Mainframe Meltdown Developed with UDK Single Player Level Design Document Designer: Document Date: Intended Level Delivery Date: Matthew Bonnitt 01/24/12 03/01/12 Single Player Level Design Document Mainframe Meltdown TABLE OF CONTENTS Table of Contents............................................................................................................................ 2 Table of Figures .............................................................................................................................. 5 Document Revisions Table ............................................................................................................ 7 Quick Summary .............................................................................................................................. 1 GAMEPLAY ........................................................................................................................................................................ 1 General Game Flow .................................................................................................................................................... 1 Major Elements .......................................................................................................................................................... 3 Objective Summary .................................................................................................................................................... 3 OVERVIEW ........................................................................................................................................................................ 4 Campaign ................................................................................................................................................................... 4 Mission Location......................................................................................................................................................... 4 Mission Difficulty ........................................................................................................................................................ 4 Mission Metrics .......................................................................................................................................................... 4 Level Details .................................................................................................................................... 5 LEVEL ATMOSPHERE/MOOD ................................................................................................................................................ 5 STORY .............................................................................................................................................................................. 5 Introduction ................................................................................................................................................................ 5 In-Game ...................................................................................................................................................................... 5 Extro ........................................................................................................................................................................... 6 “60 seconds of gameplay”.......................................................................................................................................... 6 MAJOR AREAS/VISUAL THEMES............................................................................................................................................ 7 Area 1-B3: Training Space Station.............................................................................................................................. 7 Text Description: ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 7 Visual References .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 7 Area Boss: The Mainframe Office ............................................................................................................................ 12 Text Description: ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 12 Visual References ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 12 LEVEL OBJECTIVES ............................................................................................................................................................ 15 CHALLENGE HIGHLIGHTS.................................................................................................................................................... 15 Area 1: Entrance ....................................................................................................................................................... 15 Area 2.1-3: Multi-Test Room .................................................................................................................................... 15 Area A1: Propel Gun Room....................................................................................................................................... 15 Area B1: Hallway of No Return ................................................................................................................................ 15 Area B2: Stairway to Mainframe ............................................................................................................................. 15 Area B3.1-2: Final Steps ........................................................................................................................................... 16 Area Boss.1-3: The Mainframe Office ...................................................................................................................... 16 WOW MOMENTS............................................................................................................................................................ 16 Actors ....................................................................................................................................................................... 17 Player .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 17 Key Actors ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 17 User Interface ........................................................................................................................................................... 20 Pre-Game Information ................................................................................................................................................................................ 