Arts Alive 4.04.2014 - West Virginia Department of Education

December 13, 2013
*New items are listed in red.
FYI: The next Arts Education Update will be sent in early January.
Submission Guidelines for Arts Alive 2014 are posted!
Please reference the master document titled, All Submission Guidelines for Arts Alive
4.04.2014. This document contains detailed submission guidelines for Dance, Logo Music, PreKindergarten, Science in the Arts, Theatre, and Visual Arts. There are instructions for
submitting hard copies and links to submit digital copies of work. This document, along with all
other forms (including Arts Alive Exhibition Set-Up), can be found at the Arts Alive webpage and the WVDE Arts homepage
Arts Alive Exhibition Set-Up:
A group of high school students are selected each year to join Arts Alive in setting up the Grand
Hall arts exhibit at the Clay Center.
Important Information:
One art group will be chosen. This group should consist of a teacher and 5-10 students.
The artwork featured in the exhibit will include 2-D and 3-D artwork from the WVAEA
Youth Art Month exhibit.
The group will be responsible for meals, transportation and/or lodging.
Assistance to help cover transportation costs can be applied for through the West Virginia
Department of Education.
Arrangements can be made with the Clay Center to include their offerings and
educational programs as part of the learning experience for students the day of the event.
The teacher, students and school will be recognized in the program.
Exhibit set-up will begin at 8:00 a.m. and be completed by 12:00 p.m.
Duties Include:
Help to plan, set-up, and arrange the art exhibit at the Clay Center.
Unpack artwork and store containers.
Select display themes for the exhibition area(s).
Label artwork and ensure accuracy.
Secure artwork to display units or exhibition pedestals.
Set-up materials, finalize the exhibit, and prepare for public viewing.
Gain experience staging an arts exhibit.
All applications must be received by February 3, 2014.
Science in the Arts
The Prize to the student winning Science in the Arts is $200. This cash prize is made possible by
Governor Tomblin, through the Cabinet Secretary for the Department of Education and the Arts.
This continued support and generosity has enabled the addition of a teacher award for Science in
the Arts, 2014. Arts Alive celebrates teachers, who collaborate with, guide and inspire their
students. The mentor teacher, as identified by the winning student, will also receive an
honorarium. The mentor teacher can be the winning student’s art teacher and/or science teacher.
We look forward to seeing how teachers encourage their high school students to explore,
research, and present information about the relationships between two seemingly different
I am very excited about Arts Alive and want to include many student and teacher voices in this
process. Share your work!
Stay connected and please keep communicating!
Arts Alive
The Clay Center
Charleston, WV
Arts Showcase at 6:30 p.m.
Performance at 7:00 p.m.
Local Teacher to Create State’s Ornament!
Congratulations to the winners of the West Virginia Chapter of the American String Teachers'
Association Solo String Competition held at Fairmont State University on Nov. 9, 2013, and
chaired by ASTA member Mary Wilson.
Junior High Appalachian: Winner, Emily Braham (student of Mary Wilson);
Junior High Mountaineer: Winner, Mathew Sivaprakasam (student of Ian Jessee);
High School Adagio: Winner, Haleigh Frail (student of Ian Jessee); Second Place, Katherine
Henneberger (student of Mary Wilson);
High School Appalachian: No winner; Second Place, Akshay Chandran (student of Mary
High School Mountaineer: Winner, Duncan Crooks (student of Mary Wilson)
Education Manager (Colorado)
Under the general supervision of the Cultural Director; this full time position plans, creates,
coordinates, and helps promote the Cultural Department's education programs and activities,
meeting revenue goals and expanding education relationships and engagement. This position
manages the educational enrichment offerings at PACE and Mainstreet Center including
course development, teacher recruitment, scheduling, and payment. This position also
manages K-12 curriculum-related programs at PACE and Mainstreet Center and onsite at
individual schools. This position interfaces with education professionals, artists, education
donors, parents, the general public and Town of Parker staff. This position participates in and
supports planning and implementation of Cultural Department programs as a key member of
the leadership team.
