GRC Olomouc status doc. File name: SimpleManInstatDesk1.0.doc saved: U025206 document no: project: Helpdesk Intrastat Organisation/Author: date: Novotný 6.1.2012 Simple user's manual for InstatDesk application ver. 1.0 pages 1 (from 3) Simple user's manual for the InstatDesk-CZ application (This manual is used only for the first or basic orientation in the InstatDesk-CZ application. All possibilities of the application are not described here.) The InstatDesk-CZ application is used for Intrastat data collection. The program is used both by Customs offices and PSIs (providers of statistical information).The InstatDesk-CZ enables an import of Intrastat data generated by other systems. You can import CSV (comma separated values) file. InstatDesk – CZ was programmed with the use of .NET Framework as an object oriented software with application of modern standards. The application is provided free of charge. Minimal required configuration of a workstation: Pentium 400 MHz or equivalent 512 MB RAM 300 MB HD capacity Required OS: Windows XP, Windows Vista or Windows 7 .NET framework version 3.5 SP1 Monitor setting: at least 1024x768 pixels 1. Basic guide 1.1. You have to be registered on your respective Customs Office from which you receive so called identification of the workstation (ID of the station) and a password. In other words it means the identification number of your InstatDesk-CZ installation. The ID of the station and a password are necessary for sending your Intrastat data to our Intrastat Centre of the Customs Administration by the InstatDesk-CZ application. 1.2. The installation package of the application can be downloaded from our web site on this address ( the centre of the horizontal menu /Other Competencies /Intrastat). 1.3. The installation is started by clicking on the icon Setup.exe. 1.4. After installation you have to fill out „Basic data“ in the menu „Basic data / Edit“. In the form „Basic data“ choose the card „Sender/TDP“ and by clicking on the button „Edit“ you can enter a VAT number ( with prefix CZ) of a sender. Either it is a PSI or its TDP (third declaring party). All other items are contact information of the given responsible person. On this card you have to enter the ID of the station which you obtained from your respective Customs Office. (Very often it is Customs Office Praha 1 … ) 1 1.5. 1.6. 1.7. 1.8. 1.9. 1.10. 1.11. 1.12. 1.13. A very important item is the branch number (default value is 1) which is used for distinguishing between branches of the same PSI (the same VAT number) which are located on different places and send Intrastat declarations for themselves. So now the unique identifier of your declaration is a compound item based on a VAT number, branch number, reference period (Year/Month) and declaration identification (the order number of a declaration in the given reference period). In the next step on the card „PSI“ by clicking on the button „Add“ you can fill out items about PSI. The Customs Office number is PSI's respective Customs Office (where the given PSI is registered). The Company type is the code for distinguishing if the PSI declares arrivals, dispatches or both flows. All other items are contact information of the given responsible person. One sender can have more PSIs. Very often the sender and the PSI is the same company. In that case you can fill out Sender at first and then you click on the button “Copy of user” in the card “PSIs”. By clicking on the button “Delete” you can delete a given PSI. If you filled out all the items on the card „Sender / TDP“ and on the card „PSIs“ you can start filling out data for Intrastat declarations. By clicking on the menu „Declarations / New“ you can start entering individual records of declarations. In the form “Declaration“ in the item „Special movement“ you have to select a code for goods movement (ST – standard in most cases or if you need the so called „negative declaration“ you choose NN), then select the right year and the month (the reference period). In the item „PSI“ select the company for which you fill out the declaration. Fill out all the necessary items. In the item CN8 code you can search for the right code by clicking on the button „...“. After filling out all the required items you can save the record (the form) by clicking on the button „Save“ or by clicking on the button „New with a copy“ you save the record and use the copy of most of items for the new record (form). Then fill out the rest of items. Check out the reference period. After entering all records for the given reference period (you can have arrivals and dispatches in one file) you can generate the file for online sending by clicking on the menu „Declarations files / Create“. Then in the form „Create declarations file“ you can change the required reference period. By clicking on the button „Create“ the file is generated. Every time you create a file a new name is generated. Even corrected records are generated in a file with a new name. You can send the generated file to the Intrastat Centre by clicking on the menu “DeclarationsFiles / Send”. The dialog form is displayed where you can select the file for sending. Then click on the button “Send” and the file is sent to our server in the Intrastat Centre. For sending the file you need ID of the station, email address and password. In the menu “Declarations files / Overview” you can check the processing status of the sent file. The processing status of the file has to be “Successful”. Please be patient because processing of files takes time and sometime there is a long queue of files waiting for processing. By using the button “Update processing status” you can update the status of your file. If an error occurred during processing of a file you are informed about it by Processing status – Failed. Then on the right side of the “Declarations files overview” you have “Processing errors” button where you can see the reason while the file was rejected. The file is rejected as a whole so all records in the file are rejected. When you have errors in the file you have to make corrections and send the declarations again. Corrections can be simply done by clicking on the file in “Declarations files” overview and then by correcting the required declaration line. 2 2. Import filters: You can import the Intrastat data from other systems by using CSV (comma separated value) format file. 2.1 Of course you have to have the VAT number of the given PSI in the Basic data with CZ prefix if you want to import the Intrastat data of the PSI. 2.2 Then you can import the CSV file by using the menu „Declaration / Import / from CSV file“. After importing the window with a process report appears. By clicking on the button „Accept“ the Intrastat data are read up to the inner database of the application and you can view them or edit possible errors. You can see declarations in an overview by clicking on the menu „Declarations / Overview“. If the record is correct the state is “new” in the overview. If the record is not correct the state is “new” in the overview but on the left side is the document icon with a bolt. (Correct the record!) Then you can continue by creating the file and sending the file. See the article 1.8-1.10. 3. Corrections 3.1 The basic principle for corrections is different from the IDES-CZ application. Now when you make corrections or delete records from your declaration file you send only corrected records or so called “deleting records” not the whole corrected file. 3.2 When you need to make corrections click on the menu „Declarations files / Overview“ then you have to select your given file in the given reference period (month) for corrections. After selecting your file you click on the button „Declarations list“ or you can double click your selected file and now you can make corrections (in the overview of the given file) of any record you want. You can make double click on any record or click on the button “Show/Correct” and then again click on the button ”Correct” to edit the record. After making corrections in the record every record must be saved. There is a possibility to delete records from the file. 3.3 After making all the corrections you can close the overview window and create the new file with corrected records or deleting records only. It is done by clicking on the menu “Declarations files / Create” then in the dialog window you can choose PSI and reference period and click on the button “Create”. The file is generated. You can send the new generated file to the Intrastat Centre. It is the same like in articles 1.8 – 1.10. 3.4 When you import records from your own system and you make corrections in your own system before then you can do the corrections in the same way but in that case it would be much simpler to delete all records in the original file and send this correction file with deleting records only. Now you can import your corrected records from your own system and create the new original file for that month and send it. 3