
Science revision sheet
Name __________________________ Grade 7_________
Unit 1/ Lesson 2: Rules in Energy Transfer/ Pages (18- 29)
Unit 1/ Lesson 4: Interactions in Communities / Pages (42- 51)
Unit 2/ Lesson 1: Land Biomes / Pages (62- 73)
Q1/ Match the following terms with their meaning
1. Producer
a. break down dead organisms
2. Decomposer
b. eat other organisms
3. Consumer
c. make their own food
4. Herbivore
d. eat plants and animals
5. Carnivore
e. consumer that eats only plant
6. Omnivore
f. consumer that eats other animals
7. Food chain
g. feeding relationship among organisms
8. Food web
h. the path of energy transfer from producer to consumer
9. Predator
i. an animal that is eaten by a predator
10. Prey
j. an animal that eats other animals
11. Climate
k. a long term pattern of temperature and precipitation
Q2/ State whether the following sentences are true or false
1. Plants are consumers. _______
2. Bacteria and fungi are decomposers. ________
3. The bear that eats plants and animals is a carnivore._________
4. Lions are herbivore. _________
5. Producers are also called autotroph. _________
6. Consumers form the base of the food chain. ________
7. Food web is made up of many food chains.________
8. Cat in a cat- mouse relationship is the prey. ________
9. Plant is a biotic factor. _________
10. Rainfall is an abiotic factor. _________
11. Cactus can live in desert because they have needlelike leaves to conserve water. _______
Q3/ What do the arrows on a food chain show?
Q4/ What is meant by top predator?
Q5/ Fill in arrows that trace the transfer of energy from the sun to a top predator,
and then answer the question below
Identify the following
1. The producer _______________
2. The primary consumer ___________________
3. The top predator ____________________
4. The tertiary consumer ___________________
5. The secondary consumer ___________________
Q6/ What might happen if the number of leopards increases in an area and the
number of the prey decreases in the same area?
Q7/ Define Symbiosis. write the three types of symbiosis with their meaning and give
an example of each
Symbiosis _________________________________________________________
1. ______________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________________________
Q8/ Define biome and name the major land biomes
1. ____________________
2. _____________________ 3. __________________
4. _____________________
5. ______________________ 6. ___________________
Q9/ Name the land biome or biomes that
1. Contains permafrost _______________
2. Has more precipitation tundra or taiga _____________
3. Have coniferous trees ____________
4. Very dry ___________
5. Has grasses and few trees ____________
6. Has deciduous trees _____________
7. Thick layer of plants that blocks sunlight _______________
8. Receives more rain than any other biome _______________
Q10/ Describe the soil and determine the location of each biome
Land biome
Tropical grassland
Temperate grassland
Temperate deciduous forest
Temperate rain forest
Tropical rain forest