IKO-KNOT (PTY) LTD Tel: 087 808 7288 235 Montana Street, Montana, Pretoria, 0159 Email: admin@iko-knot.co.za Company Reg No: 2014/149951/07 Authorised Financial Service Provider -NCRCP2028 NCR Reg No. NCRCP2028 BUSINESS LOAN APPLICATION FORM PERSAPPLICATION BRANCH NAME AGENT CODE APPLICANT DETAILS 1 APPLICANT DETAILS TITLE FIRST NAME NAMES ALSO KNOWN AS (AKA) SURNAME MAIDEN NAME GENDER MALE FEMALE ID NUMBER HOME TELEPHONE CELL NUMBER EMAIL ADDRESS PHYSICAL ADDRESS POSTAL ADDRESS SUBURB SUBURB CITY/TOWN CITY/TOWN PROVINCE PROVINCE CODE CODE RESIDENTIAL STATUS RENT OWN PERIOD AT PRESENT ADDRESS Y MARITAL STATUS Y HOSTEL LIVE WITH PARENTS OTHER M M SINGLE LIVING TOGETHER HAVE YOU APPLIED FOR OR ARE YOU UNDER: COMPANY PROVIDED DEBT REVIEW Y 2 MARRIED MARRIED Out of community of property In community of property SEPARATED N CUSTOMARY MARRIAGE WIDOWED DIVORCED NUMBER OF DEPENDENTS ADMINISTRATION Y N SEQUESTRATION Y N EMPLOYMENT START DATE Y Y EMPLOYMENT DETAILS NAME OF EMPLOYER BRANCH OCCUPATION EMPLOYMENT STATUS SALARY PAID WORK TELEPHONE PERMANENT MONTHLY PART TIME ON DATE WEEKLY CONTRACT WORKER ON DAY M T W T Y Y / M M / D D SELF EMPLOYED F PAYROLL TEL NO EMPLOYER PHYSICAL ADDRESS V1.10 SUBURB CITY/TOWN PROVINCE CODE 1 of 4 IKO-KNOT (PTY) LTD Tel: 087 808 7288 235 Montana Street, Montana, Pretoria, 0159 Email: admin@iko-knot.co.za Company Reg No: 2014/149951/07 Authorised Financial Service Provider -NCRCP2028 NCR Reg No. NCRCP2028 3 BANKING DETAILS NAME OF ACCOUNT HOLDER BANK NAME BRANCH NAME BRANCH CODE ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT TYPE CHEQUE SAVINGS 4 TITLE OTHER (SPECIFY) SPOUSE/ PARTNER DETAILS INITIALS SURNAME FIRST NAMES DATE OF BIRTH Y Y Y Y / M M / D D HOME NUMBER WORK TELEPHONE CELL NUMBER EMAIL ADDRESS NEXT OF KIN / RELATIVE / FRIEND – NOT RESIDING WITH YOU 5 TITLE INITIALS SURNAME FIRST NAMES RELATIONSHIP CELL NUMBER HOME TELEPHONE WORK TEL EMAIL ADDRESS 6 INCOME & EXPENSES . R NET SALARY (AS SHOWN ON PAYSLIP) A CALCULATE ALL YOUR LIVING EXPENSES EXCLUDING LOANS, EXAMPLE: FOOD, RENT, TRAVEL, SCHOOL FEES, ETC. 7 LIVING EXPENSES R . B TOTAL OF MONTHLY REPAYMENTS R . C BAYPORT PRODUCT OFFERINGS (PLEASE COMPLETE THE RELEVANT BLOCKS) 7.1 LOAN APPLICATION . AMOUNT REQUESTED R HOW WOULD YOU LIKE TO RECEIVE YOUR STATEMENT? LANGUAGE PREFERENCE ENGLISH AFRIKAANS E-MAIL PRINTABLE WEB PAGE BY SMS/MMS SOUTHERN SOTHO ZULU IKO-KNOT automatically sends all communication relating to loans in English. If you wish communication in respect of loan products to be in Afrikaans, Zulu or South Sotho, please make a selection above or call Client Service on 087 808 7288 to specify your choice. No agent is permitted to give you advice in respect of any insurance products. If you require advice on any insurance products or insurance related matters, please contact IKO-KNOT 087 808 7288. V1.10 2 of 4 7.2 PRODUCT OR MERCHANT APPLICATION ARE YOU INTERESTED IN A MERCHANT/PRODUCT PACKAGE FROM IKO-KNOT?YES NO WORK DELIVERY ADDRESS SUBURB CITY/TOWN PROVINCE CODE PREFERRED DELIVERY TIME : TO : AM PM PREFERRED PHONE PACKAGE FOR OFFICE USE ONLY PACKAGE NUMBER 7.3 INSURANCE COVER Please note that IKO-KNOT is now able to provide an exciting range of insurance products for you and your family. Please ask your agent to share the IKO-KNOT Brochure/s with you. Having seen the brochure for Funeral Insurance Cover which will provide cover for you, your partner, up to 5 children and your parents, are you interested in taking up the Funeral Insurance Cover? Y N Having seen the brochure for Personal Accident Insurance Cover which will provide cover for you, your partner and up to 5 children, are you interested in taking up the Personal Accident Insurance cover? Y N 8 AGENT DISCLOSURES COMPULSORY FOR AGENT TO COMPLETE IF CUSTOMER APPLIES FOR PRODUCT/MERCHANT PACKAGE OR INSURANCE PRODUCTS THE AGENT WHO PRESENTS THIS APPLICATION TO YOU IS AN INTERMEDIARY UNDER THE CONSUMER PROTECTION ACT. THE DETAILS AND DISCLOSURES OF THE INTERMEDIARY/AGENT AS REQUIRED BY THE CONSUMER PROTECTION ACT AND OTHER APPLICABLE LAWS ARE LISTED BELOW. FULL NAME