11/13/2015 - Wasatch Elementary School

Community Council
MINUTES 11/13/2015
11:52 Called to order by RA Snow.
11:53 Motion to approve minutes by J Tuttle, seconded by Kristina Parkinson, 3rd by R Cunningham. Motion passes
Presentation by Chad Duncan, Provo SD, Technical Support
Current law: HB 213 requires filtering students computer: passed but did not include funding.
No filters perfect.
Need help by teachers, staff to watch
Sent document to Wasatch and all Provo schools
Will be forwarded to all CC members and teachers
There will be a NetSmarts assembly again this year
It's our responsibility to inform teachers, staff, parents
Kristina Parkinson: what should we use PAWS $ for? Chromebooks? Chad will talk her through if she wants to. there is preapproal process for acquiring technology.
SNAP: safety neighborhood access program. Sarah Ashby: commission for safety from PAWS
Handed out maps. Green arrows safe routes. Crossing guards.Red dots: stop signs Yellow and purple squares: road issues.
Crossing guards are not always there. Who is in charge? Police? We think so. Dangerous situation when guard is missing from 9th
E. Please communicate with Sarah about absences of X guard. Put in newsletter? Ask teachers.
Paul Caldarella: Are parents aware of routes? Do kids use them? People think so. Let’s put map in office. Parent education is big
part of this.
Sarah Ashby: Can we mark the route? She will ask city. Will prob have to ask city council.
Renee Cunningham: We’d like to have an assembly about it.
SNAP website
user name: wasatch commissioner
Talk about 4x/year. Sending home safety info by itself. Put in packet for new students.
Paul Caldarella: What about parents who commute?
Sarah Ashby will address this month. Highlight crossing guards better in final version.
Lisa Hart motions to approve safe walking routes. Paul seconds. Unaminous.
Tia Hayward will put own link on website.
Property boundaries. Sarah Ashby brought map. Limited delineation of where school ends and park begins. Limited ability to
supervise bc of outbuildings and trees. Where are kids allowed to play?
Kids play out of boundaries all the time. Gaps in fence. Sarah: Not OK. Lots of gaps where people could enter and kids could
leave. Why is no one playing on baseball/soccer field, but children playing around south of tennis courts. Adults not there. Can we
add some perimeter and mark boundaries? Kids have varying levels of responsibility.
Can we reassess where “big” and “little” kids play? Kids go into dugouts and that’s a problem with chaperons. Sarah: supervisors
could see easily if they stand up on hill. Easier than watching tennis court area.
Snow: kids like to be in proximity to play structures.
Sarah Ashby: kids in the pack safe, it’s the wanderers that you worry about.
We need to clarify what is school property. Dugouts: are they even in use? Sometimes city uses.
Lunchtime: supervisor walks the north edge.
Sarah Ashby: kids climbing trees. Teacher: not supposed to.
Sarah Ashby: run chain link fence on east side of soccer fields down from SW corner of tennis courts? Boundaries help teachers
see who’s outside. Also defines for community.
Who pays? School lands trust funds? City? Both?
Rene Cunningham: Could DJ walk the field and see feasibility.
Could we remove dugouts?
Rene Cunningham: Jeanie Pratt could address this.
Snow: What do we lose from city if we fence school property?
Avery: would be easier to monitor for teachers.
Sarah Ashby: would like to see a parent subcommittee do leg work and report back to Comm Council.
Lisa Hart: many years ago there was resistance with the city. Not sure what the problem was.
Rene Cunningham: Mayor said he’d work with us. We need to come well-planned.
Marni Story: every teacher has different rules. Need more consistency. Guidelines are vague.
Sarah Ashby: BYU students stream through.
Snow: fence is supposed to be going up to shield NW parking lot from walkway between buildings.
Let’s not wait for something bad to happen before we act.
Sarah Ashby: who would be on committee? Jeanie Pratt? Someone not on council? Jim Scribner? Sarah will ask him. Let’s find
some actionable items.