CDIV Business Plan

CDIV Business Plan
Company Overview
CDIV is a newly formed small independently owned company. Our
job is to create games that people enjoy and that will increase the
knowledge that people have on specific topics. We would like to
preserve our future with the games of today.
Mission Statement
Making a quality game that will make a difference in your every day
Company History
CDIV was founded due to our company’s participation in the
GAMEOn Velocity Prep program hosted by STEM Council by
Skillpoint Alliance.
Our motto is “where good games on found” and by “good” our
company means games that are both educational in that the player
walks away with new knowledge, and at the same time entertaining.
Thus all games we intend to create will not only inform the player of
important issues, but also give them something they would continue
to play, because it is a very fun, playable game.
Our company is independent company, but we are associated with
the nonprofit company Skillpoint Alliance and they fund all of our
creation expenses and our public school district sponsors our
company by allowing us access to computers and a work