We Grow: In Knowledge. In Love. In Faith. Mr. K. Hanson Principal 3722 Centennial Drive Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7L 5K4 (306) 659-7210 (306) 659-2068 (fax) Newsletter #1 Mr. D. Todos Vice-Principal September 4, 2015 www.gscs.sk.ca/studentsandfamilies/schools/vac TRUSTEES: Ron Boechler Diane Boyko Jim Carriere Administrator’s Message Welcome Back! It is my sincere pleasure to welcome you to the 2015-2016 school year. I hope that the summer holidays have provided you with rest, relaxation and the opportunity to renew your spirits. We welcome some new faces to our school, both staff and students, and I am confident and hopeful that they will soon feel very comfortable at Father Vachon. Each month our school community will be focusing on a Gospel virtue. The virtue for September is Hospitality and the school will be devoted toward making everyone feel welcomed, valued and accepted. Next week is Welcome/Western Week at Father Vachon. Many activities are planned for students and families including: Meet the Teacher Night and the CSCC AGM (Tues), Opening Mass (Wed), In-motion Western Games Day (Thurs) and the Pancake Breakfast (Fri) featuring the Fiddler’s Four. I look forward to seeing you at some of the upcoming events. Please consider joining the Catholic School Community Council, your help and effort would be much appreciated. Several forms are attached to this newsletter. Please complete them and return to the school as soon as possible. This information is confidential and necessary to best care for the students. My door is always open so please stop by anytime. May this school year be the best yet in the lives of our students. Mr. K. Hanson - Principal WHAT’S HAPPENING?? Monday September 7th................................ NO SCHOOL – Labor Day September 8 - 11th ...................................... Welcome/Western Week Tuesday, September 8th .............................. Meet The Teacher & CSCC AGM – 6:00 PM Wednesday, September 9th ......................... Opening Mass – St. Patrick Church – 9:30 AM Cross Country Practice – 3:15 – 3:45 PM Friday, September 11th ............................... Pancake Breakfast – 7:30 AM Wednesday, September 23rd ....................... Picture Day Thursday, September 24th .......................... Picture Day for Tues/Thurs Kindergarten Friday, September 25th ............................... Book & Breakfast – 8:30AM - Library Wednesday, September 30th ....................... Cross Country Practice Meet – 4:00 – 5:30 PM Diefenbaker Park Wednesday, October 7th ............................. Cross Country Championship Meet – 4:00 – 6:30 PM - Diefenbaker Park Friday, October 9th...................................... NO SCHOOL - Professional Learning Day Monday, October 12th ................................. NO SCHOOL – Thanksgiving Day IMPORTANT INFO – A mauve colored Family Information Form is being sent home with the youngest student in the family today. The information on this form is used for emergency situations, as well as on a daily basis. Please return this form please as soon as possible. If you did not receive one of these forms, please contact the school secretary at 659-7210. Your child should also be bringing home 4 other forms for you to sign. These forms are: 1) Student Technology Acceptable Use Agreement 2) Noon Lunch Policy form, 3) a Student Media Release Consent form, and 4) an optional Student Insurance form. Please complete and return these forms to your classroom teacher as soon as possible. 1 FATHER VACHON SCHOOL STAFF - 2015 - 2016 Welcome to all our staff. Mr. K. Hanson --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Principal Mr. D. Todos ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vice Principal Mrs. L. Gabruch ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Office Coordinator Ms. C. Kowaluk ----------------------------------------------------------------- -----------Pre-Kindergarten Teacher Mrs. S. Smith --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kindergarten Teacher (Mon/Wed/scheduled Fridays) Mrs. S. Smith --------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- Kindergarten Teacher (Tues/Thurs/scheduled Fridays) Mrs. M. Unruh -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Grade One Ms. J. McMurphy ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Grade One/Two Mrs. J. Thachuk ------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------- Grade Two Mrs. L. Pek ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Grade Three Mrs. M. Irlbeck-Vandale -------------------------------------------------------------------Grade Four Mr. J. Baptist ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Grade Four/Five Mr. M. Loran ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Grade Six Mr. O. Serhyenko ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Grade Six/Seven Mr. D. Todos ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Grade Eight Mrs. C. Munroe ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Early Intervention Program Ms. T. Balon ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release Teacher Mr. B. Fahlman---------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- Release Teacher Mrs. J. Schulte --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release Teacher Mrs. E. Hilbig---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Learning Assistance Teacher Mrs. C. Ens --------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- Learning Assistance Teacher Mrs. R. Cherniawsky -------------------------------------------------------------------------Teacher Librarian Mrs. K. Berzolla---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- ELO Catalyst Teacher Ms. T. Anderson ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Band Teacher Mrs. C. Mulhall-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Educational Assistant Mrs. S. McLaughlin --------------------------------------------------------------------------Educational Assistant Mrs. K. Walker -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Educational Assistant Mrs. J. Kitzul ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Educational Assistant Mrs. D. Holman ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Educational Assistant Mr. M. Mendoza ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Educational Assistant Ms. J. Kowalchuk ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Educational Assistant Mr. G. Thorpe --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- School Counselor