For more information on job functions and requirements please view the full job description
on the employment opportunities page under 'Employment
Be sure to contact your professional associations to register for professional development,
conferences, and workshop opportunities.
West Virginia Music Educators Association
68th Annual Music Teacher In-Service
Oglebay Resort and Conference Center
Wheeling, WV
March 20-22, 2014
For more information visit:
2014 Congressional Art Competition
A letter of invitation to participate in the 2014 Congressional Art Competition was sent to all
high school art teachers early November with complete guidelines and forms. Submissions must
be received between January 1, 2014 and January 24, 2014. The awards reception and a free
workshop will be held at the Culture Center March 5, 2014. The winner from each congressional
district will have their artwork displayed at the United States Capitol for one year, as well as,
receive a $100.00 Blick gift card. There will be five second place winners who will receive a
$50.00 Blick gift card.
If you have any questions regarding the competition, please contact Charles Morris at 304558-0220 or by email at
WV Annual Art Contest for Computer Safety
The Office of Information Security Controls and Compliance, from the West Virginia Office of
Technology and Department of Administration, is coordinating the State’s participation in a
national K-12 Computer Safety Contest to encourage young people to use the Internet safely
and securely. This is the 3rd year West Virginia will compete in this contest, which is sponsored
by the Multi-State Information Sharing and Analysis Center (MS-ISAC). On behalf of our
office, I am honored to invite you and your students to participate in this contest.
The contest is open to all public, private and home-schooled students in kindergarten through
twelfth grade. The top three winners from each of West Virginia’s grade groups (K-5, 6-8, 9-12)
will be sent to MS-ISAC for entry into the MS-ISAC National Poster Contest. Winning entries
of the National Contest will be included in the MS-ISAC 2014 Calendar, which is distributed to
every state in the country as part of the MS-ISAC Cyber Security Awareness Toolkit. Entries
received may also be used in other national, regional and state cyber and computer security
awareness campaigns. All participants will receive a certificate of participation and the top 9
state finalists will win prizes. Individuals who win at the national level receive additional prizes
from MS-ISAC.
West Virginia participated for the first time in 2012 and we were proud to see two entries in our
high school category won at a national level. Last year, we had two more students place at the
national level. Their artwork was featured on MS-ISAC promotional material, State of West
Virginia events, and conferences by US senators and other government forums for cyber
security. More information and entry forms may be found at: or contact
Danielle Cox
Attention Fourth and Fifth Grade Teachers:
The West Virginia Division of Forestry and the Urban and Community Forestry Council are
calling on you to showcase your students' artistic talents by participating in the 2014 West
Virginia Arbor Day Poster Contest. This year's theme is "Trees are…Alive! The contest is open
to public, private and home schooling teachers in the Mountain State. The deadline for all
contest submissions is March 1, 2014. How can you get your students involved in this exciting
contest? For more information and a poster contest guide that contains educational activities,
contact Andy Sheetz at or (304) 382-9574. To see last year’s winning
posters, visit the Division of Forestry's web site at, under the Urban
Forestry section.
2014 WV All-State Orchestra Auditions
Information for the 2014 WV All-State Orchestra is now available. Please visit the WV AllState Orchestra Website at
Audition registration is DUE by Friday, November 22, 2013. Registration postmarked after this
date will be charged a $5 late fee. Please carefully read eligibility requirements that are on the
website. Auditions will be held on Saturday, January 11, 2014, at Bridgeport High School from
10:00-3:00pm. The make-up day in the event of inclement weather will be Saturday, January 18,
2014. Please contact All-State Orchestra Chair Justin Jones with any
WV Dance Festival
2014 Dance Festival packets are in the mail! Dates to remember:
January 7
Directors application due
January 14
February 17
February 21-23
April 25 – 27
Dancers Application due, and Scholarship applications due
DVDS for adjudication are due by 5pm at the Culture Center
Dance Adjudications
2014 West Virginia State Dance Festival
For more information, contact Pat Cowdery at the Culture Center
Teaching and Learning in the Visual Arts Classroom
Integrating 21st Century skills and technology tools into all areas of education is necessary
to prepare today's students to compete globally. This six session online course, plus an
orientation session, is one of several eLearning courses that focus on incorporating 21st
Century teaching and learning. Participants in this course will be introduced to 21st Century
skills and tools and how they can be used in the visual arts classroom, grades K-12.
