4th CII National Conference on AgriBiotechnology Smart Agriculture

4th CII National Conference on AgriBiotechnology
Smart Agriculture: Transformation through Biotechnology
25-26 November’14: The Grand, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi
Draft Outline Programme
Day 1 - 25th November’14
0900 – 1000 hrs
1000 – 1100 hrs
Inaugural Session
1100 - 1130 hrs
Tea / Coffee
1130 - 1330hrs
Session I : Sustainable Resource Use - Challenges and Answers
Natural resources - be it land, water, soil, nutrients or sunlight - are increasingly under stress
as demand grows. We must evolve ways to ensure that our use of resources is replenishable
and we do not achieve progress at the expense of future generations.
These sessions aim to discuss technologies that can maximize resource efficiency, reuse
and conservation.
1300 - 1345 hrs
Networking Lunch
4th CII National Conference on AgriBiotechnology
Smart Agriculture: Transformation through Biotechnology
25-26 November’14: The Grand, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi
Session II : Lab to Field - Successfully Reaping Benefits
While a large number of government, quasi government, academic & industry players are
engaged in the sector, there is a persistent gap in taking new developments to the field in a
timely and extensive manner to reap maximum benefit. Some case studies illustrate how
this has been / can be achieved.
1500 - 1530 hrs
1530 - 1700 hrs
Session III : Resolving Farmer & Consumer Challenges - Role of Biotechnology
The Agri-biotechnology sector has mainly two stakeholders which it serves : Farmers and
consumers. In recent times, multiple pressing concerns have arisen and taken centre stage:
i.e climate change, natural resources scarcity, declining productivity, food quality & inflation
etc. The entire sector must work towards acknowledging and addressing the concerns of
stakeholders in a concerted manner.
Session will highlight :
1. Avenues for AgriBiotechnology to improve long term economic well being of
2. How AgriBiotechnology can benefit the consumers while addressing safety concerns.
4th CII National Conference on AgriBiotechnology
Smart Agriculture: Transformation through Biotechnology
25-26 November’14: The Grand, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi
26th November’14 – Day 2
1000 - 1200 hrs
Session IV : Creating a Conducive Environment for Use of Biotechnology in
Agribiotechnology presents an immense potential to unlock value for our nation. However,
there are several regulatory bottlenecks and gaps that are adversely impacting the pace of
change. The industry asks for proactive governance to provide clarity, stability and ease in
doing business. This session will bring out a concrete and robust recommendation on the
Regulatory framework amendments.
The session will discuss:
 Current regulatory framework for Biotechnology – Challenges & potential solutions
 Ease of doing business – experiences from the ground
1200 – 1330 hrs
Session V: Public- Private partnerships in AgriBiotechnology
Strengthening of stakeholder’s partnership, improvement in dialogue with policy makers,
capacity building and public awareness are important pillars for accelerating win-win
partnerships between public-private sector institutions. Synergizing research and
development of public sector and commercialization of products, biosafety, etc by private
The session will deliberate on:
 Sensitizing public sector for the development of technology in time so as to make it
more competent with private sector
 Biotech Clusters in India
4th CII National Conference on AgriBiotechnology
Smart Agriculture: Transformation through Biotechnology
25-26 November’14: The Grand, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi
1330 – 1415 hrs : Networking Lunch
1415 – 1530 hrs
Session VI: AgriBiotechnology: Communicating benefits & Busting myths
The public discourse on AgriBiotechnology has lost focus from consumer and farmer
point of view and is being driven by non practitioners. There is an urgent need to dispel
myths in order to create a new era for sensitizing the consumers with the potential
benefits of AgriBiotechnology
This is a public interest session with discussion on:
1. Knowing the evidence based facts about Biotechnology and their importance to public
2. Understanding of the overall potential for AgriBiotechnology for the country's
economic growth
3. AgriBiotechnology myths & truths
4. AgriBiotechnology economic benefits for stakeholders - Indian & global experience