, C.H. Spiegelman 1999. Comparing a new algorithm with the
classic methods for estimating the number of factors, Chemometrics and Intelligent
Laboratory Systems 48: 91 -97.
36. Kim B-M and R. C. Henry 2000. Application of the SAFER model to Los Angeles
PM10 data. Atmospheric Environment, Volume 34, Pages 1747-1759.
37. Eun Sug. Park, C. Spiegelman, and R. C. Henry 2000. Estimating the number of
factors to include in a high-dimensional multivariate bilinear model. Communications in
Statistics, Simulation & Computation 29:723 - 746.
38. Henry, R. C.; S. Mahadev, S. Urquito, and D. Chitwood 2000. Color Perception
Through Atmospheric Haze, the J. Optical Society of America, Part A. Optics, Imaging
Science, and Vision, 17: 831-835.
39. Kim B-M and R. C. Henry 2000. Extension of self-modeling curve resolution to
mixtures of more than three components. Part 3. Atmospheric aerosol data simulation
studies. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 52: 145-154.
40. Park Eun-Sug, Peter Guttorp, and R. C. Henry 2001. Multivariate Receptor Modeling
for Temporally Correlated Data by Using MCMC. Journal of the American Statistical
Association 96: 1171 – 1183.
41. Henry, R. C. 2002. Multivariate Receptor Models: Current Applications and Future
Trends. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 60: 43-48.
42. Henry, R. C., Y-S Chang, C. H. Spiegelman 2002. Locating Nearby Sources of Air
Pollution by Nonparametric Regression of Atmospheric Concentrations on Wind
Atmospheric Environment 36: 2237-2244. doi:10.1016/S13522310(02)00164-4
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43. Chen, L-W Antony, B. G. Doddridge, R. R. Dickerson, J. C. Chow, and R. C. Henry
2002. Origins of fine aerosol mass in the Baltimore-Washington corridor: Implications
from observation, factor analysis, and ensemble air parcel back trajectories.
Atmospheric Environment 36: 4541-4554.
44. Park ES, Spiegelman CH, and Henry RC 2002. Bilinear estimation of pollution source
profiles and amounts by using multivariate receptor models. Environmetrics 13: 775 –
45. Henry R. C. Just-Noticeable Differences in Atmospheric haze 2002. Journal of the Air
& Waste Management Association 52: 1238 - 1243.
46. Lewis, C. W., G. A. Norris, R. C. Henry, and T. L. Conner 2003. Source
Apportionment of Phoenix PM-2.5 Aerosol with the Unmix Receptor Model, J. Air &
Waste Manage. Assoc. 53:325 – 338.
47. Henry R. C. 2003. Multivariate Receptor Modeling by N-dimensional Edge Detection,
Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 65:179 - 189.
48. Yu, K.N.; Y.P. Cheung; T. Cheung; and R. C. Henry 2004. Identifying the impact of
large urban airports on local air quality by nonparametric regression. Atmospheric
Environment 38:4501-4507.
49. Henry R. C. 2005. Duality in multivariate receptor models, Chemometrics and
Intelligent Lab. Sys., 77 : 59-63.
50. Henry R. C. 2005. Estimating the probability of the public perceiving a decrease in
atmospheric haze, J. Air & Waste Management Association 55:1760-1766.
51. Mar, T.F.; Ito, K.; Koenig, J.Q.; Larson, T.V.; Eatough, D.J.; Henry, R.C.; Kim, E.;
Laden, F.; Lall, R.; Neas, L.; Stölzel, M.; Hopke, P.K.; Thurston, G.D. 2005. PM
Source Apportionment and Health Effects: 1. Intercomparison of Source
Apportionment Results, Journal of Exposure Analysis and Environmental
Epidemiology, advance online publication 12 October 2005; doi:
52. Ito, K.; Christensen, W.F.; Eatough, D. J.; Henry, R.C.; Kim, E.; Laden, F.; Lalla,
R.;Larson, T.V.; Neash, L.; Hopke, P.K.; and George D Thurston 2005. PM source
apportionment and health effects: 2. An investigation of intermethod variability in
associations between source-apportioned fine particle mass and daily mortality in
Washington, DC, Journal of Exposure Analysis and Environmental Epidemiology
advance online publication 23 November 2005; doi: 10.1038/sj.jea.7500464.
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53. Ito, K.; Christensen, W.F.; Eatough, D. J.; Henry, R.C.; Kim, E.; Laden, F.; Lall, R.;
Larson, T.V.; Neas, L.; Hopke, P.K.; Thurston, G.D. 2005. PM Source Apportionment
and Health Effects: 3. Investigation of inter-method variations in associations between
estimated source contributions of PM2.5 and daily mortality in Phoenix, AZ, Journal of
Exposure Analysis and Environmental Epidemiology, advance online publication 16
November 2005; doi: 10.1038/sj.jea.7500465.