OF AGENT ID NUMBER OF AGENT PHYSICAL WORK ADDRESS OF AGENT POSTAL ADDRESS OF AGENT SUBURB SUBURB CITY/TOWN CITY/TOWN PROVINCE PROVINCE CODE CODE HOME TELEPHONE CELL NUMBER EMAIL ADDRESS SERVICES The Agent has been appointed by IKO-KNOT to: 1. market merchant purchase and Investment Products on behalf of IKO-KNOT; and 2. market and originate loan products on behalf of IKO-KNOT; 3. originate applications for funeral insurance products (but agents are not mandated to provide advice in respect of funeral insurance products). FEES There are no fees payable by you to the agent. Please do not pay any money to the agent for any services rendered or in respect of any agreement with IKO-KNOT or for any other reason whatsoever. COSTS The agent is not entitled to recover any costs from you. CONTACT 1. 2. 3. COMMISSION ON CELLULAR PACKAGE PRODUCTS IKO-KNOT pays a commission to the agent on services or products sold. COMMISSION ON FUNERAL INSURANCE PRODUCTS IKO-KNOT pays a commission to the agent. CODES OF CONDUCT The agent must comply with IKO-KNOT internal code of conduct and policies which apply to agents and with the terms of its mandate from IKO-KNOT. Once you have completed this application, the agent will not contact you. IKO-KNOT will contact you telephonically to proceed with the transaction since the agent will have completed his mandate. All telephone calls are electronically recorded for purposes of quality and record keeping. The agent confirms that he / she has never been found guilty of any offence involving dishonesty, been placed under sequestration, liquidation or judicial management. V1.10 3 of 4 8 MANDATE I, herewith instruct IKO-KNOT to load a debit order onto the above mentioned bank account to debit the once off fee. I agree that the debit order be loaded onto my bank account as soon as IKO-KNOT has received feedback on my application. Once IKO-KNOT has submitted my personal loan application to the Brokers (depending on service required) or have loaded it onto their systems I will receive an email entitled: Feedback. And be in contact directly with the brokers / service providers. I understand and agree to pay a once off fee of R356.96 for services rendered and I fully understand that the fee I non-refundable, and that the fees do not guarantee that a loan will be granted in my favor. The fee is payable on my following salary date. Initial:_____________ Date to Debit:____________ 9 DECLARATIONS By completing and signing this application, I, the undersigned applicant, understand and agree that – 1. IKO-KNOT and (IKO-KNOT successors) may transfer its rights under this application to any third party which it may, in its sole discretion, decide to transfer its rights to. Any such third party or any person interested in this application or any agreement resulting from this application will be entitled to rely on the correctness and accuracy of the information I have set out in this application and any supporting documents which I may provide; 2. IKO-KNOT will decide, in its sole discretion, to either approve or decline this application. If IKO-KNOT refuses to grant a loan, I am entitled to ask IKO-KNOT for its reasons in refusing to grant me credit; 3. IKO-KNOT has the right to verify all information provided by me in this application form and I consent to IKO-KNOT conducting all such verification checks (including, without limitation, credit bureau checks, fraud database checks, employment checks and the like) to assess my application and to obtain any information (including medical related information) it may require from third parties and I consent to such third parties giving IKO-KNOT the required information; 4. I consent to IKO-KNOT furnishing information about me to IKO-KNOT Management which relates to or has a bearing on any suspected or proven fraudulent activity. IKO-KNOT reserves the right to refer any instance of suspected or proven fraud to the SAFPS and/or SAPS and, where possible, will actively seek to prosecute those responsible; 5. The information provided to IKO-KNOT and collected by IKO-KNOT in