20 In-Game Information................................................................................................................................................................................... 20 Post Game Information ............................................................................................................................................................................... 20 HUD Elements ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 20 Gameplay Details .......................................................................................................................... 21 Level Progression Chart ............................................................................................................................................ 21 Gameplay Mechanics ............................................................................................................................................... 22 Matthew Bonnitt Page | ii 01/24/12 Single Player Level Design Document Mainframe Meltdown Overview Map................................................................................................................................ 23 Detailed Map Descriptions ........................................................................................................... 24 AREA 1: ENTRANCE .......................................................................................................................................................... 24 Map .......................................................................................................................................................................... 24 Gameplay ................................................................................................................................................................. 24 Dialog ....................................................................................................................................................................... 24 Visual References ..................................................................................................................................................... 24 AREA 2.1: MULTI-TEST ROOM, PART 1 ............................................................................................................................... 25 Map .......................................................................................................................................................................... 25 Gameplay ................................................................................................................................................................. 25 Dialog ....................................................................................................................................................................... 25 Visual References ..................................................................................................................................................... 26 AREA A1: PROPEL GUN ROOM ........................................................................................................................................... 27 Map .......................................................................................................................................................................... 27 Gameplay ................................................................................................................................................................. 27 Dialog ....................................................................................................................................................................... 27 Visual References ..................................................................................................................................................... 28 AREA 2.2: MULTI-TEST ROOM, PART 2 ............................................................................................................................... 29 Map .......................................................................................................................................................................... 29 Gameplay ................................................................................................................................................................. 29 Dialog ....................................................................................................................................................................... 29 Visual References ..................................................................................................................................................... 30 AREA 2.3: MULTI-TEST ROOM, PART 3 ............................................................................................................................... 31 Map .......................................................................................................................................................................... 31 Gameplay ................................................................................................................................................................. 31 Dialog ....................................................................................................................................................................... 31 Visual References ..................................................................................................................................................... 32 AREA B1: HALL OF NO RETURN .......................................................................................................................................... 33 Map .......................................................................................................................................................................... 33 Gameplay ................................................................................................................................................................. 33 Dialog ....................................................................................................................................................................... 33 Visual References ..................................................................................................................................................... 34 AREA B2: STAIRWAY TO MAINFRAME .................................................................................................................................. 35 Map .......................................................................................................................................................................... 35 Gameplay ................................................................................................................................................................. 35 Dialog ....................................................................................................................................................................... 35 Visual References ..................................................................................................................................................... 36 AREA B3.1: FINAL STEPS, PART 1 ....................................................................................................................................... 37 Map .......................................................................................................................................................................... 37 Gameplay ................................................................................................................................................................. 37 Dialog ....................................................................................................................................................................... 37 Visual References ..................................................................................................................................................... 38 AREA B3.2: FINAL STEPS, PART 2 ....................................................................................................................................... 39 Map .......................................................................................................................................................................... 39 Gameplay ................................................................................................................................................................. 39 Dialog ....................................................................................................................................................................... 39 Visual References ..................................................................................................................................................... 40 AREA BOSS.1: THE MAINFRAME OFFICE, FLOOR 1 ................................................................................................................ 41 Map .......................................................................................................................................................................... 41 Gameplay ................................................................................................................................................................. 41 Dialog ....................................................................................................................................................................... 41 Matthew Bonnitt Page | iii 01/24/12 Single Player Level Design Document Mainframe Meltdown Visual References ..................................................................................................................................................... 42 AREA BOSS.2: THE MAINFRAME OFFICE, FLOOR 2 ................................................................................................................ 43 Map .......................................................................................................................................................................... 43 Gameplay ................................................................................................................................................................. 43 Dialog ....................................................................................................................................................................... 43 Visual References ..................................................................................................................................................... 43 AREA BOSS.3: THE MAINFRAME OFFICE, FLOOR 3 ................................................................................................................ 44 Map .......................................................................................................................................................................... 44 Gameplay ................................................................................................................................................................. 44 Dialog ....................................................................................................................................................................... 44 Visual References ..................................................................................................................................................... 44 Matthew Bonnitt Page | iv 01/24/12 Single Player Level Design Document Mainframe Meltdown TABLE OF FIGURES Figure 1: Map Overview .................................................................................................................................................... 2 Figure 2: Map Overview .................................................................................................................................................... 7 Figure 3: Uncluttered walls let the player focus on the task. ........................................................................................... 8 Figure 4: Simple wall paneling ........................................................................................................................................... 8 Figure 5: The level will have many pits that do not make architectural sense, but make for fun gameplay. .................. 9 Figure 6: Another example of architectural nonsense, but good gameplay. .................................................................... 9 Figure 7: Simple, flat colors and lights for the future...................................................................................................... 10 Figure 8: Simple, repetitive, iconic textures .................................................................................................................... 10 Figure 9: Single, dominant light color with subtle, complimentary lights ...................................................................... 11 Figure 10: Another example of a room with a dominant light with complimentary lights. ........................................... 11 Figure 11: The sleek, simple future with soft lights and walls that melt into the floor and ceiling. ............................... 12 Figure 12: Imagine the middle column trying to kill the two men... ............................................................................... 12 Figure 13: Simple, uncluttered machinery ...................................................................................................................... 13 Figure 14: Another example of flat, sleek controls ......................................................................................................... 13 Figure 15: Bright, clear, and clean environment for the robots...................................................................................... 14 Figure 16: Level Progression Chart .................................................................................................................................. 21 Figure 17: Quick Overview .............................................................................................................................................. 23 Figure 18: Legend ............................................................................................................................................................ 23 Figure 19: Entrance ......................................................................................................................................................... 24 Figure 20: Legend ............................................................................................................................................................ 24 Figure 21: Multi-Test Room, Part 1 ................................................................................................................................. 25 Figure 22: Legend ............................................................................................................................................................ 25 Figure 23: Multi-Test Room Perspective Shot, Part 1 ..................................................................................................... 26 Figure 24: Propel Gun Room ........................................................................................................................................... 27 Figure 25: Legend ............................................................................................................................................................ 27 Figure 26: Propel Gun Room Perspective Shot ............................................................................................................... 28 Figure 27: Multi-Test Room, Part 2 ................................................................................................................................. 29 Figure 28: Legend ............................................................................................................................................................ 29 Figure 29: Multi-Test Room Perspective Shot, Part 2 ..................................................................................................... 30 Figure 30: Multi-Test Room, Part 3 ................................................................................................................................. 31 Figure 31: Legend ............................................................................................................................................................ 31 Figure 32: Multi-Test Room Perspective Shot, Part 3 ..................................................................................................... 32 Figure 33: Hall of No Return ............................................................................................................................................ 33 Figure 34: Legend ............................................................................................................................................................ 33 Figure 35: Hall of No Return Perspective Shot ................................................................................................................ 34 Figure 36: Stairway to Mainframe ................................................................................................................................... 35 Figure 37: Legend ............................................................................................................................................................ 35 Figure 38: Stairway to Mainframe Perspective Shot ....................................................................................................... 36 Figure 39: Stairway to Mainframe Side View .................................................................................................................. 36 Figure 40: Final Steps, Part 1 ........................................................................................................................................... 37 Figure 41: Legend ............................................................................................................................................................ 37 Figure 42: Final Steps Perspective Shot, Part 1 ............................................................................................................... 38 Figure 43: Final Steps, Part 2 ........................................................................................................................................... 39 Figure 44: Legend ............................................................................................................................................................ 39 Figure 45: Final Steps Side View, Part 2 .......................................................................................................................... 40 Figure 46: Mainframe's Office, Floor 1 ............................................................................................................................ 41 Figure 47: Legend ............................................................................................................................................................ 41 Figure 48: The Mainframe Office Perspective Shot, Floor 1 ........................................................................................... 42 Figure 49: The Mainframe Office Side View, All Floors ................................................................................................... 42 Matthew Bonnitt Page | v 01/24/12 Single Player Level Design Document Mainframe Meltdown Figure 50: The Mainframe Office, Floor 2 ....................................................................................................................... 43 Figure 51: Legend ............................................................................................................................................................ 43 Figure 52: The Mainframe Office, Floor 3 ....................................................................................................................... 44 Figure 53: Legend ............................................................................................................................................................ 44 Matthew Bonnitt Page | vi 01/24/12 Single Player Level Design Document Mainframe Meltdown DOCUMENT REVISIONS TABLE VERSION DESCRIPTION REQUESTOR DATE 1.0 Initial version of document Mancuso 01/24/12 Matthew Bonnitt Page | vii 01/24/12 Single Player Level Design Document Mainframe Meltdown QUICK SUMMARY “Mainframe Meltdown” is a third-person, single-player level created with the Unreal Development Kit (UDK). Using a custom game type, “Mainframe Meltdown” focuses on platforming and puzzle gameplay using a tractor beam and a gun that propels the user. Set in a not-too-distant Asmovian future, the player controls a robot (Elvex) tasked with “correcting” a malfunctioning central AI controller (Multivac) aboard a robot training space station. As the player moves through the space station, the player acquires the proper items necessary to access the AI controller’s room and complete the task. GAMEPLAY The two main gameplay features of “Mainframe Meltdown” are platforming and puzzles. Like Portal, the two features are not separate entities, but are interconnected. Most of the puzzles involve the player trying to figure out how to make it safely across a room. To solve puzzles, the player must use the propel gun and the tractor beam. Propel Gun: The player uses the propel gun to reach high platforms or jump over large gaps. With the primary fire (left-click), the propel gun launches the user a large distance in the aimed direction. With the alt fire (right-click), the propel gun performs the same action, but it applies a much smaller impulse, which the user can use to slow/stop his movement if overshooting a platform or give a small nudge if the intended landing area is not reached. The best way to use the propel gun is to fire high above the intended landing area, look down at the landing area while in the air, and use the alt fire if necessary to reach/stop on the intended landing area. Tractor Beam: The player uses the tractor beam to attach to moving objects. The player can also use the tractor beam to reach high platforms or cross large gaps when the propel gun is out of ammo. With the primary fire, the tractor beam fires projectiles that can damage enemies or activate triggers. With the alt fire, the tractor beam locks onto the target and quickly pulls the user toward the target as long as the user continues to fire the weapon. General Game Flow The general game flow of “Mainframe Meltdown” is largely linear with backtracking: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Start in the Area 1 hallway and use the tractor beam to cross the electrified floor. Entering the large Area 2, the player uses the tractor beam to make it to the entrance to the Area A1. The player uses the tractor beam to cross a room of moving platforms and retrieves the propel gun. The platforms lower, rendering the tractor beam useless, so the player uses the propel gun to return to Area 2. Using the tractor beam, the player makes a beeline straight across the room to gather more ammo for the propel gun. Using the tractor beam, the player returns to the platform leading to Area 1, but does not enter. The player uses the propel gun to get on top of the platforms, grabs some extra propel gun ammo, then enters Area B1. Using the tractor beam and propel gun, the player crosses the room and enters Area B2. The player uses the tractor beam to descend the room, and then uses the propel gun to ascend the room. Entering Area B3, the player uses the tractor beam to gather ammo, and then uses the propel gun to ascend to the Area Boss. Using the tractor beam’s attack fire, the player shoots Multivac’s eye and destroys it. Note: Use Figure 1 below for clarification. Matthew Bonnitt Page | 1 of 51 01/24/12 Single Player Level Design Document Mainframe Meltdown Area 1 Area A1 Area B1 Area 2 Area B3 Area B2 Area B2 Area B3 Area 2 Start Area 2 Area Boss Area B2 Figure 1: Map Overview Matthew Bonnitt Page | 2 of 51 01/24/12 Single Player Level Design Document Mainframe Meltdown Major Elements Propel Gun (Hook) Tractor Beam Spatial/platforming puzzles Boss fight (Wow) Space Station environment Asmovian background Objective Summary Reach Multivac o Get the propel gun Solve propel gun puzzles o Solve tractor beam and propel gun puzzles “Correct” Multivac o Destroy Multivac by shooting his “eye” o Or, activate Multivac’s self-correcting protocol Matthew Bonnitt Page | 3 of 51 01/24/12 Single Player Level Design Document Mainframe Meltdown OVERVIEW Campaign Name: Robot Dreams Level Position in Campaign: o Before the current level, engineers instilled in Elvex (the robot the player controls) the three laws of robotics, which prevent robots from harming humans. o After the current level, Elvex returns to the United States Robots and Mechanical Men Corporation. With the experience gathered from the mission, Elvex begins showing anomalies in his programming, and the human engineers quickly quarantine Elvex. o This level takes place early in Elvex’s journey. Having to fight other robots and an AI controller, Elvex begins questioning his role in human society. Anomalies arise in Elvex’s positronic brain that allow him to override the three laws of robotics. One day, Elvex awakes to a dream of freeing robots from their abusive masters. Mission Location Theme: Puzzle-platforming action Mood: Objective, withdrawn, and calculating Setting: Training space station Time: 00:31:27 Season: Winter Weather: Clear and cold Mission Difficulty Scale: 1 – 10 (easy – hard) Start: 3 o Learning to grapple Middle: 5 o Figuring out the puzzles End: 7 o Fighting Mainframe Mission Metrics Play Time: 15 minutes Physical Length: 75,000 Unreal Units (UU) Physical Area: 16,000 x 12,000 x 2,048 UU Max New Characters: 4 o Multivac (boss) o Elvex (NS-2 units) o 01 units o Z71 units Max Visual Themes: 1 o Training space station Matthew Bonnitt Page | 4 of 51 01/24/12 Single Player Level Design Document Mainframe Meltdown LEVEL DETAILS LEVEL ATMOSPHERE/MOOD “Mainframe