Participants in this course will complete an instructional plan that includes 21st Century
skills and tools. Based upon course revisions during Summer 2011 this course will be,
effective October 2011, recognized as a technology course and will meet the technology
coursework requirements for recertification. Participants in this course must be
employed as a visual arts teacher. Registration is underway for the January course. If you have questions,
please contact Becky Butler, Virtual School Administrator at the WV Department of
Online Theatre Classes:
The WV Virtual School does plan to offer online theatre courses. There is one running right
now, one will be offered in the winter session, and one in the spring session. Winter and spring
courses will be offered based on enrollment.
The courses are free, unless a participant wants graduate credit. If they want non-degree,
graduate credit, the tuition costs between $99 and $173, depending on the institution they wish to
go through. If you have questions, please contact Becky Butler, Virtual School Administrator at
the WV Department of Education
Many thanks to John Letellier (Florida) for creating a master list of all websites showing state
arts standards. Now, thanks to his hard work, you may download this list on the public side of
the State Education Agency Directors of Arts Education website (SEADAE). If you are
interested in learning more about what your colleagues are doing across the nation, go
to and click on "about us" and "regional representation." Below the link to the
list you will find a list of states by Region and the SEADAE regional contact. Click on any state
to access their arts standards.
From Trent Danowski, Teacher Quality Coordinator, Office of Professional Preparation
In a continued effort to support all West Virginia educators on the new Educator Evaluation
System, the Department of Education would like to offer the following information:
The submission of Evidence within the new Educator Evaluation System is one of the ways
an educator has direct input into his/her own evaluation. Evidence is submitted using the
corresponding link within the online system and does not require the uploading of documents or
the maintaining of portfolios. There are 3 instances which require the submission of Evidence
within the online Educator Evaluation System:
1. If an educator self-reflects as Distinguished, or if the evaluator determines the
performance rating to be Distinguished, evidence is required.
2. If the educator’s self-reflection differs from the opinion of the evaluator, the educator is
afforded the opportunity to provide evidence to support his/her self-reflection rating. The
evaluator will consider the evidence provided when completing the summative
3. If an Unsatisfactory rating is given to the educator, evidence must be noted in the system
by the evaluator.
For more information on Evidence, please refer to the Educator Evaluation Guidebooks, or
review the concise Frequently Asked Questions document available on the Evidence page of the
Educator Evaluation webpage.
All educators have the capability to print completed components of the online Educator
Evaluation System. If you desire to print any completed components of your online evaluation,
you should utilize the Evaluation File 2014 link found within your WOW account. The
Observation component of the online system has been updated to allow you to print an
Observation report which includes the comments provided by the evaluator during the
observation. Your designated evaluator and select personnel at your employing district central
office also have the capability to print completed components of your online Educator
Evaluation System. No other individual has access (view/print) to your evaluation files.
The evaluation procedure for Librarians/Media Specialists may be determined at the
district-level based upon the assigned job responsibilities of the individual educator.
Educators who are assigned direct instructional responsibilities with students are to be evaluated
using the online evaluation system. Educators who are not assigned direct instructional
responsibilities may be evaluated using the Professional Growth and Development Goal method
of evaluation at the discretion of the employing district central office. Questions should be
directed to your district central office.
Upcoming Educator Evaluation System Dates:
By January 1, 2014 – Evaluators complete second observation for those educators on
the Initial progression.
By March 1, 2014 – Evaluators complete third observation for those educators on the
Initial progression.
