Substantive Program Change Part A. Guidelines Is this the Right Form? Use this form if you wish to make one of the following changes to a program already registered with the Agency: A change to the content of a program’s curriculum content exceeding 15%. An increase or decrease in the amount of time required for the successful completion of a program exceeding 15%. A significant departure in the method of delivery of the program, including distance education modalities. If you have non-substantive changes in addition to the substantive ones listed above, you may also use this form to provide the Agency with this information. If you are applying to make only non-substantive changes, please use the Non-Substantive Program Change form. Advertising and Program Start Dates Complete applications for substantive changes take up to ten weeks to process. Processing may take longer if the application is incomplete and/or a site visit is required. You must have received the Agency’s approval before advertising, recruiting or enrolling students, or starting a substantively changed program. Incomplete Applications An application will be reviewed only when all required documents, including the correct fee ($200 for accredited institutions; $100 for registered institutions), are received. Application Expiry Applications will expire if outstanding requirements have not been met within six months of the request date. Fees will not be refunded for expired applications. The following information is required: Institution Operating Name and Institution Number: Institution Operating Name Enter your institution’s operating name, as registered with the PCTIA. INS.140.041 Page 1 of 14 2015.01.05 Substantive Program Change Part A. Guidelines Institution Number The institution number is the number provided upon registration. You can find it on the PCTIA website at or on the PCTIA Registration Certificate posted at your institution. Program Information: Program Title: This should be the same program title as is currently registered with PCTIA. Type of Credential Issued: If you intend to change the type of credential issued, reflect the current and proposed credential type in the relevant sections of the form. Type of Substantive Change Proposed: Select from Duration, Curriculum Content and/or Delivery Method. Select all that apply. Complete the relevant section(s) of the form. Proposed Substantive Change Date: When considering your change date, you should take into account the minimum six week timeline required to process the application. Duration Change: If you have selected “Duration” in the section above, you must complete this section. Duration: Indicate the current and proposed program durations in both hours and weeks. In the Current Duration Information, ensure the information matches that which is registered with the Agency. Percentage Change: Indicate the percentage change in the duration of the program. Explanation: Provide a brief explanation of why you are making this change to the program’s duration. INS.140.041 Page 2 of 14 2015.01.05 Substantive Program Change Part A. Guidelines Curriculum Content Change: If you have selected “Curriculum Content” in the section above, you must complete this section. Description of Change: Briefly describe the proposed change and explain why you have chosen to make these changes. Submit a copy of the new program outline and related course outlines. Learning Outcomes: Indicate if you are proposing changes to the learning outcomes of the program. If so, complete these sections by stating the new learning outcomes. Attach evidence to demonstrate the PAC have reviewed and provided feedback on the proposed changes. Program Delivery Sequence: Indicate if you are proposing changes to the order in which courses are delivered within the program. If so, complete the current and propose course organization sections. Explain why you are proposing to increase or decrease any course hours. If this program has multiple entry points, explain how the proposed change in delivery sequence will impact students starting the program. Explain how students will be able to complete prerequisites if they are entering the program at a different entry point. Career Opportunities: If the career options for graduates of this program will change, provide an updated list of career options. Regulated Programs: Indicate whether your program is regulated by another body. If yes, provide documentary evidence that the regulator has approved your proposed changes. If there is a provincially/federally recognized governing body for the program you are planning to offer, provide documentation confirming approval. The Agency will accept a letter, certificate or e-mail confirmation. Fee Changes: Indicate the current and proposed fees in relevant sections of the form. INS.140.041 Page 3 of 14 2015.01.05 Substantive Program Change Part A. Guidelines Course Changes: If you are deleting courses and replacing them with other courses, complete the table. Equipment/Resource Changes: If you are making changes to the equipment and/or resources used in the delivery of this program, identify the change and the reason for it. Complete a separate chart for each location. Minimum Instructor Qualifications: If you are changing your minimum instructor qualifications, list the new minimum instructor qualifications for this program. If your program is regulated, complete the relevant section of the form to demonstrate that instructors will meet the regulatory authority’s requirements. Minimum instructor qualifications for specific courses should be noted separately. Program Delivery Change: If you selected “Program Delivery” above, you must complete this section. Delivery Method: Indicate the current