VITADRA SETTLEMENT PROJECT NUMBER : 512 DATE FIRST SUBMISSION TO TAC 19/2/2013 EXPECTED SOURCE OF FUNDING NZAID EXPECTED STARTING DATE 1/03/2013 FINAL DECISION (TAC AND BOARD) EXPECTED COMPLETION DATE 20/03/2013 INTRO - BRIEF SUMMARY OF THE SITUATION/PROJECT The settlement depand on well for drinking, washing. During dry season the well dries up leaving the people with no water therefore, they have to hire the van and get water from PWD water meter to their houses. NAME OF THE VILLAGE+DISTRICT PERSON(S) OF CONTACT AND CONTACT DETAILS GPS COORDINATES OF KEY POINTS HOW TO GET THERE ? NUMBER OF INHABITANTS/BENEFICIARIES EXISTING INFRASTRUCTURES (IF ANY) AND POTENTIAL PROBLEMS Vitadra DATE OF 29/1/2013 Settlement MEETINGS President - Jai Narayan Contact : 9477517 7km from Labasa town towards Bulileka Road and 2.5km from main road. 80 16 houses -70 NUMBER OF 1 temple - 10 HOUSEHOLDS None P0ROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS DESCRIPTION OF THE PROBLEM DESCRIPTION OF THE SUGGESTED SOLUTIONS The settlement use well for their daily needs. During dry season, the well dries forcing people to get water from PWD water meter by hiring a van which costs them $10/trip. The settlement needs a bore hole with piping, water tanks and pumps. The village has access to power. The water committee has started to collect money for digging trench. ASSESSMENT OF THE CURRENT SOURCE WATER SOURCES Well QUANTITY EXTRACTED/DAY QUALITY CHECK REMARKS PROPOSED WATER SUPPLY WSD REQUIREMENTS ESTIMATED OVERALL DAILY USAGE 100L/person POPULATION 80 STORAGE CAPACITY (LITRES) 10,000L rota tank ACTUAL PROJECT BY RPW TYPE OF EXTRACTION VOLUME EXTRACTED/DAY Bore hole 8,000L/day OVERALL BUDGET BREAKDOWN BUDGET FEEDBACK FROM TAC LIMITS TO EXTRACTION VOLUME PER PERSON PER DAY 100L/person Total - $27,000.00 Borehole & pump Rota tank FEA power 2’’ PVC pipe & fitting Building material and Tank foundation Plumber APPROVED - $10,500.00 - $2,500.00 - $1,000.00 - $10,500.00 - $2,000.00 - $500.00 STORAGE CAPACITY TO BE INSTALLED 1x10,000L rota tank DESIGN OF PROJECT PICTURES TO ILLUSTRATE THE SITUATION AND RECOMMENDATIONS INTERIM PROGRESS REPORT Note : an interim progress report should be completed following every field visit by the Projects Coordinator or his assistant. Prepared by : Date of the report : Period covered by the report : Describe in a few lines what has been done since last report : What are the problems faced / solutions founds ? FINAL PROGRESS REPORT Note : a final progress report should be completed by the Projects Coordinator or his assistant at the end of each project. -----Prepared by : Date of the report : Period covered by the report : Describe in details what has been done ? Enter the total costs of the project (liaising with Administrator) Provide drawing of the project design Provide pictures of the key components of the project MAKE SURE THAT A COPY OF THE AGREEMENT WITH THE BENEFICIARIES IS ATTACHED TO THIS REPORT IN THE FILING.