Career Developement Plan_Miller

_Cassandra Miller____ Career Development Plan
(Student’s Name)
Date ___12/4/2015_________
This Career Development Plan is your record of where you are today in your career journey, what you envision for your future, and how you plan to turn that
vision into reality. Review your SMART Goals from Lesson 6 and complete the following section.
My purpose or life’s
vision is:
My long-term career
goal is
(to be completed
within 6 months to 1
My short-term career
goal is (to be
completed within 3 –
6 months):
My career goals align
with my
purpose/life’s vision
BA 420, May 2014
I want to complete my bachelor’s degree and move over to the business department where I work. After completing my
bachelor’s, I want to continue on with my Master’s degree in project management. I would like to eventually go into management
at my current place of business or even look into working for Disney. I have always wanted to be a part of the Disney corporation.
With experience, I hope someday to get there.
1) Obtain Bachelor’s degree
2) Know Master’s degree school and type
3) Pursue 2 new jobs within the company
I will have a bachelor’s degree by the end of this goal. I will be accepted into a program for my master’s degree. I will have
applications in for 2 new job areas within the company.
I have my degree plan set to graduate by this time. I will continue to network with others at work in order to look for new
opportunities within the company. I will have my applications in for Master’s degrees.
Having my bachelor’s degree will help unlock new opportunities within the company. Knowing that I am also pursuing a graduate
degree will show my willingness to gain knowledge in specific job areas.
I will complete these goals by December 2016.
SI will make a decision regarding the future of graduate school. I will have decided what program I will obtain my specialty in.
I will have applications into graduate schools.
I will need to have this completed by this time in order to make sure I am ready to start my master’s degree.
Having my decision made about graduate school will help me focus on what specific job areas I should be pursuing within the
I will have deadlines for particular programs dealing with master’s degrees.
In order to continue at my place of business and to grow within the company, I must complete my bachelor’s. If I want to enter into
the management realm of the company, I must pursue graduate school. In gaining more knowledge, I will be able to present myself
as the best candidate for the jobs I would like to pursue.
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_Cassandra Miller____ Career Development Plan
(Student’s Name)
My highest point of
contribution is:
Date ___12/4/2015_________
The highest point of my contribution will have to be on the decision making level. In order for any of my goals to happen, I must
research and educate myself on all the opportunities in front of me. I need to know what I want and what it will take to obtain it. I
need to meet deadlines, and keep my skills and resume up-to-date.
Compare where you are today against where you desire to be. Identify strategies to close any gaps that exist, and what you will do to hold yourself
accountable. Revisit your plan frequently to celebrate your successes and make adjustments where needed.
My current education is
(include relevant certifications):
Actions I will take to close gaps:
Obtain Bachelor’s degree
By this date
(Achieved? Y/N):
December 2016
Required education is
(include relevant certifications):
Complete 27 more credits in order to graduate
Obtain Master’s degree
May 2019
Decide on program and make sure prerequisites
are met.
Actions I will take to close gaps:
By this date
(Achieved? Y/N):
May 2019
Required skills are:
May 2019
Being able to see outside the box and what life
is about.
December 2016
Lean six sigma activities
May 2016
Computer skills
December 2017
High School Degree
Certified in Medical Transcription
My current skills are
(list your top 5 transferable skills):
1. Interpersonal skills
2. Motivating
3. Designing Programs
4. Displaying
5. Dealing with Public
BA 420, May 2014
Continue working on team building skills by
attending training classes as well as doing
team building activities at work.
Continuing education courses will allow me to
learn more motivation techniques that
management can use. Reading about other
business people will allow me to integrate
other techniques in.
I will complete my Black Belt training to learn
the lean process and how it can help with my
everyday work practices.
Take a course in presentations and Microsoft
office products to learn more about
displaying my work
Continue to look at ways to improve
customer service to those that are not
traditional customers. Work with my current
manager to see what changes can be made.
Communication both written and spoken.
Team work
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_Cassandra Miller____ Career Development Plan
(Student’s Name)
My current work values are:
Actions I will take to close gaps:
1. Excellence
Continue to educate myself on process and
computer applications
Grow my network of individuals who can help
me grow into new opportunities.
Try to look at a healthier lifestyle while
working full-time and attending school
2. Team work
3. Work/Life Balance
Date ___12/4/2015_________
By this date
(Achieved? Y/N):
May 2017
Jobs / organizations with similar values:
May 2017
Toastmaster’s; Sandia Women Empowering
Each other
Sandia runner’s club; Health Benefits classes
September 2016
Continuing Education at Sandia
1 year success achieved / adjustments
5 year success achieved / adjustments
BA 420, May 2014
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