and proposed method(s) of delivery by identifying the contact hours the Current and Proposed columns. Complete all sections relating to the delivery method(s) you will use. The total instructional hours indicated should be the same as the total program hours noted earlier on this form. New Distance Education: If you have not used distance delivery for this program before and you are proposing to use it now, you need to complete Part C. Distance Education Information. Assessment Methods: Complete the table provided to show the changes you are proposing. Explain why you are changing the assessment methods. Work Experience: INS.140.041 Page 4 of 14 2015.01.05 Substantive Program Change Part A. Guidelines If you have added or are changing a work experience component, attach a copy of your new or revised Work Experience Policy and the supporting agreement, training plan and joint evaluation that will be used. Describe how the addition or change will improve the program and describe the types of work experience placements that the student will attend to complete this portion of the program. Provide a list of the names and contact information for employers who have agreed to host work experience students from this program. Program Advisory Committee Attach Program Advisory Committee minutes that provide evidence that all of the proposed changes to this program have been reviewed and commented on by the PAC. If you have not consulted your PAC with respect to the proposed changes, please explain why. (Applies to accredited institutions only) INS.140.041 Page 5 of 14 2015.01.05 Substantive Program Change Part B. Application Institution Operating Name Institution Number PROGRAM INFORMATION Program Title Current Program Information Credential Issued: Proposed Program Information Certificate Diploma Credential Issued: Certificate Diploma Type of Substantive Change Proposed (please check all that apply): Duration Change Curriculum Content Proposed Substantive Change Date (YYYY-MM-DD) Delivery Method Change YYYY-MM-DD DURATION CHANGE Are you proposing a substantive change in program duration (either increase or decrease)? Yes No If Yes, please complete this section. Current Duration Information Proposed Duration Information Duration in Hours Duration in Hours Duration in Weeks Duration in Weeks What is the proposed percentage change? Explain why you want to make this change in program duration: INS.140.041 Page 6 of 14 2015.01.05 Substantive Program Change Part B. Application CURRICULUM CONTENT CHANGE Are you proposing a substantive change in the content of the curriculum? Yes No If Yes, complete the section below and attach a copy of the proposed program outline and related course outlines. Provide a brief description of the proposed changes and explain why you want to make them. Are you proposing a substantive change to the learning outcomes of the program? Yes No If Yes, complete the section below and provide evidence from your institution’s Program Advisory Committee has reviewed and provided feedback on the propose changes. Provide the learning outcomes for the revised program. Are you proposing a substantive change to the order in which courses are delivered within the program? If Yes, please complete the sections below. Current Course Organization Please list courses in the order that they are currently delivered. Course Name Contact Hours Yes No Proposed Course Organization Please list courses in the proposed order of delivery. Course Name Contact Hours If courses are increased or decreased, please explain why. INS.140.041 Page 7 of 14 2015.01.05 Substantive Program Change Part B. Application Does this program have multiple entry points? Yes No If Yes, please complete the section below. Identify the points at which a student can enter this program and explain how the proposed change in delivery sequence will impact students starting the program. Explain how students will be able to complete prerequisites if they are entering program from different entry points. Will the admission requirements for the program change? Yes No If yes, list the revised admission requirements for the program below: Have the career options for graduates changed? Yes If Yes, please provide an updated list of career options: Is this program regulated by any other body? No Not applicable (language programs) Yes No Yes No If Yes, please complete the section below and provide documentary evidence that this regulator has approved your proposed changes: : Name of Regulating Body Telephone Number Name of Contact Email Address Is there is a provincially/federally recognized governing body for the program? If Yes, provide documentation confirming approval. Name of Organization Telephone Number Name of Contact at this Organization Email Address INS.140.041 Page 8 of 14 2015.01.05 Substantive Program Change Part B. Application Do you propose a change in fees for this program? Yes No If Yes, please complete the section below: Current Program Costs Item Proposed Program Costs Item Amount Amount Tuition Tuition Registration/Application Fee Registration/Application Fee Prior Learning/Portfolio Fee Prior Learning /Portfolio Fee Textbooks Textbooks Computer/Tablet Computer/Tablet Supplies and Materials Supplies and Materials Uniforms Uniforms Lab Fees Lab Fees Other (please specify) Other (please specify) Have any courses in the program changed? Yes No If Yes, please complete the section below and provide copies of the course outlines for all new courses. Old Course Name INS.140.041 New Course Name Page 9 of 14 Reason for Change 2015.01.05 Substantive Program Change Part B. Application Have the equipment and/or resources for the program changed? Yes No If Yes, complete the section below. Complete a separate chart for each location. Type of Equipment/Resource Reason for Change Changed If the program is regulated, are there specific instructor qualifications that must be met to maintain accreditation or certification? Yes No Not applicable If Yes, please complete the following section: List the instructor qualifications required by the regulatory body. Will your minimum instructor qualifications for this program change? Yes No If Yes, please complete the section below: List the revised minimum instructor qualifications for this program, including academic credentials, professional licenses and certification required. Also list the number of years of occupational experience and the number of years of teaching experience you require. If different course in the program require different qualifications please identify these separately. INS.140.041 Page 10 of 14 2015.01.05 Substantive Program Change Part B. Application PROGRAM DELIVERY CHANGE Are the program delivery methods changing? Yes No If Yes, please complete the section below: Method Contact Hours Current Method Contact Hours Proposed Current Classroom (Instructor Led) Clinical Placement Computer Based Training Practicum Placement Distance Education Co-op Placement Supervised Lab Preceptorship One-on-One Other (specify type) Proposed Workshop TOTAL HOURS Does this proposed change add distance education? Yes No Yes No If Yes, complete and attach Part C. Distance Education Information. Are the student assessment methods changing? If Yes, complete the section below. List the new assessment methods for each type of program delivery method noted above and explain why you have chosen these new assessment methods. Delivery Method New Assessment Method Reason for Change Classroom (Instructor Led) Computer Based Training Distance Education Supervised Lab One-on-One Workshop Clinical Placement Practicum Placement Co-op Placement Preceptorship INS.140.041 Page 11 of 14 2015.01.05 Substantive Program Change Part B. Application Other (specify type) Have you added or changed a work experience component of this program? Yes No If Yes, complete the section below and attach a copy of the new/revised Work Experience Policy and supporting documents including the Work Experience Training Plan and the Work Experience Agreement with the work place, and the Joint Student Evaluation tools. Briefly describe how the addition or change to the work experience component will improve the student’s learning experience. Describe the type of location or business that will be required for a work experience placement and attach a list of work placement sites that have agreed to provide a work experience placement for your students. Include the contact name, telephone number and email address for each location listed. Has the Program Advisory Committee reviewed and commented on the proposed changes to this program? (Accredited Institutions ONLY) Yes No If Yes, provide a copy of the meeting minutes as evidence that a review and feedback on this program change has been made by the PAC. If No, please explain why you have not consulted the PAC with respect to delivering the program at this site. (Accredited Institutions ONLY) DECLARATION By signing this application, the Applicant confirms that: All of the information contained in this application and any attachment is true and accurate. . The institution has ownership or usage rights for all curriculum resources for this program as revised. The institution has evidence of instructor qualifications on file for each location. Name of Applicant (please print): Signature of Applicant Date Signed Email Address Telephone Number INS.140.041 Page 12 of 14 2015.01.05 Substantive Program Change Part C. Distance Delivery Information Institution Operating Name Institution Number DISTANCE DELIVERY INFORMATION What equipment must the student have in order to receive distance education? What platform (learning management system) do you use for distance delivery? Explain how students will be oriented to distance education. Explain how instructors are trained in distance delivery. Please indicate which method(s) of instructional delivery you will use to deliver this program: Synchronous Asynchronous Correspondence Tutorial Projects Group Work Other (please specify) Explain how students can access instructor assistance from a distance. What is the response time? Provide a list of resources that are available for student use, including the quantity of each item listed. Use a separate sheet if this space is insufficient. Explain how students can access the resources you have available outside of class time. What is the response time? Describe the system you use that allows students to evaluate instructors. INS.140.041 Page 13 of 14 2015.01.05 Substantive Program Change Part D. Checklist Application for Substantive Program Change To an Existing Program Completed Application Form Substantive Program Change Fee – $200.00 (accredited); $100 (registered) A sample of the new certificate or diploma to be issued to graduates N/A Amended Program and Course Outlines N/A Copy of PAC Minutes regarding this change (accredited institutions only) N/A Copy of approval letter from other regulatory body N/A Course Outlines for new courses N/A Distance Education Information N/A Work Experience Policy N/A Work Experience Agreement & List of Work Placement Sites N/A Work Experience Training Plan N/A Work Experience Evaluation Tool N/A PCTIA OFFICE USE ONLY Item Date and Initial Fee attached / All sections of the form are complete / All required attachments included / Program Change Approved Not Approved PCTIA Staff Comments: PCTIA Staff Signature Date Revised NOC/CIP Codes: / Database Entry Complete INS.140.041 Page 14 of 14 2015.01.05