12 Grade AP Literature Part 1

Mount de Sales Academy
AP Literature and Composition – Summer Reading Assignment 2015 – Part 1
How to Read Literature Like a Professor by Thomas C. Foster (ISBN-13: 9780062301673)
Native Son by Richard Wright (ISBN-13: 9780062357250)
Use the following chart to complete analytical commentary on both How to Read Literature Like a Professor by Thomas C.
Foster and Native Son by Richard Wright. You will complete this assignment by choosing a total of 16 chapters from the
Foster text (make sure to read them all). See the directions below for details on your responses. Type in the spaces provided
in the table, and expand the boxes as needed as you type. Please type in Times New Roman with a 10 pt. font. Each
response should be a well-developed paragraph. Using the table format below is preferable. However, if your software has
trouble formatting the table, feel free to format your responses in standard paragraphs. If you do this, make sure to label each
paragraph with an appropriate heading. Make sure you are ready to discuss both texts in class.
Due: Monday, July 13th (first 8 chapters)
Chapters from the
Foster text:
Chapter Response and Critique: After reading each chapter of the Foster text, provide commentary
on each chapter in the spaces below. Provide a general summary of Foster’s overall thesis for that
chapter. In addition, feel free to reference how you have seen this thesis “work” in a literary work that
you have read other than Native Son. Then, after reading both texts, use the appropriate spaces below
to provide commentary in which you analyze Wright’s writing based on the topic/focus of each
chosen chapter of the Foster text. Make sure to discuss the main points in the Foster text while
showing textual evidence/examples in the novel. Remember, you are synthesizing the information in
each chapter of the Foster text and connecting it to the actual literary devices, theories, and strategies
found in Native Son.
Commentary and general literary connections for the Foster text:
Response and connection to Native Son:
Commentary and general literary connections for the Foster text:
Response and connection to Native Son:
Commentary and general literary connections for the Foster text:
Response and connection to Native Son:
Commentary and general literary connections for the Foster text:
Response and connection to Native Son:
Commentary and general literary connections for the Foster text:
Response and connection to Native Son:
Commentary and general literary connections for the Foster text:
Response and connection to Native Son:
Commentary and general literary connections for the Foster text:
Response and connection to Native Son:
Commentary and general literary connections for the Foster text:
Response and connection to Native Son: