Stokes County Schools - Sandy Ridge Elementary

Stokes County Schools
Kindergarten Pre-Registration
2016-2017 School Year
SRES: Wednesday, March 9th 8:30am-10:30am
Dear Parents(s) or Guardian:
The process of pre-registering all children who are eligible to enroll in public school has begun. Any
child who will be five years old on or before August 31, 2016 is eligible to enroll in public school for
the 2016-2017 academic school year. Please complete the form below and return it to the school in
your attendance area by WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24th, 2015.
After the school in your registration area has received your pre-registration form, two things will
happen. One, you will receive a call from the school to schedule an appointment for which you and
your child will attend their Kindergarten Registration Day. A list of Kindergarten Registration dates is
posted on the Stokes County Schools website: Second, you will be mailed a
set of informational forms to complete and bring with you to the registration. A blue health form will
be included to have the doctor complete when your child has his/her required physical. On the day of
registration, in addition to the information forms, please return the health form (or as soon as the
physical is completed), a copy of your child’s birth certificate, and an up-to-date shot record.
Not only is Kindergarten Registration Day an important time for teachers to get acquainted with your
child and start making plans for the new school year, it is a great time for you and your child to meet
school personnel, get familiar with the school and learn more about the curriculum and services
provided. Please feel free to have questions prepared in advance. All questions and concerns can be
addressed on registration day.
**Students must register at the school in the attendance area in which they live even if you
plan to request a reassignment.
Child’s Full Name: ________________________________________________________
Child’s Birth Date: ___________________
Parent(s)/Guardian’s Full Name: _____________________________________________
Parent(s)/Guardian’s Street Address_________________________________City_______________
Parent(s) Guardian’s Mailing Address________________________________City_______________
Phone Numbers: Home ______________ Work ___________________ Cell___________________
My child (has or has not) had preschool experience. If so, what kind ________________________
(Circle One)