Routine Maternal Newborn Care Chart Review TABLE

Routine Maternal Newborn Care Chart Review TABLE
Sample can include any delivery since applicable for all births
Note: Based on WHO Safe Childbirth Checklist (developed through international expert consultation)
Can be used to calculate many quality of care performance measures (see Routine Maternal Newborn Quality of
Care Process Indicators table)
**Based on WHO Safe Childbirth Checklist Standards
Note 1 if all items recorded ; 0 if any not recorded ;
NA if not applicable
Maternal : Intra- and immediate post-partum
Partogram completed : all admission data points (per Liberia standard)
plus 3 discrete intra-partum data sets (cervical dilation, FHR, Mat BP,
mat temp, Membrane status) unless admission cervical dilatation > 8 cm
Antibiotic initiated if sepsis risk factors present at any time (per Guide)
HIV status confirmed
ARV initiated if HIV positive
Immediate post-partum administration of 10 units Oxytocin IM (as part of
AMTSL PPH prevention)
1. Score Intra-partum & Immediate Post-partum criteria
met (x/5)
Essential Newborn Care elements recorded
*BF within one hour of birth
*Thermal protection (wrapped/dried or skin to skin)
*Umbilical care (chlorhexadine if standard in Liberia)
w/best practice
*Eye Care (povidine or topical antibiotic per Liberia norm)
* Routine vaccinations: BCG & OPV
2. Essential Newborn Care Items recorded (x/5 elements)
Mother Early Post-partum Monitoring (for early detection
BP, temp, pulse, respiratory rate at least every 15 minutes first hour then
every 4 hrs x 24 hours then twice daily
Uterine firmness at least every 15 minutes first hour then every 4 hrs x 24
hours then twice daily
Vaginal bleeding status at least every 15 minutes 1st hour then every 4
3. Mother post-partum monitoring criteria met (x/3)
Newborn Early Post-partum Monitoring (for early detection
Temp, pulse, respiratory rate at least every 15 minutes first hour then every
4 hrs x 24 hours then twice daily
Feeding (ideally BF) status at least every 15 minutes first hour then every
4 hours x 24 hours then twice daily
4. Newborn Early post-partum monitoring criteria met
Mother: pre-discharge physical exam, follow-up and danger sign
counseling; FP counseling and method of choice
Baby : pre-discharge physical exam; home best practices (feeding,
bathing, etc); follow-up and danger sign counseling
5. Discharge Criteria met (x/2)
Numerator = Total of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Denominator = Total possible elements (17)
% adherence with Routine MNH care standards per chart
(numerator/denominator x 100)
Average % adherence with Routine MNH treatment standards (all
% Charts with at least 80% adherence with Routine MNH Best