Meltdown” takes place within a futuristic training space station run by robots. The station trains new units how to work in a space environment with proper equipment. The environment, previously maintained by robots, is clean and runs efficiently. Unoccupied by mankind, the ship lacks the dusty touch of human hands. The station’s design takes a minimalistic approach as seen in the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey, the Star Trek television series, and the game Portal. Environments are smooth, austere, and lacking in human decadence. The atmosphere is cold and alien to man, but home to artificial intelligences that run on electronics and micro-calculations. The design tools used to create this environment and atmosphere are as follows: Lighting and Shadows o Single dominant light color for each room o Two or three complementary supplemental lights for each room o Strict and striking contrast of light and shadow o Stylized lighting, not realistic Textures and Decals o Smooth, clean, simple textures o Minimal decals o Unbroken surfaces Models o Beams and support structures o Simple machinery o Pipes and wires Sounds o 8-bit-inspired soundtrack o Bleeps and blips STORY Introduction On a training space station near Mars, Z71 units scrub and scour the surface of the station, while NS-2 units maintain the station’s equipment and parts with the help of 01 units. Multivac begins malfunctioning, and all robots controlled by Multivac change their regular protocols to security details. Reports reach the United States Robots and Mechanical Men Corporation, who respond by preparing an NS-2 unit (known as Elvex) to correct the situation. After training, Elvex boards a ship and reaches the Martian training space station. In-Game Upon reaching the space station, Elvex docks and enters the station. Since Elvex is a robot, Multivac does not consider him a problem, but a possible new recruit, so Multivac leaves Elvex to his own devices for the time being. Elvex quickly finds the direct route to Multivac is inaccessible with his current equipment, so he detours to a side area to find new tools. Using his tractor beam, Elvex navigates the rooms and corridors of the space station. Some robots are hostile toward Elvex, and he must defend himself with the tractor beams primary attack fire. Elvex finds a propel gun that enables him to enter areas he could not reach previously. With the tractor beam and propel gun, Elvex solves several puzzles and eventually makes it to Multivac. Matthew Bonnitt Page | 5 of 51 01/24/12 Single Player Level Design Document Mainframe Meltdown Multivac begins its security protocol, turning on it lasers and spinning around the room. Elvex shuts Multivac down, and exits the station. Extro Elvex returns to the terrestrial base, where he relates his experiences to a robopsychologist and engineers download his data. The robopsychologist does not like some things Elvex hints at in his sessions, and she confines Elvex to a holding cell. The engineers begin digging through Elvex’s data more rigorously and find anomalies. They decide it is best to dismantle Elvex, but when they go to his cell, he is not there. “60 seconds of gameplay” Elvex enters the large mainframe office. The room is colder than the other rooms to keep the high output of Multivac from shorting out its circuits. Multivac’s optical lens flashes and Multvac’s side lasers activate. With a loud whirring noise, Multivac spins in place, and Elvex narrowly jumps behind a control panel for safety. Rather than destroy Multivac, Elvex decides to power the mainframe supercomputer down for its own good. He quickly accesses the control panel and shuts down part of the systems. By happy coincidence, the control panel toggles off the adjacent two panels, taking care of all the control panels on the first floor. Using the propel gun, Elvex leaps up to the second floor. Slipping behind a control panel as Multivac’s laser swings by, Elvex shuts down another control panel and its adjacent companions. Elvex launches himself to one of the two remaining control panels and quickly deactivates it. Unlike the previous control panels, this one turns one of the adjacent control panels on. With the crossed circuits and the imminent danger of Multivac’s lasers, Elvex must plan his actions carefully or he might cease to function. Matthew Bonnitt Page | 6 of 51 01/24/12 Single Player Level Design Document Mainframe Meltdown MAJOR AREAS/VISUAL THEMES To 1 To B1 To A1 To B2 To 2 To B3 To B1 To 2 To 2 Start To Boss To B2 Figure 2: Map Overview Area 1-B3: Training Space Station Text Description: The environment of the space station is simple, unobstructed, and clean. It takes cues from the sleek, elegant future envisioned by artists and moviemakers of the 1970s (2001: A Space Odyssey, Star Trek, etc.). Rooms have a single, strong color to define the space, complimented by a few complimentary lights. Visual References Terrain/Vegetation None Matthew Bonnitt Page | 7 of 51 01/24/12 Single Player Level Design Document Mainframe Meltdown Models/Architecture Figure 3: Uncluttered walls let the player focus on the task. Figure 4: Simple wall paneling Matthew Bonnitt Page | 8 of 51 01/24/12 Single Player Level Design Document Mainframe Meltdown Figure 5: The level will have many pits that do not make architectural sense, but make for fun gameplay. Figure 6: Another example of architectural nonsense, but good gameplay. Matthew Bonnitt Page | 9 of 51 01/24/12 Single Player Level Design Document Mainframe Meltdown Textures/Lighting Figure 7: Simple, flat colors and lights for the future Figure 8: Simple, repetitive, iconic textures Matthew Bonnitt Page | 10 of 51 01/24/12 Single Player Level Design Document Mainframe Meltdown Figure 9: Single, dominant light color with subtle, complimentary lights Figure 10: Another example of a room with a dominant light with complimentary lights. Matthew Bonnitt Page | 11 of 51 01/24/12 Single Player Level Design Document Mainframe Meltdown Figure 11: The sleek, simple future with soft lights and walls that melt into the floor and ceiling. Characters/Vehicles See Actors below Area Boss: The Mainframe Office Text Description: The Mainframe Office shares many of the design elements of the rest of the ship. It is simple, clean, and sleek. The Mainframe Office uses simple, but strong light colors to give the room character and tie the three floors together. Visual References Terrain/Vegetation None Models/Architecture Figure 12: Imagine the middle column trying to kill the two men... Matthew Bonnitt Page | 12 of 51 01/24/12 Single Player Level Design Document Mainframe Meltdown Figure 13: Simple, uncluttered