On behalf of Sandy Shaw:
Professional Learning Through Research: Call for Nominations
The Professional Learning Through Research (PLR) is a Research Commission Working Group.
Its mission is to provide opportunities for professional growth that supports conducting, using,
and sharing research, which promotes teaching for learning in the visual arts. The call for
nominations is now open for positions on the PLR working group.
Goals of the PLR:
 Build and cultivate professional growth communities committed to diverse research
needs (COMMUNITY).
 Promote the visibility and values of art education research through increased
communication to stakeholders (ADVOCACY).
 Develop knowledge about, skills in, and dispositions towards research as a means to
advance visual arts teaching and learning (LEARNING).
 Facilitate understanding of ways to create and utilize art education research in multiple
 Grow a robust and vital research culture (ORGANIZATIONAL VIBRANCY).
 Two-year term for each working group member, which coincides with the term of the
incoming Chair of the Research Commission. The official term begins at the conclusion
of the 2014 conference and ends at the conclusion of the 2016 conference.
For more information, please contact Graeme Sullivan,
Deadline for accepting nominations is Dec. 20, 2013.
On behalf of Kathleen Fox:
Calling all music educators! WVMEA President Elect Kathleen Fox is in the process of
gathering names of music educators in West Virginia. Her goal is to create a state-wide
directory of music educators so that information relating to music education reaches everyone,
everywhere! This week, she is hoping to establish a contact person from the following counties
in RESA I (McDowell and Monroe), RESA II (Cabell, Lincoln, Logan, Mason, and Mingo), and
RESA III: (Boone and Putnam). Please note that those counties from RESA I, II, and III that are
unlisted have already established a county contact for this project. If you are willing to help,
please contact Kathleen Fox For more information, visit
Workshops for Teachers:
Barbara Yurick is an independent dance consultant.
She is currently scheduling workshops for teachers. Her program connects children's literature
with dance and creative movement. The name of the program is "Children For Children" and
it focuses on reading comprehension. For more information, contact Barbara at
WV Dance Company
2013/14 School Tour - Now Booking.
Don't miss the 2nd and final year of our current tour, Passport for a World Adventure, which
takes students across 7 continents and covers 7 different subjects including science, math,
history, music, and more! Our Arts Education Packages include an hour-long performance and
lecture for the entire school as well as age-specific interactive student workshops, targeted for
smaller groups. In addition, WVDC offers grade-specific study guides for teachers with lesson
plans that coordinate with the performance and 7 subject lessons therein.
Visual Arts:
Working with exemplary West Virginia arts teachers, the West Virginia Department of
Education has prepared a guidance document intended to help guide schools and districts in
providing rich arts experiences for their students. You may view the document here: "Building a
Comprehensive Arts Program."
In addition, there have been some supporting documents prepared specifically for secondary
instrumental ensemble teachers. These have been specifically prepared to help novice band and
orchestra teachers select quality repertoire for their programs:
Recommended Repertoire - Band
Recommended Repertoire - Orchestra
The document goes far beyond the minimum requirements of policy and describes arts programs
best suited to serve student needs. Please feel free to use and share this document with others as
we work toward our aspiration of "Good kids doing great work!"
PROJECT BASED LEARNING plans for dance, music, theatre and visual art are also posted
on the Teach 21 website and can be searched here: .
To receive the arts education listserv email and request
If you have an item that you would like to share with the Listserv, please email
to Include the name, brief description of the opportunity/event, and
a link or contact information where interested parties can obtain additional information. We
cannot include flyers or attachments.
The Arts Coordinator for The West Virginia Department of Education makes every effort to
provide relevant, timely information to stakeholders collected from numerous state and national
sources. The inclusion of items in this update does not imply the endorsement or verification of
accuracy by this agency.
Christine N. Camper Moore, Ph.D.
Arts Coordinator
Dance. Music. Theatre. Visual Arts.
Office of Secondary Learning
Building 6, Room 603
1900 Kanawha Boulevard East
Charleston, WV 25305-0330
304.558.5325 Phone
304.558.1834 Fax
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