Louisiana Association of Student Nurses Board of Directors Meeting

Louisiana Association of Student Nurses
Board of Directors Meeting
Google Hangout
February 2, 2014
I. Call to Order
a. Meeting called to order by Bridget Jones at 12:14pm.
II. Roll Call
a. Bridget Jones, President-present
b. Paige Martinez, Vice President-present
c. Priscilla Halloran, Secretary-present
d. Tiffany Paris, Treasurer-present
e. Christina Graham, Region I Director-present
f. Evie Robinson, Region II Director-present
g. Sarah Kolbe, Region III Director-present
h. Mitrell Osirio, Region IV Director-present
i. Kaitlin Greetham, Historian-absent
j. Amanda Massett, Special Events Coordinator-present
k. Jonathan Cox, BTN/Membership Director-present
l. Megan Murray, Horizon’s Editor-present
m. Whitney Williams, IT Director-present
n. Megan Smith, Parliamentarian-present
o. Brooke Vickers, Elected Consultant-present
p. Molly Gibson, Presidential Consultant-present
q. Cammi Wolff, LSNA Consultant-absent
III. Establishment of Quorum
a. Quorum is established at 12:15pm.
b. 15/17 board members present
IV. Motion to accept the agenda as a working agenda
a. Motion: Priscilla Halloran
b. Second: Brooke Vickers
c. Passed: 12:15pm
V. Reports
a. Financial Report (given by Tiffany Paris, Treasurer)
i. Current Account Status
 Checking: $10,122.07
 Savings: $6,021.05
 Total: $16,143.12
 Horizon’s bill and storage bill have been taken care
 Reimbursement checks from Natchitoches and
retreat were sent out as well.
ii. Motion to accept report from Tiffany Paris
 Motion: Priscilla Halloran
 Second: Brooke Vickers
 Passed: 12:17pm
b. Board reports
i. Always due Wednesday before monthly meeting at 3pm
ii. Important to keep in touch
iii. Motion to accept board reports
 Motion: Priscilla Halloran
 Passed: Brooke Vickers
 Passed: 12:18pm
iv. Discussion from board reports
VI. Old Business
a. Dining to Donate with Applebees
i. Locations/date
 Dining to Donate on February 27, 2014 from 11am-9pm.
 The flyer is on the LASN website and LASN Facebook
 Chili’s Restaurant will be the location for region 1.
 We are not allowed to pass out flyers outside of locations.
 There will be flyers at the hostess stand but a limited
number so be sure to tell people to bring one in.
VII. New Business
a. Amazon Associates
i. Correct thing just not loaded onto website correctly. We can get
up to 10% back on purchases. Bridget will work on correct link
and wording for website
b. T-Shirts
i. Design was sent to us.
ii. Sell pre-sale only and can sell them at convention.
iii. Utilize PayPal, cost to LASN would be $0 set up and maintenance
and 2.5% + $0.30 per transaction.
iv. Proposed price of shirt $15
c. NSNA Annual Convention
i. April 9-13, 2014
 Please let us know if you can attend before the March
meeting, e-mail Bridget, Tiffany, and cc Cammi.
 If more than 4 board members cannot attend then we have
to decide who we will be sending.
ii. Nashville, TN
iii. State Caucus
 We don’t know time and day until we get there.
d. Convention “Due Date”
i. On the proposal from Cindy, we have a date specific to book
rooms. This must be done by September 17, 2014.
ii. Give us 3 weeks to get everything together.
iii. Deadline for convention material is September 17, 2014. Region
directors can put this on the flyer.
e. Committee Reports
i. Community Health (Chair-Kaitlin Greetham)
 Nothing to report.
ii. Nominations and Elections Committee (Chair- Mitrell Osirio)
 Started application and flyer for LASN elections.
 The application process will be fully uploaded e-mail
 Hard copies will be brought to convention to obtain
iii. By-laws (Chair- Megan Smith)
 Nothing to report.
iv. Finance (Chair-Tiffany Paris)
 Sent out budget with new convention budget to Brooke and
Megan, waiting on their input.
v. Scholarships (Chair- Tiffany Paris)
 Nothing to report.
vi. Credentialing (Chair-Megan Smith)
 Nothing to report.
vii. Awards (Chair- Christy Graham)
 Nothing to report.
viii. Convention (Chair- Paige Martinez)
 Just putting together details and deciding on speakers.
 Need to decide on direction of keynote speakers.
ix. Executive (Chair-Bridget Jones)
 Nothing to report.
x. Image of Nursing (Chair- Jonathan Cox)
 Banner Idea
 Promotes cyber awareness and professionalism.
 Some suggested a brochure.
 Would be able to use this as a fundraiser.
 Banner cost: $40-$60-low cost
xi. Legislative (Chair- Brooke Vickers)
 Cammi is your LANPAC contact.
 Melissa Stewart possibly will be Louisiana Coalition
xii. Disaster Preparedness (Chair- Amanda Massett)
 All officers need to be NIMS certified.
 All board officers need to be NIMS certified before NSNA
xiii. Fundraising (Chair- Megan Murray)
 Working on updating forms.
 This month was mostly putting together dining to donate.
f. Next Meeting Dates
i. March Date
 March 23, 2014
 Region IV
Mitrell will send out e-mail with the address and meeting
time once finalized.
ii. April Date
 Meeting will be at NSNA convention.
 Caucus will serve as our meeting.
 We will do a short meeting to catch up for the month.
VIII. Miscellaneous
a. Open Discussion
i. March 1, 2014 is when the caucus book is due.
ii. Paige needs the finalized fliers for the caucus booklet.
iii. Board officer application will be in packet and online.
iv. We will be wearing the long-sleeve polo that Cammi found for us.
Oxford blue is a standard color and that is what we will be
wearing. Check the men’s department.
v. Priscilla is working on monogram with Stitch Monograms.
vi. I.H. Robb Leadership award
 BOD did not vote in support of nominating Kelsea Bice for
this award
 Bridget will not be nominated this year either
 Molly and Megan S. will work to create a policy stating
past LASN president will be nominated yearly beginning in
IX. Adjourn
a. Motion: Priscilla Halloran
b. Second: Molly Gibson
c. Passed: 12:47pm
President, Bridget Jones
Secretary, Priscilla Halloran