Under Patronage of
HRH Prince Michael of Kent, GCVO
International Financial
Application Form
Student ID:
Student Name:
Please consider the below requirements before
Individuals must be currently studying a Masters in
Finance or be on the last year of an undergraduate
degree in finance
Individuals with solid knowledge of Financial
Investments are welcome to apply
Proof of English proficiency:
IELTS 6.0 or equivalent. An internal assessment is
also available
Course of Study:
Programme Advisor:
Admission Decision:
Admission Officer:
Thank you for your interest in London School of Business & Finance.
We look forward to welcoming you onto our Executive Education Programme at LSBF. Please ensure you read through the following information
carefully. It contains a step-by-step guide to completing the application form, and will help make the process as straightforward as possible. In
addition, our programme advisors are available to answer any of your questions in person, or over the phone, so please feel free to contact us if
you have any further queries regarding the application process.
Instructions for Applicants
Complete the application form.
Enclose the following supporting documents as a part of your application form:
 A copy of your degree certificate and a translated copy of your courses transcripts
 Proof of English language proficiency
 A copy of your passport and all previous UK visas (where applicable)
 Recent passport-sized colour photograph (jpeg, 150*150 pixels)
Please send a completed copy of your application form to your Programme Advisor via email only. You are required to attach copies of
the relevant documents listed in this application.
Upon receipt of the application form, all your documents will be submitted for consideration to the Programme Director to assess your
suitability for your chosen course of study. You should receive your an answer from LSBF no later than a week after it has been received by
the programme director
After careful consideration you will receive one of the following offers:
 An unconditional offer meaning that you have successfully met all the requirements and have been accepted onto your chosen
programme with LSBF.
 A conditional offer meaning that you have been accepted onto the programme but we may need further information from you before
you can proceed with your course.
 No offer means you will not receive an offer if the Admission Board does not consider you are ready to pursue this particular course of
study. If you do not receive an offer, you may still be able to study at LSBF by increasing your qualifications through an alternative
In each case, your individual Programmes Advisors will contact you to explain this in more detail.
As soon as you have received an offer letter from LSBF, your individual Programme Advisor shall be in touch with you regarding deposit
payment required to secure your place on the programme.
Application Deadlines
Due to a high demand for our Executive Programmes, places are limited. We therefore advise that you apply as early as possible.
For any general enquiries and to send complete application forms please contact us on:
+44 (0) 207 823 2303
(Dr, Mr, Mrs, Miss, Ms)
Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY)
Surname/Family Name
Country of Birth
First/Given Name
Country of Residence
Preferred Name
Principal Nationality
Secondary Nationality
Contact Address (UK address details)
Address Line 1
Primary E-mail
Address Line 2
Other E-mail
Home Phone
Business Phone
Mobile Phone
Permanent Address (if different from the above; international students please also provide an overseas address)
Address Line 1
Address Line 2
Is English your first Language?
Have you taken any English language examinations or standardised tests (e.g. TOEFL, IELTS, Cambridge First Certificate, PTE)?
☐ No Please go to (C)
☐ Yes
☐ Yes Please give details and enclose a copy of your certificate (if you were given one):
Name of Test Taken:
☐ No
Result Score:
If not, how would you describe your level of English?
☐ Fluent
☐ Advanced
☐ Intermediate
☐ Elementary / Beginner
Course Pricing Options
☐ Full Course Price
☐ Current LSBF students
Please Note:
[a] Applicants interested in evening study over 12 weeks or those looking to develop financial management skills, may consider other courses:
 PG Certificate in Management
 PG Certificate in Finance
 PG Certificate in Finance and Management
 PG Certificate in Financial Investments
 PG Certificate in Brand Management
 Investment Management Programme (up to 6 weeks)
 Management Development Programme (up to 4 weeks)
[b] Information is accurate as of date of publication and may be subject to change or review.
Declaration of Criminal Record
Rehabilitation of Offenders Act
You are required to state whether you have any criminal convictions, excluding spent sentences (as defined by the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act
1974), by ticking the appropriate box on the application form.
Have you ever had a criminal conviction?
☐ Yes
☐ No
Students with Special Need(s)
The information you provide, will be held in confidence, and will not be seen by, nor made known to any sector. It will be used only to monitor the
operation of our Equal Opportunity Policy, and for normal academic and administrative purposes in accordance with the principles set out in the
1998 Data Protection Act.
LSBF is committed to ensuring that every student is as comfortable as possible during his or her time with us. Do you have any medical
conditions (including pregnancy) that may require special examination arrangements or may affect your attendance on the course and the taking
of examinations?
☐ Yes
☐ No
If “Yes”, please describe your condition(s):
Taking in account the condition(s) that you described in (a.) above, do you have any special requirements with regards to the materials
that we will be providing in support of your studies (for example, large print or Braille transcripts)?
☐ Yes
☐ No
If “Yes”, please describe your condition(s):
How did you learn about LSBF?
Please tell us where you heard about us – tick all that apply.
Search Engines / Social Networks
☐ Google
☐ The Financial Times
☐ Facebook
☐ The Economist
☐ LinkedIn
☐ London Tube
☐ Twitter
☐ Transport Adverts
☐ YouTube
☐ Access MBA
☐ Fairs/Events
☐ Other (please specify)
☐ Other (please specify)
☐ Other (please specify)
Terms and Conditions
Before completing this form, please ensure that you have read the full LSBF Executive Education Programmes General Terms and Conditions.
