MINISTRY OF HIGHER AND SECONDARY SPECIAL EDUCATION MINISTRY OF HEALTH OF UZBEKISTAN TASHKENT MEDICAL ACADEMY DEPARTMENT OF ENDOCRINOLOGY "APPROVED" Vice Rector for Academic Affairs prof._______Teshayev O.R. "___" _______________ 2012. WORK PROGRAM the discipline of "Endocrinology" Area of expertise - 720000 "Healthcare" Direction of Education: 5720100 "medicine" 5140900 - Professional Education (General Medicine) TASHKENT - 2012. purpose: - Teaching fundamental bases the role of the endocrine system in the life of an organism and the importance of the neuroendocrine regulation to maintain normal homeostasis; - Learning the diagnosis and principles of treatment of major diseases of the endocrine system. objectives: - To teach students the basic concepts of endocrine diseases, knowledge of the etiology, pathogenesis, classification, clinical manifestations and treatment guidelines; - Trained to diagnose the most common form of endocrine diseases. Content of the subject Disorders of the hypothalamic-pituitary axis Hormonal regulation of metabolism in health and disease. The structure of the pituitary gland. The biological effect of hormones of the pituitary and hypothalamus. Feedback mechanism. Disorders of the hypothalamic-pituitary system: acromegaly, gigantism, dwarfism. Disorders of the hypothalamic-pituitary system: diabetes insipidus, syndrome Sheehan, pituitary Cushing (etiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, treatment). Obesity Obesity: classification, etiology, pathogenesis, clinical features, diagnosis, treatment Diabetes mellitus Diabetes mellitus: epidemiology, etiology, pathogenesis, classification. Treatment of diabetes. Diet, oral hypoglycemic agents, indications and contraindications to their destination. Insulin therapy (indications, types of insulin, insulin dose calculation, complications of insulin therapy). Coma: hypoglycemia and ketoatsidoticheskaya (etiology, pathogenesis, differential diagnosis, emergency care) Thyroid disease Synthesis and biological effects of thyroid hormones. Thyroid disease. Classification. Goiter (etiology, pathogenesis, treatment and prevention methods.) Thyroiditis. Hypothyroidism. Diffuse toxic goiter (etiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, treatment criteria). Diseases of the parathyroid gland (hyper-, hypoparathyroidism (etiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, current treatments) Adrenal disease Adrenal glands structure. The biological effect of adrenal hormones. Acute and chronic insufficiency of the adrenal cortex. Conn's syndrome. Pheochromocytoma. Cushing's syndrome (etiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, treatment). Diseases accompanied by polyuria and polydipsia Diabetes insipidus. Pathogenesis of clinical symptoms. Psychogenic polydipsia. Differential diagnosis with enuresis, pyelitis, and glomerulonephritis, treatment. Conn's syndrome. Differential diagnosis of diabetic nephropathy. Hyperparathyroidism. Etiology. Pathogenesis of polyuria and polydipsia. Differential diagnosis of renal form of diabetes insipidus. Diagnosis, treatment. Diabetes. Risk factors for diabetes prevention techniques. Pathogenesis of polyuria, polydipsia, and other clinical symptoms. Differential diagnosis with psevdoglyukozuriey, renal glycosuria, gestational diabetes. Diagnosis of intermediate forms of hyperglycemia. Treatments 1 and 2 of types of diabetes. Insulin therapy. Severity of diabetes. Criteria for compensation and decompensation of diabetes. Surveillance of patients with diabetes mellitus during pregnancy and when joining intercurrent diseases, indications for hospitalization. Clinic and diagnosis of retinopathy, nephropathy and neuropathy. Prevention of complications, rehabilitation. Goiter. Diseases accompanied by hyperplasia thyroid. Iodine deficiency disorders and methods of prevention. Nodular goiter and mixed: diagnosis, diagnostic methods. Indications strumectomy. Graves' disease. Differential diagnosis with neuro dystonia, tuberculosis, rheumatism, thyrotoxic adenoma, cachexia different genesis. Pathogenesis of clinical symptoms. Methods of treatment, choice of doses. Hyperthyroidism during pregnancy. Thyroiditis (acute, sub-acute), Zob Riedel: etiology, pathogenesis, clinical picture. Differential diagnosis of thyroid cancer, treatment, complications. Autoimmune thyroiditis. The clinical picture, stage, form. Differential diagnosis with endemic goiter. Treatment. Complications. Diseases associated with obesity Constitutional-exogenous obesity: causes, stages, degrees, methods for identifying overweight. Modern methods of treatment. Hypothyroidism. Clinical and etiological forms. Differential diagnosis with anemia of various origins, constitutional-exogenous obesity, kidney and intestine. During hypothyroidism during pregnancy and especially treatment. Hormone replacement therapy, the selection of doses. Cushing's disease. Differential diagnosis of various forms of Cushing. The pathogenesis of obesity. Differential diagnosis with primary hypogonadism and false adipozogetitalnoy dystrophy. Prevention, treatment. Diseases associated with hypertension Feohromatsitoma. Clinical forms. Differential diagnosis with hypertension and other neendokrinnymi Hypertension. Complications, treatment, diagnosis. Conn's syndrome. The etiology and pathogenesis of major clinical sipmtomov. Differential diagnosis with secondary aldesteronizmom, treatment, complications. Disease and Cushing's syndrome. Differential diagnosis with diabetes, puberty and youth dispituitarizmom, acromegaly. Principles of treatment. Diseases associated with hypotension Syndrome Shiena-Symonds. The pathogenesis of the main clinical symptoms. Form, severity, hormone replacement therapy. Prevention, complications. Acute and chronic adrenal insufficiency: the causes and pathogenesis of hypotension and other clinical symptoms. Differential diagnosis with neuro dystonia, hemochromatosis, scleroderma, enteritis, malobsorbtsii syndrome, pellagra. Impaired consciousness. Coma in endocrinology. Hypoglycemic coma. Reasons. The factors that trigger the development of hypoglycemic coma in patients with diabetes mellitus. Pathogenesis of clinical symptoms. Stage. Providing care in a clinic. Hyperglycemic coma: ketoatsidoticheskaya, hyperosmolar, laktoatsidemicheschkaya. Reasons for the development. Differential diagnosis of hepatic, uremic hypoxic komami. Assist pre-hospital and hospital stages. Impaired growth Diseases accompanied vysokorostlostyu. Gigantism. Differential diagnosis with Klinefelter's syndrome, Marfan and genetic vysokorostlostyu. Acromegaly. Differential diagnosis with akromegaloidnymi syndromes. Male hypogonadism: etiology, clinical and pathogenic forms, diagnosis, hormone replacement therapy, complications and their prevention. Diseases accompanied nizkokorostlostyu. Dwarfism. Differential diagnosis with Turner's syndrome, Chondrodystrophy, congenital hypothyroidism, genetic forms.