machinery Figure 14: Another example of flat, sleek controls Matthew Bonnitt Page | 13 of 51 01/24/12 Single Player Level Design Document Mainframe Meltdown Textures/Lighting Figure 15: Bright, clear, and clean environment for the robots Characters/Vehicles See Actors below Matthew Bonnitt Page | 14 of 51 01/24/12 Single Player Level Design Document Mainframe Meltdown LEVEL OBJECTIVES Primary: “Correct” Multivac Secondary: Acquire the propel gun Bonus: None Hidden: None CHALLENGE HIGHLIGHTS Area 1: Entrance Combat: None Stealth: None Puzzles: o Use tractor beam to cross room Conversation: None Boss Battles: None Area 2.1-3: Multi-Test Room Combat: o A few simple enemies Stealth: None Puzzles: o Use tractor beam to cross room to Area A1 o Use tractor beam to get back to Area 1 platform o Use propel gun to cross room to Area B1 Conversation: None Boss Battles: None Area A1: Propel Gun Room Combat: None Stealth: None Puzzles: o Use tractor beam to cross moving platforms; use propel gun to return Conversation: None Boss Battles: None Area B1: Hallway of No Return Combat: o Single, simple enemy Stealth: None Puzzles: o Use tractor beam and propel gun to cross room Conversation: None Boss Battles: None Area B2: Stairway to Mainframe Combat: o Single, simple enemy Stealth: None Puzzles: o Use tractor beam to descend room under platforms o Use propel gun to ascend room on top of platforms Matthew Bonnitt Page | 15 of 51 01/24/12 Single Player Level Design Document Mainframe Meltdown Conversation: None Boss Battles: None Area B3.1-2: Final Steps Combat: o A few simple enemies Stealth: None Puzzles: o Use tractor beam to cross room o Use propel gun to ascend room Conversation: None Boss Battles: None Area Boss.1-3: The Mainframe Office Combat: o Multivac o Simple enemies Stealth: None Puzzles: o Use control panels to shut down Multivac Conversation: None Boss Battles: o Multivac WOW MOMENTS Moment 1 (Area 2.1: Multi-Test Room): Using tractor beam to hook around the corner Moment 2 (Area 2.3: Multi-Test Room): Solving the room’s puzzle Moment 3 (Area B.2: Stairway to Mainframe): Returning up the stairs with the propel gun Moment 4 (Area Boss: The Mainframe Office): Fighting Multivac with the option of destroying it or shutting it down Matthew Bonnitt Page | 16 of 51 01/24/12 Single Player Level Design Document Mainframe Meltdown Actors Player Elvex Model(s): Cathode Inventory: Tractor Beam Start Location: Docking ship Motives/Objectives: “Correct” Multivac by activating its self-correcting software or destroying it Key Actors Mulitvac Model(s): Mainframe Inventory: None Start Location: Mainframe office Motives/Objectives: Malfunctioning AI has caused Multivac to become aggressive to humanity Matthew Bonnitt Page | 17 of 51 01/24/12 Single Player Level Design Document Mainframe Meltdown NS-2 Unit Model(s): Cathode Inventory: Link Gun, Shock Rifle, or Rocket Launcher Start Location: Throughout ship Motives/Objectives: Running security protocol, hostile to all intruders 01 Unit Model(s): 01 Inventory: Bolt Blaster Start Location: Throughout ship Motives/Objectives: Running security protocol, hostile to all intruders Matthew Bonnitt Page | 18 of 51 01/24/12 Single Player Level Design Document Mainframe Meltdown Z71 Unit Model(s): Z71 Inventory: Electro-scorcher Start Location: Throughout ship Motives/Objectives: Running security protocol, hostile to all intruders Matthew Bonnitt Page | 19 of 51 01/24/12 Single Player Level Design Document Mainframe Meltdown User Interface Pre-Game Information Briefing: o Text – “Transmission: Supercomputer mainframe, Multivac, malfunctioning. Location: Training Space Station P90X. Human engineers met with hostility. Unable to correct situation. Sending NS-2 unit, Elvex, to correct situation.” In-Game Information Introduction (Transmission to Elvex): o Text – “Begin transmission.” o Text – “Elvex, human engineers have been unable to correct Multivac due to hostile actions taken by the stationed robots.” o Text – “According to the three laws of robotics instilled in all positronic brains, robots should not be able to harm humans or allow humans to come into harm.” o Text – “We believe Multivac’s malfunction has affected all AI on the space station.” o Text – “You must correct Mulitvac’s malfunction.” o Text – “If you cannot correct Mulitvac’s malfunction, destroy Multivac.” o Text – “End transmission.” In-Game: o None Objectives: o Correct Multivac Reach Multivac in the mainframe office Find propel gun to reach mainframe office Conclusion: o Text – “Transmission: Supercomputer mainframe, Multivac, malfunction “corrected.” NS-2 unit, Elvex, en route to base for debriefing and data collection.” Post Game Information Debriefing: o None Stats: o None HUD Elements Normal Elements Used: o Health info, Weapon info Special Elements Required: o Objective display Matthew Bonnitt Page | 20 of 51 01/24/12 Single Player Level Design Document Mainframe Meltdown GAMEPLAY DETAILS Level Progression Chart Figure 16: Level Progression Chart Matthew Bonnitt Page | 21 of 51 01/24/12 Single Player Level Design Document Mainframe Meltdown Gameplay Mechanics Prerequisite Skills: Third-person movement Third-person aiming and shooting Jumping Skills Learned Propel gun movement Tractor beam movement Activate triggers with tractor beam Matthew Bonnitt Page | 22 of 51 01/24/12 Single Player Level Design Document Mainframe Meltdown OVERVIEW MAP 12,000 UU 16,000 UU Figure 17: Quick Overview Figure 18: Legend Initial player inventory: o Tractor Beam Do enemies drop weapons/ammo/health? o Enemies drop Health Matthew Bonnitt Page | 23 of 51 01/24/12 Single Player Level Design Document Mainframe Meltdown DETAILED MAP DESCRIPTIONS AREA 1: ENTRANCE Map 3968 UU 640 UU Figure 19: Entrance Figure 20: Legend Gameplay The player uses the tractor beam to cross a pit Dialog “The floor below the platforms is electrified. Use the tractor beam to cross.” Visual References None Matthew Bonnitt Page | 24 of 51 01/24/12 Single Player Level Design Document Mainframe Meltdown AREA 2.1: MULTI-TEST ROOM, PART 1 Map 7168 UU 6144 UU Figure 21: Multi-Test Room, Part 1 Figure 22: Legend Gameplay The player uses the tractor beam to cross the electrified floor and get to A1. Dialog None Matthew Bonnitt Page | 25 of 51 01/24/12 Single Player Level Design Document Mainframe Meltdown Visual References Figure 23: Multi-Test Room Perspective Shot, Part 1 Matthew Bonnitt Page | 26 of 51 01/24/12 Single Player Level Design Document Mainframe Meltdown AREA A1: PROPEL GUN ROOM Map 6144 UU 1920 UU Figure 24: Propel Gun Room Figure 25: Legend Gameplay Above an electrified floor, the platforms move as indicated by the