Audio and Video Transcripts The transcripts below describe where the audio and video files are located and provides the script. In Basic Info tab, on screen, New Employee Orientation for Part-Time Faculty there is an audio file with the information below. Information for All New Hires The site that HCC provides for all new hires is generic information concerning HCC. When you access the site, you will learn more about HCC and some specific details concerning how to access certain sites online that you might find helpful. This is good general information, but in this seminar, you will receive specific information just for instructors. END In the HCC Syllabus tab, on screen, Syllabus, there is an audio file with the information below. The Syllabus The syllabus is extremely important. Your dept. chair may provide you with a syllabus for your class. Check with your Chair to determine if and what changes you can make to the syllabus. Be very clear in your expectations on the syllabus as this is a contract between you and your students. Have students print the syllabus from the Learning Web. You do not need to make copies for them. If you do not get a syllabus from your Chair, see the instructions for CURRICUNET See the instructions to upload your syllabus to your own Learning Web page. (Note: Distance Education students can also print their syllabi from the DE Orientation area or from the Eagle Online course.) END TLR 2013 In the HCC Syllabus tab, on screen, CurriUNET, there is an audio file with the information below. CURRICUNET has the latest syllabi for all HCC courses. Do not use your own syllabus. Start with the official CURRICUNET syllabus for your course and make changes to your contact information, dates, and assignments as needed. It is easy and simple to retrieve the official HCC syllabus for your course. Just follow these steps ! END In the HCC Teaching Tips tab, on screen, Focus More on Learning and Less on Teaching, there is an audio file with the information below. As instructors, we do all of the work. Instructors deliver the content, control and direct the discussions, preview the material and the summarize it and provide examples, solve problems, create diagrams and graphs. When it comes to who is working the hardest in the classroom, it is the instructor. Let’s step aside and move out of that comfort zone. Create lessons and activities that make the students think and get involved. END In the HCC Teaching Tips tab, on screen, Engage Your Students, there is an audio file with the information below. (Instructors Do Not Tell; Students Discover) This is an example of how you need to have students become more involved in learning. Don’t tell students to read the syllabus, give them a purpose to read it carefully. Tell students to read the syllabus before coming to class. During the first few minutes of class, ask the students if they have any questions. There will probably not be any. Tell the students. Then give the students a short quiz. Put the students in groups to compare answers. Then they can look up the answers using the syllabus. The students have analyzed the information from the syllabus, which helps their understanding. During the semester, before an assignment is due, have students pull out the syllabus, read the assignment description and then ask questions. Inform students that this is the time to ask questions. If the student asks a question that is answered in the syllabus, do not answer but refer the student to the syllabus. You are making the student more responsible for his or her learning. Always ask yourself “Why are you telling them this?” END 2 In the HCC Teaching Tips tab, on screen, Bloom’s Levels of Learning, there is an audio file with the information below. (Teaching for Understanding [Bloom]) When you create an assignment or exam or any class activity, you need to be aware of what it is you want your students to learn. If you want them to memorize facts, then you are asking them to perform the lowest level of thinking, remembering. If you are asking them to develop a theory of a concept, then you are requiring the student to perform at the highest level of thinking which is creating. We want our students to think. The higher the level at which they perform, the better they understand. By working up the levels of knowledge, your students can practice, apply, collaborate and reflect on what they learn. We do not want our students to just listen and take notes. It is important for you as an instructor to think about what it is you would like your students to know when they have completed an assignment or exam. That will assist you in determining the type of activity that you will assign or questions that you will ask. To learn more about how students learn, you can choose to take the free HCC seminars from Teaching and Learning Resources (TLR) on instructional design, learning outcomes, active learning and other essential educational concepts. You may also want to research Bloom’s Taxonomy online. END See the following page for video transcripts. 3 VIDEO Transcripts Welcome to HCC ! Hello! I’m Judy Hayman, Academic Dean of Southwest College. I am excited that you are joining our team of educators and I hope you are just as excited to be here. As with any new job, there is so much to learn and my goal for this seminar is to provide you with information that you will need to make your work easier. Your effort to complete this seminar will be rewarded in your classes. You won’t be left wondering what to do because you have essential information here. The reason I selected this method of presenting the material was to make it easier for you. I decided that viewing a short online seminar whenever you want is a better use of your time. You will also have access to view the content you find here multiple times if you need refreshing on some of the information. I tried to condense information so that you are provided with key information to start the semester. You will find that in the seminar you will view video minuteclips of teaching methods. These methods are applicable in any face-to-face class. As this seminar is really about basic information, I was not able to provide you with as much as I would like to have on teaching methods However, you will find numerous courses offered free to you by the TLR program that will provide you with specific teaching skills and methods. You will find a list of these courses at the end of this seminar. Now, follow the instructions on this page to learn more about HCC. END This video is on the the Wrap Up tab, on the Teaching is Rewarding tab: Congratulations! You completed this part of your journey through your orientation to HCC. There is more here to help you meet your requirements and follow HCC policies. As you continue to learn, you will also find that HCC has training that you can choose to take on your own to increase your knowledge of higher education. This is 4 information you might find at conferences or in education courses, but HCC offers it to its employees for free if they would like to use it. Your job as an adjunct faculty member is extremely important. Teaching can be so rewarding. You will find that you increase your knowledge when you teach. You will also discover the importance of your role as instructor. Take your role as instructor seriously as you direct the learning in your classroom. Your work impacts the future of your students. Plan and you will feel confident in delivering coursework that will cover the objectives of your course. If you have questions about your planning or course tools, talk to your department chair. They are there to assist you. Use active learning techniques to provide students with experiences that will allow them to learn at a higher level of understanding. Now go out and teach And remember to have fun ! END 5