54. Thurston, G.D.; Ito, K.; Mar, T.; Christensen, W.F.; Eatough, D. J.; Henry, R. C.; Kim,
E.; Laden, F.; Lall, R.; Larson, T.V.; Liu, H.; Neas, L.; Pinto, J.; Stölzel, M.; Suh, H.; and
Hopke, P. K. 2005. Workshop on Source Apportionment of Particulate Matter Health
Effects – Intercomparison of Results and Implications, Environmental Health
Perspectives, 113: 1769 – 1774.
55. Henry R. C. 2006. A field study of visual perception of complex natural targets through
atmospheric haze by multiple naïve observers. Atmospheric Environment 40, 52515261.
56. Henry, R. C. 2007. Locating and Quantifying the Impact of Local Sources of Air
Pollution. Atmospheric Environment 42, 358-363. DOI: 0.1016/j.atmosenv.2007.09.039
57. Dilmaghani S.; Henry I.; Soonthornnonda, P.; Christensen E. R., and Henry, R.C.
2007. Harmonic Analysis of Environmental Time Series with Missing Data or Irregular
Sample Spacing. Environmental Science & Technology, 41, 7030-7038. DOI:
58. Henry, R.C. and Christensen E. R. 2010 Selecting an Appropriate Multivariate
Source Apportionment Model Result. Environ. Sci. & Technol., 44, 2474-2481.
59. Henry, R.C.; Vette A.; Norris, G.; Vedantham, R.; Kimbrough, S., Shores, R. C. 2011
Separating the Air Quaity Impact of a Major Highway and Nearby Sources By
NonParametric Trajectory. Environmental Science & Technology 45, 10471–76,
60. Henry, R.C. Errors in Local Back Trajectories. In prep. to Atmos. Environ.
Research Funding
Since coming to USC, Dr. Henry has been award contracts and grants totaling several
million dollars. He has been sole Principal Investigator on all these contracts and grants.
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Doctoral Students
1. Bong Mann Kim, degree granted1989
2. Luis V. Matamala, degree granted 1990
3. Yi Mi, degree granted 1996
4. Kadio Ahosane, degree granted 1996
5. John F. Collins, degree granted 1997
6. Shudiesh Mahadev, degree granted 1998
7.Yu-Shou Chang, degree granted 6/2002
8. Andrew Yoon – degree granted 8/2006
9. Shabnam Dilmaghani – degree granted 9/2007
10. Babak Pazokifard – degree granted 2008
11. Chien-Cheng Pan – degree granted 2009
USC Committees
Chair of the Civil Engineering Department committee to initiate a Master of Science in
Environmental Engineering on the Distance Education Network. He has been the chair or
two faculty search committees, and has served on the Engineering Faculty Council of the
School of Engineering, Health Benefits Committees of the Faculty Senate and the
University Presidential Advisory Committee.
Professional Service
Member of the Editorial Review Board of the Journal of the Air and Waste Management
Association (formerly the Journal Air Pollution Control Association), 1989 – 2010, vicechair 2005-2008.
Member of the scientific review and advisory panel for the Interagency Monitoring of
Protected Visual Environments (IMPROVE) airborne particle and visibility network, 1995 1999
Member of the Board of Directors of the West Coast Section of the Air & Waste
Management Association,1994 -1998
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American Lung Association of Los Angeles County, Volunteer member of the Clean Air
Committee, 1992-1994
American Lung Association of Los Angeles County, Volunteer member of the
Occupational/Environmental Lung Disease Committee,1989-1992
Visibility subcommittee of the US EPA's Science Advisory Board, Clean Air Act Science
Advisory Committee, 1987-1993
Journal Reviews:
Journal of Environmental Engineering
Atmospheric Environment
Environmental Science and Technology
Journal of Climate and Applied Meteorology
Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association
(formerly the Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association)
Environmental Software
Geophysical Research Letters
Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres
2003 - Kapitsa Gold Metal for Scientific Discovery awarded by the Russian Academy of
Natural Sciences
Foreign member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences.
Research Mentorship Award (with S. Chardramouli, student) from Phi Kappa Phi, 1991 –
Norwegian Visiting Senior Scientist Fellowship
Sept. 1981 - Mar. 1982
Studied acid precipitation and arctic aerosols at the Norwegian
Institute for Air Research, Lillestom, Norway.
Citation of appreciation from the City of Santa Clarita
Appreciation for a study of ozone trends and sources.
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Gottesmann Foundation Fellowship, 1973 - 1975
Sigma Xi, Scientific Honorary Society, 1966
National Defense Education Act Fellowship, 1966 - 1968
Stevens Institute of Technology Merit Scholarships 1962 - 1966