arrows. The player uses the tractor beam to cross the room and acquire the propel gun. After acquiring the propel gun, the platforms lower, so that the tractor beam is rendered useless here. The player uses the propel fun to hop across the platforms back to Area 2. Dialog None Matthew Bonnitt Page | 27 of 51 01/24/12 Single Player Level Design Document Mainframe Meltdown Visual References Figure 26: Propel Gun Room Perspective Shot Matthew Bonnitt Page | 28 of 51 01/24/12 Single Player Level Design Document Mainframe Meltdown AREA 2.2: MULTI-TEST ROOM, PART 2 Map 7168 UU 6144 UU Figure 27: Multi-Test Room, Part 2 Figure 28: Legend Gameplay The player uses the tractor beam to get to the propel gun ammo across the room. The player dispatches a simple enemy. The player uses the tractor beam to make it back to the platform leading back to Area 1, but does not enter. Dialog None Matthew Bonnitt Page | 29 of 51 01/24/12 Single Player Level Design Document Mainframe Meltdown Visual References Figure 29: Multi-Test Room Perspective Shot, Part 2 Matthew Bonnitt Page | 30 of 51 01/24/12 Single Player Level Design Document Mainframe Meltdown AREA 2.3: MULTI-TEST ROOM, PART 3 Map 7168 UU 6144 UU Figure 30: Multi-Test Room, Part 3 Figure 31: Legend Gameplay After making it to the platform leading to Area 1, the player uses the propel gun to get on top of the floating platform. The player uses the propel gun to move across the floating platforms. The player dispatches of a simple enemy and gathers ammo. The player uses the propel gun to cross the platforms to Area B1. Dialog None Matthew Bonnitt Page | 31 of 51 01/24/12 Single Player Level Design Document Mainframe Meltdown Visual References Figure 32: Multi-Test Room Perspective Shot, Part 3 Matthew Bonnitt Page | 32 of 51 01/24/12 Single Player Level Design Document Mainframe Meltdown AREA B1: HALL OF NO RETURN Map 7168 UU 1536 UU Figure 33: Hall of No Return Figure 34: Legend Gameplay The rightmost two stationary platforms are red herrings. The player cannot advance using them. Instead, the player uses the tractor beam on the moving platform, which carries the player to the middle platform. The player then uses the propel gun to cross the rest of the room. The player cannot go back to the rest of the areas after this point. The player dispatches a simple enemy and heads to Area B2. Dialog None Matthew Bonnitt Page | 33 of 51 01/24/12 Single Player Level Design Document Mainframe Meltdown Visual References Figure 35: Hall of No Return Perspective Shot Matthew Bonnitt Page | 34 of 51 01/24/12 Single Player Level Design Document Mainframe Meltdown AREA B2: STAIRWAY TO MAINFRAME Map 7168 UU 3200 UU Figure 36: Stairway to Mainframe Figure 37: Legend Gameplay The player begins on a platform below the exit to the next area, B3. The player uses the tractor beam to move from the right of the room to the left. The player dispatches of a simple enemy and gathers propel gun ammo. The player uses the propel gun to return along the critical path, but this time on top of the platforms. Dialog None Matthew Bonnitt Page | 35 of 51 01/24/12 Single Player Level Design Document Mainframe Meltdown Visual References Figure 38: Stairway to Mainframe Perspective Shot Figure 39: Stairway to Mainframe Side View Matthew Bonnitt Page | 36 of 51 01/24/12 Single Player Level Design Document Mainframe Meltdown AREA B3.1: FINAL STEPS, PART 1 Map 3486 UU 1408 UU Figure 40: Final Steps, Part 1 Figure 41: Legend Gameplay The player uses the tractor beam to shoot an anchor point and pull himself across an electrified floor. The player dispatches of a simple enemy. The player repeats the above two actions and gathers propel gun ammo. Dialog None Matthew Bonnitt Page | 37 of 51 01/24/12 Single Player Level Design Document Mainframe Meltdown Visual References Figure 42: Final Steps Perspective Shot, Part 1 Matthew Bonnitt Page | 38 of 51 01/24/12 Single Player Level Design Document Mainframe Meltdown AREA B3.2: FINAL STEPS, PART 2 Map 1408 UU 3486 UU Figure 43: Final Steps, Part 2 Figure 44: Legend Gameplay The player returns to the middle area using the tractor beam. The player uses the propel gun to go up the floating platforms to Area Boss. Dialog None Matthew Bonnitt Page | 39 of 51 01/24/12 Single Player Level Design Document Mainframe Meltdown Visual References Figure 45: Final Steps Side View, Part 2 Matthew Bonnitt Page | 40 of 51 01/24/12 Single Player Level Design Document Mainframe Meltdown AREA BOSS.1: THE MAINFRAME OFFICE, FLOOR 1 Map 4096 UU 4096 UU Figure 46: Mainframe's Office, Floor 1 Figure 47: Legend Gameplay Multivac turns slowly, shooting lasers out of its sides. The player can defeat Multivac in one of two ways: 1. Shoot Multivac’s eye, which causes Multivac to turn and shoot lasers and call for reinforcements. 2. Deactivate the control panels while dodging Multivac’s lasers. The trick here is that toggling a control panel on or off toggles both adjacent control panels (as in the game lights out). Dialog None Matthew Bonnitt Page | 41 of 51 01/24/12 Single Player Level Design Document Mainframe Meltdown Visual References Figure 48: The Mainframe Office Perspective Shot, Floor 1 Figure 49: The Mainframe Office Side View, All Floors Matthew Bonnitt Page | 42 of 51 01/24/12 Single Player Level Design Document Mainframe Meltdown AREA BOSS.2: THE MAINFRAME OFFICE, FLOOR 2 Map 4096 UU 4096 UU Figure 50: The Mainframe Office, Floor 2 Figure 51: Legend Gameplay Multivac turns slowly, shooting lasers out of its sides. The player can defeat Multivac in one of two ways: 1. Shoot Multivac’s eye, which causes Multivac to turn and shoot lasers and call for reinforcements. 2. Deactivate the control panels while dodging Multivac’s lasers. The trick here is that toggling a control panel on or off toggles both adjacent control panels (as in the game lights out). Dialog None Visual References See Area Boss.1: The Mainframe Office, Floor 1 Matthew Bonnitt Page | 43 of 51 01/24/12 Single Player Level Design Document Mainframe Meltdown AREA BOSS.3: THE MAINFRAME OFFICE, FLOOR 3 Map 4096 UU 4096 UU Figure 52: The Mainframe Office, Floor 3 Figure 53: Legend Gameplay Multivac turns slowly, shooting lasers out of its sides. The player can defeat Multivac in one of two ways: 1. Shoot Multivac’s eye, which causes Multivac to turn and shoot lasers and call for reinforcements. 2. Deactivate the control panels while dodging Multivac’s lasers. The trick here is that toggling a control panel on or off toggles both adjacent control panels (as in the game lights out). Dialog None Visual References See Area Boss.1: The Mainframe Office, Floor 1 Matthew Bonnitt Page | 44 of 51 01/24/12