Mrs. W. Senick ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aboriginal Student Retention Worker Mrs. L. Sutherland ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aboriginal Student Achievement Coordinator Mr. D. Vinish ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Head Caretaker Mrs. J. Astargo-Cuevas ----------------------------------------------------------------------Evening Caretaker A special welcome to our new staff who have joined us at Father Vachon this school year. SUPERINTENDENTS Mr. G. Martell Mr. J. Lloyd Superintendent of Education Superintendent of Administrative Services 306-659-7000 306-659-7020 SCHOOL HOURS 8:40 AM 8:45 AM 10:15 AM 10:30 AM 11:45 AM – 12:07 PM 12:07 PM - 12:30 PM 1:45 PM 2:00 PM 3:15 PM Warning Bell Classes Begin Recess Bell Ending Recess Bell Lunch Break Lunch Recess Bell Afternoon Recess Bell Ending Afternoon Recess Bell Dismissal Bell STUDENT NEWS NUT ALERT – We have a number of students at our school that are highly allergic to peanuts and nut products. Anaphylaxis is a medical condition that causes a severe reaction to specific foods and can result in death within minutes. Because of the seriousness of this danger, we ask that you are careful to avoid sending food to school that contain nuts. A reminder that if you have a child that needs medical treatment that is life threatening, please contact the principal at the school. Thanks for your understanding and cooperation. WELCOME BACK PANCAKE BREAKFAST - Friday, September 11th– 7:30 AM – 9:00 AM featuring the Fiddler’s Four!!! Everyone welcome. MEET THE TEACHER NIGHT & FATHER VACHON CATHOLIC SCHOOL COMMUNITY COUNCIL AGM On Tuesday, September 8th we will be hosting a Meet the Teacher evening. Also, the Catholic School Community Council annual general meeting will be held following the classroom sessions. You will have the opportunity to meet your child’s 2 classroom teacher and teaching staff of Father Vachon as well as attend our CSCC annual general meeting. The Father Vachon Catholic School Community Council is a great way to get involved in the events of Father Vachon School. Nomination forms are available at the office. The schedule for this evening is as follows: 6:00 6:30 Formal Classroom Presentation # 1 – 15 min. Formal Classroom Presentation #2 – 15 min. Catholic School Community Council AGM in the library. We look forward to seeing you there. STUDENT ATTENDANCE/ABSENCE: Please notify the office (659-7210) if your child is away from school. Please leave their name, their grade, their teacher’s name and a reason for the absence. Thank you. MILK SALES: Milk is sold at Father Vachon School daily. Milk may be purchased for 75 cents each or a milk card can be purchased for $15.00. CROSS COUNTRY: We are excited to let you know that our cross-country team ( opened to grades 3 – 8 students) will begin with our first practice on Wed. September 9th. Our school has had tremendous success in the past and we are looking forward to once again working with your children. Practices will be twice a week – on Mondays and Wednesdays from 3:15 – 3:45pm. Athletes will need to come prepared with the appropriate running gear (i.e. runners/shorts or track pants/t-shirt) and a water bottle. Our two meets are once again at Diefenbaker Park: Wed. Sept. 30th – Practice Meet - 4:00 – 5:30pm Wed. Oct. 7th – Championship Meet 4:00 – 6:30pm We would love your support. You are more than welcomed to come out and cheer on our cross-country runners! See you there! EDUCATIONAL MATTERS FIRST STUDENT RIDERS –Father Vachon School has been allocated two busses to assist in transporting students in our attendance area. Students must live the minimum distance of 800 meters from the school to qualify. Eligible families will receive a call from the bus driver. Drivers are responsible for sharing information about the bus stop locations and times. It is also important that First Student has your bus registration form. If you have not turned one into the office at school, please do so as soon as possible. For the safety of all students, please regard the NO PARKING ZONE in front of the school. ROOM PARENTS - We will be looking for Room Parents for each classroom. Room parents serve as a link to our CSCC and to assist the teacher if needed in the planning of special classroom events. Please let your classroom teacher know or the front office if you could help out by serving in this capacity. SPEED ZONES - The 30 km/h speed limit is in effect from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday to Friday, September to June – including statutory holidays. School zones are marked by reflective, fluorescent yellow-green signs, and begin at these signs, and end at a sign indicating a greater speed limit (normally 50 km/h). The city will be monitoring the effectiveness of school zone speed limits to allow for additional education and enforcement in problem areas. It’s up to you to obey the rules of the road and drive courteously. Twelve seconds – the difference could save a life. TUESDAY MORNING MEETINGS – On two Tuesday mornings per month our staff meets for prayer and to collaborate for student learning. We ask that on those Tuesdays, students arrive at the school a little later – 8:30 AM at the earliest. The door from the mudroom will be locked until that time. Thank you for supporting us in better serving your children. IAP Kids Plus Accident Insurance Forms: SEE ATTACHED FORMS TO THIS NEWSLETTER. FOR MORE INFORMATION VISIT www.iapkidsplus.com SCHOOL COUNSELOR My name is Glenn Thorpe and I am excited to be the new School Counsellor at Father Vachon School for the upcoming school year. With my background in counselling, youth leadership, and education, I look forward to having the chance to meet and get to know the wonderful students and families of Father Vachon School and the community at large. I can be reached at (306) 659-6706. ABORIGINAL STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT COORDINATOR I would like to take this opportunity to welcome all our families to Father Vachon. My name is Lauralee Sutherland and I am the Aboriginal Student Achievement Coordinator. My office is located on the north east side of the school and my door is always open when I am at Father Vachon. My schedule at Father Vachon is as follows: Tuesdays, Thursdays and Friday mornings. You can also reach me at 306-659-7742 or email me at lsutherland@gscs.sk.ca. I look forward to working with our families and students here at Father Vachon and I hope you have a great school year! 3 4 5