RICARDO PALACIOS, P.E. 226 Middleton Place, Grayson, GA 30017 Tel.: (770) 845-5345 or (678) 376-7411 E-mail: rpalacios@palacioseng.com QUALIFICATIONS SUMMARY Highly skilled Civil Engineer with over 19 years of design and management experience. Specializing in project management, site design, site mitigation, hydrology, transportation, mapping and Geographic Information Systems. RELEVANT EXPERIENCE Manage a daily operations of a small Civil Engineering Consulting Firm. Managed projects from initial client contact through the engineering, permitting and construction phases of a variety of projects. Managed the coordination of resources necessary to complete multiple concurrent engineering projects with varying levels of complexity and size. Managed on-time and on-budget delivery of design documents in support of Land Disturbance Permits, Mitigation Studies, Hydrology Studies, Site Development Budgets, Permitting Processes, and Construction Documents. Managed a multitude of contracts with the Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT), Various County D.O.T.'s, Real Estate Appraisers, Real Estate Attorneys and Property Owners with the aim of resolving conflicts created between proposed road improvements and the existing and remaining impacted property during Right of Way acquisitions. Provided Expert Witness testimony in the form of Depositions and/or Court Testimony on behalf of comdemnees and/or comdemnors on a multitude of Imminent Domain cases throughout the state. Responsible for the creation of documents in support of Land Disturbance Permits, Zoning Variances, Re-Zonings, Mitigation Studies, Hydrology Studies, Phase I Environmental Studies, Site Development Budgets and other consulting services. Provided site consulting services to Development Authorities and State Agencies to assess Site Development Suitability, Environmental Concerns, Site Permitting Requirements, Driveway Permitting Requirements and Construction Scheduling related to the development of new industrial parks and provided conceptual designs for industrial parks and/or specific user site layout. Responsible for the procurement, deployment and administration of Regional Geographic Information System's (GIS) hardware, software and personnel. Managed the creation of land bases, and the overlay of market intelligence for AT&T's Southern Region encompassing the states: NC, SC, GA, AL, FL. RICARDO PALACIOS, P.E. 226 Middleton Place, Grayson, GA 30017 Tel.: (770) 845-5345 or (678) 376-7411 E-mail: rpalacios@palacioseng.com Assisted the City of Newark's office of the Tax and Assessors and the City Surveyor in the interpretation and digitalization of historical documents dating from the 1850’s through the 1980’s to create the backbone of the City of Newark's Geographic Information System and Digital Tax Mapping System; utilizing Intergraph’s Inroads Coordinate Geometry Software and the MicroStation Suite of Products. Performed intersection design and improvement studies, reviewed and advised Engineering Division management on the impact of proposed developments on existing infrastructure. Responsible for the creation of design documents including but not limited to: Site, Lighting, Soil Erosion, Utilities, Stormwater Management Systems, Road Plans and Profiles as required by local jurisdiction and/or job complexity. EMPLOYMENT RECORD 2003 – Present Palacios Engineering, Inc. Principal Engineer / C.E.O 2001 – 2006 Georgia Power Company Economic Development Engineer 1997 – 2001 Planning Design Group, Inc. Principal Engineer / Project Manager 1996 – 1997 AT&T Corporation Southeastern Regional Manager 1995 – 1996 City of Newark, Dept. of Engineering Senior Engineer 1994 – 1995 City of Newark, Dept. of Engineering Senior Traffic Engineer 1994 – 1996 Harris & Beckmeyer Staff Engineer PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATIONS & CERTIFICATIONS Georgia Professional Engineer - No. 028743 Alabama Professional Engineer - No. 26252 Florida Professional Engineer - No. 61365 GSWCC - Level II Certified Design Professional - No. 0000056086 GDOT - ROW Pre-Qualified R.O.W. Consultant EDUCATION B.S., Civil Engineering, New Jersey Institute of Technology, 1995