Process Analysis Essay Rubric Ideas & Content Organization Voice Word Choice Sentence Fluency Conventions Process has a strong Writer uses an sense of direction. Words are specific and The process is original, assertive voice. The Paragraphs are Steps are created and accurate. Writer uses well-developed, writer speaks directly created and divided analyzed consistently. strong imagery and Easy flow and informative, and useful. to the audience, well. Grammar and Examples and analysis descriptive language to rhythm when read Writer shows the without using usage contribute to have been carefully illustrate points. Writer aloud. Sounds audience the topic with pretentious diction clarity and style. selected for support and avoids clichés, uses natural and fluent. Exemplary examples that highlight and shows a concern Punctuation is smooth. effect. Pacing is fresh expressions. Ideas Sentence structure a unique perspective, for the audience’s Very little editing is still controlled—the writer are expressed using the and length varies. Writer anticipates needs. The essay is needed. All citations presents information fewest and shortest Effective use of reader’s questions and provocative and lively, have signal phrases when needed, and words to convey meaning transitions. answers them in the and is designed to and perfect moves on. Conclusion to achieve precision in analysis. hold a reader’s parenthetical citations. synthesizes essay’s language. attention. analysis. Process has a clear The writer is sincere Sentences are The process is clear. Words are correct, if not Paragraphs are structure. Examples are and engages the constructed well. Examples illustrate the precise. Writer takes created and divided arranged and analyzed audience in the Control over complex writer’s point of view. risks using descriptive with a purpose. Proficient with balance. essay. Readers sentences varies. Analysis supports the language. Writer Grammar and Conclusion summarizes sense an individual Sentences are more writer’s perspective of communicates points punctuation are more analysis to show key presence behind the fluid than the topic. very well. mechanical than fluid. points. words. mechanical. Tone of the essay Paragraphs are usually Process has an The writer occasionally Sentences have a The process is evident, could be altered to done well. Grammar attempted structure. falls to redundancy or strong, yet basic if not clearly stated. directly engage the problems not serious Examples and analysis familiar clichés. Writer structure. Little Examples support the reader. Voice is not enough to distort developing present, but not does more telling than variety in sentence topic. Analysis individually unique, meaning. Moderate consistently in balance. showing with language. patterns exists. explains the examples’ but occasionally editing needed. Conclusion restates Writer avoids taking risks Sentences are relation to the topic. shows. Writer seems Citations lack signal main points. in presentation. mechanical. distant or hesitant. phrases. Process structure is The process is vague, vague. Examples and Sentence structure is Writer still searches for Paragraphs may be yet there. Examples analysis do not Writer seems distant. repetitive. Phrasing the right words. Words missing, irregular, or insufficient present, but lacking in consistently move the Essay lacks spirit or sounds unnatural. chosen are vague, too infrequent. Frequent specific details and reader through the energy. Readers hunt for abstract, or pretentious. spelling errors. analysis. essay. Conclusion transitions. needs more workt. The process is No clear sense of Essay delivers a one- Limited vocabulary. Writing is difficult to Grammar errors direction. Details or sided emotional Writer is not in control of follow or read aloud. distract reader from the unsatisfacto unknown or unclear. ry Examples and analysis analysis not developed. outburst, or is the words. Clichés or Sentences block writing. Citations are do not support an Points are dropped at monotone. Tone is jargon overly used. meaning. not done correctly. A Process Analysis Essay Rubric interpretation of the topic. random. inappropriate. lot of editing needed. _______/10 Ideas and Content _______/10 Organization _______/10 Voice _______/10 Word Choice _______/10 Sentence Fluency _______/10 Conventions Total score for project: ___________/60, ________%, __________