this application and the verifying supporting documentation may be used by IKO-KNOT and companies associated with or appointed by IKO-KNOT for the purpose of assisting with this application and/or the conclusion of an agreement with IKO-KNOT; 6. Various third party service providers who are not employees of IKO-KNOT render services to IKO-KNOT and/or Insurance Company and may need access to my personal information in order to render those services. By signing this application form, I hereby consent to IKO-KNOT disclosing and/or transferring and/or hosting my personal information (including any medical-related information) to or with third parties appointed by IKO-KNOT to render services to it as well as to any third party who may acquire an interest (such as ownership, security interest or the like) in the product offering agreements concerned; 7. This application and all decisions and required documents will form part of any agreement/s signed with IKO-KNOT and shall be read together with that agreement/s as one document; 8. If I have withheld information or provided false information when completing this application, I will not qualify to conclude an agreement for any IKO-KNOT product and if IKO-KNOT finds this out at a later stage, it will be entitled to cancel the agreement, without penalty, on the basis thereof; 9. In respect of the IKO-KNOT Personal Funeral Insurance Policy and/or the IKO-KNOT Personal Accident Insurance Policy that I may take out with IKO-KNOT, the following shall apply – • I confirm that the agent only provided me with facts about the policy and did not give me any advice and I am free to contact a financial advisor if I want advice; • I decided to apply for the policy out of my own free will; • I have 30 days from the date that I receive the policy wording to decide whether to keep the policy. If I inform IKO-KNOT in writing that I do not want the policy, then IKOKNOT will pay back any premiums that I paid during such 30 day period; • I understand that if IKO-KNOT does not receive the amount I owe them every month, my policy will stop. I will not get any benefit and IKO-KNOT will not pay back any money I have paid. • I understand that an insured person may not be covered for more than R150 000 for funeral benefits , even if they are covered under more than one IKO-KNOT funeral policy. I understand that R150 000 at most will be paid out if the insured person dies; and • I understand that IKO-KNOT will receive commission (for rendering intermediary services) of 3.25% plus VAT of the total premiums paid under the policy and a binder fee of R7.00 per policy per month. I acknowledge that a related party of IKO-KNOT has a financial interest in a related party of IMB which enables IKO-KNOT’s related party to benefit from the overall performance of the funeral and personal accident insurance schemes. 10 MARKETING MAY IKO-KNOT OR A THIRD PARTY APPOINTED BY US FOR THIS PURPOSE CONTACT YOU FOR PURPOSES OF MARKETING OUR PRODUCTS AND SERVICES VIA ALL MEDIA? Y N 12 If you have ticked the “yes” box, you consent to IKO-KNOT giving your personal information (which IKO-KNOT collects and processes as part of this application) to our marketing team, including our employees, third party service providers, subcontractors and agents (including, without limitation, origination agents) for purposes of contacting you regarding IKO-KNOT products and services or related products and services. This contact may include telemarketing, SMS and email and/or any other means. SIGNATURE I, the undersigned, declare that all information which has been completed on this form is true and correct and that all information provided about my income and expenses is a true reflection of my current financial position and if there are any other material facts that I believe could reasonably be relevant, I have made those material facts known. X APPLICANT SIGNATURE DATE NAME IN PRINT PLACE THIS APPLICATION MAY TAKE UP TO 5 WORKING DAYS TO PROCES 13 IKO-KNOT Client Service Telephone Number: 087 808 7288 Email: admin@iko-knot.co.za V1.10 4 of 4