Quentin and Flora is Chip Bishop`s New Book

Quentin and Flora is Chip Bishop’s New Book
For Immediate Release
April 19, 2014
The captivating relationship of Quentin Roosevelt, President Theodore Roosevelt’s
youngest son, and Quentin’s secret fiancée, Flora Payne Whitney, is told in rich and absorbing
detail in a new book by Cape Cod author Chip Bishop, a skillful storyteller.
Quentin and Flora: A Roosevelt and a Vanderbilt in Love during the Great War, is Chip
Bishop’s second book, following The Lion and the Journalist – The Unlikely Friendship of
Theodore Roosevelt and Joseph Bucklin Bishop, a New York Times bestselling e-book.
Quentin and Flora is currently available from the publisher, Amazon.com, in print and ebook forms. It is also in book stores everywhere.
The lives of Quentin and Flora intersect at the dawn of the Great War in Europe after
each has grown up in the public spotlight, he in the White House and she in the storied
mansions of Manhattan and Newport. His childhood precociousness charms the nation and
parallels her envelopment in her parents’ worlds of high art, luxury yachts and international
polo matches.
Quentin and Flora reach beyond their families’ orbits to begin a searching adolescent
companionship that evolves inexorably into a fairy tale romance, tortured by the uncertainty of
war and a vast and dangerous ocean.
Through their actual letters, deeply unexplored for a hundred years, the reader shares
their youthful desires and dreams, only to see them thwarted by the agony of separation and
high-level political intrigue. We learn of their hush-hush engagement and last night together on
her father’s yacht.
Quentin, a newly-trained U.S. Air Service pilot, sails to France with a determination to
prove his stuff in aerial combat against the Kaiser’s air force. Weeks before the Armistice, he
powers his open-cockpit biplane deep into dangerous German-occupied skies in a thunderous
clash that exposes both his bravado and courage. But within days, while on air patrol over
enemy territory, Quentin is surprised by a belligerent enemy determined to defend his
Quentin and Flora is a moving tale of courage, heroism and young love. Set against the
backdrop of Theodore Roosevelt’s lofty expectations for his sons and his own tragic demise, it is
a richly-drawn and gripping tale, superbly written and forcefully told.
Just in time for the centennial of the Great War, Quentin and Flora is a classic pageturner with relevance for today.
The Author
Chip Bishop is an accomplished writer and speaker. His debut book, The Lion and the
Journalist, has been hailed by historians, reviewers and readers alike.
He grew up in Woonsocket, R.I. and was graduated from Boston University. His lifetime
of achievements includes roles as a campaign and administration aide to President Jimmy
Carter, Capitol Hill lobbyist, entrepreneur, local elected official, and disc-jockey during the
fabled 1960s British Invasion.
Chip is a member of the board of directors of the Biographers International
Organization, a member of the Theodore Roosevelt Association and the executive committee of
its New England chapter.
He lives on Cape Cod with his wife and business partner, Jane Nichols Bishop.
Visit www.QuentinandFlora.com.
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Contact the author at Chip@ChipBishop.com or at 508 292-2474.