Students applying for online programmes should also read our Terms and Conditions on LSBF website:
If you intend to apply for an online course, please check the InterActive T&C's gathered on the link below:
Tuition Fees - Applicants, once they have been notified of their acceptance and have accepted the offer sent to them, have to pay the
full programme cost within a period of 7 working days of receiving an offer letter. This fee is non-refundable. It may be transferred to an
alternative period of study at LSBF within 12 months, upon a formal written request sent to the Admissions Office. Once letters have
been issued confirming your status no refunds or course transfers are permissible.
2. Note on Course Fees - Fees are published separately for each term and are payable by all students studying at the time unless they
have paid full fees prior to the publication of the new fees. Paying a deposit does not prevent any fee increase or any change in terms or
conditions being applied. Outstanding payments falling beyond due dates are subject to interest charges.
3. Dishonoured Payments -A charge of £100 will be made to the student for all dishonoured payments.
4. Cancellations - Course changes and cancellations must be received in writing at least 4 weeks before the published commencement
date of the course. Otherwise it is upon LSBF’s discretion.
5. Refunds - Course cancellation is not eligible for refund except at the discretion of LSBF.
6. Course Cancellation - If, for any reason, LSBF makes the decision to cancel or postpone the course, LSBF is not responsible for any
cost and expsepenses incurred, for example: covering airfare, hotel, or other travel costs incurred by applicants. Additionally we do not
advise our applicants to make travel arrangement more than one month before course start date.
Application Check-List
Before you submit your application form, please make sure you have enclosed all the necessary information. Note that applications cannot
be processed without the specified documents and all complete application form pages.
Have you included the following?
☐ A completed application form
☐ An English language copy of your CV/résumé (no more than 2 sides of A4 to include previous work experience and educational history).
☐ A copy of your degree certificate and a translated copy of your courses transcripts
☐ Proof of English Language proficiency
☐ A copy of your passport and all previous UK visas (where applicable)
☐ Recent passport-sized colour photograph (jpeg, 150*150 pixels)
☐ A valid email address
☐ The name of your LSBF Programme Advisor
As soon as you have received an Offer Letter from LSBF, your individual Programme Advisor shall be in touch with you regarding deposit
payment required to secure your place on the programme
I have read the above and I certify that the information provided and the statements made by myself are, to the best of my knowledge, true and
On registering for an LSBF Executive Education programme I acknowledge that I have read, understood and agree to the terms and conditions.
I agree to LSBF processing my personal data contained in this form, as well as other personal data that LSBF may obtain from me, or from other
people connected to my studies. I agree to the retention and disclosure of such data for normal academic and administrative purposes, in
accordance with the principles of the 1998 Data Protection Act.
☐ I accept. [By ticking this box I agree to all of the above statements and give my consent to the above terms].
LSBF Executive Education
We look forward to welcoming you onto our Executive Education Programmes at LSBF. Please ensure you read through the following information
carefully. In addition, our programme advisors are available to answer any of your questions in person, or over the phone, so please feel free to
contact us if you have any further queries regarding the application process.
Please quote your full name and your student ID number as your reference when making a payment via bank transfer.
Typically student ID has a following format A1234567. If you do not have a student number, please contact your consultant who will be able to
provide you with it.
Option A. Bank Transfer
☐ I confirm that a transfer of £
has been made to LSBF Accounts as stated below
Bank Name: HSBC
Bank Address: 89 Buckingham Palace Road Belgravia, London, SW1 W0QL
Account Name: London School of Business and Finance
Account Number: 11512668
Sort Code: 40-01-13
Swift BIC: MIDLGB2105K
International Bank Account Number: GB55MIDL40011311512668
Option B. Card Payment
☐ I authorise you to charge £_
_ to my credit/debit card.
Card type (please tick as appropriate)
Credit/Debit Card Number: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Issue Number: (where applicable) _|
Valid From (where applicable):
___/___ Valid Until: ___/_
CVV Number (last 3 digits of security code reverse of the card): |_ _|_ _|_ _|
Thank you for your interest in London School of Business & Finance.
For company sponsored payment options please see next page.
Employer’s Authorisation for Sponsored Students
We authorise London School of Business & Finance to invoice us for the fees due in respect of the courses applied for by the student
named above. We accept responsibility for the fees due in all circumstances including termination of employment and enrolment cancellation.
Sponsored Employee Details
Dr ☐ Mr ☐ Mrs ☐ Ms ☐ Miss ☐
First Name
Job Title
City............................................................................ Postcode..............................................
Telephone Number: Office...................................................................................................
E-mail Address.........................................................................................................................................................................................
Sponsoring Official Details
Dr ☐ Mr ☐ Mrs ☐ Ms ☐ Miss ☐
First Name
Job Title
Sponsoring Statement
I confirm that I have received, read and accepted London School of Business and Finance’s
cancellation policy. I also confirm that I am authorised by my organisation to form a contractual
relationship with London School of Business & Finance in connection with this booking.
Sponsor’s Signature: _____________________________ Date: ___/___/___
Cancellation policy:
Cancellations received more than four weeks prior to the commencement of the programme are not subject to any penalty. Cancellations received after that time
incurs the following penalties:
25% of the course fee
50% of the course fee
100% of the course fee
If candidate does not attend, the full fee will be retained as a cancellation charge.