If someone is not able to keep her newborn baby and the baby may

1. If someone is not able to keep her newborn baby and the baby may be in danger the baby can
be dropped off at a:
a. Fire Station
b. Police Station
c. Hospital
d. All of the above
2. There is a law in Utah that protects anyone from being arrested when they safely drop off a
newborn baby.
a. True
b. False
3. You will be asked your name and address if you safely dropped off a newborn.
a. True
b. False
4. Newborns that are safely dropped off are placed for adoption.
a. True
b. False
For Teacher
Answers and Explanations:
1. The correct answer is C. Hospital;
In some rural areas of Utah, fire and police departments may not have someone at the station all of
the time. The safest place to drop-off a newborn is at a hospital.
2. The correct answer is A. True;
The Utah Newborn Safe Haven Law states that anyone dropping off a newborn at a hospital will not
be arrested.
3. The correct answer is B. False;
You will not have to give your name or your address to any health care provider if you drop off the
newborn at a hospital.
4. The correct answer is A. True;
Once the newborn has had a health check at the hospital, the baby is then taken to a foster care
family and the process for adoption begins right away.