Constitution - SA Professional Photographers

Southern African Professional Photographers
(Hereinafter referred to as SAPP)
SA Professional Photographers is a diversified group dedicated to the highest standards in
professional imaging.
We welcome working photographers of all genres to join and be a part of the cache of a
recognized national organization.
Promoting the interests and welfare of members and
improving their professional status in the industry.
To publish and maintain a Register of Members qualified in
the Profession of photography in terms of the
standards prescribed by SAPP
To deal with and invest the funds of SAPP.
To act as a qualifying and examining body.
Education is an important focus of the SAPP
The membership shall consist of the following categories:
CORPORATE MEMBERS: in the following categories
Honorary Fellows
Group Members
Registered Students
Honorary Members
Friends of the SAPP
Ordinary Members (not accredited)
Any person who has attained the minimum educational
standards prescribed by the National Board and is a
student at a school of photography approved by the
National Council.
To be eligible for admission as an Associate an applicant
must; At the date of application for an Associatship be
engaged full time in the profession of photography.
Have been a Licentiate member of the SAPP for a minimum
period of two years.
To be eligible for admission as a Licentiate the applicant
At the date of his application have been engaged full time
in the profession of photography for no less than six
Have acquired the necessary experience and ability to the
satisfaction of the National Council of SAPP.
To qualify for admission to the Fellowship, an applicant
At the date of application be engaged, full time, in the
profession of photography,
Have been a Associate member of the SAPP for a minimum
period of two years.
Upon the recommendation of the President and two senior
managers, shall have the power to award any person who
has distinguished himself by;
Meritorious service in the furtherance of the aims and
objectives of the group or the standard of photography in
general, to be an Honorary Fellow
The award of Honorary Fellowship shall entitle the
recipient thereof to use the designatory letters; Hon FSAPP
after their name. If not already a member of the SAPP, he
shall become an Honorary one upon being awarded this
Any Fellow, Associate or Licentiate who retires from the
professional practice of photography may apply for
Former Membership and shall continue to be a Corporate
Member of SAPP.
To be eligible for admission as an Associate an applicant
must; At the date of application for an Associatship be
engaged full time in the profession of photography
Business Partners
Business partners are made up of photographic related
companies who will pay a membership fee.
3 Membership Fees
3.1 Membership fees shall be reviewed and agreed at each Annual General Meeting.
3.2 All members joining SAPP shall be deemed to accept the terms of this Constitution and any
Bye-Laws published from time to time SAPP.
4 Management
4.1 The affairs of SAPP shall be conducted by an Management team which shall consist of the
Officers of the organisation.
4.2 The Officers of SAPP who shall consist of the President, The Group operations manager,
Education Manager, Judging Manager, Legal Manager, Marketing Manager, and Regional
Treasurer and Secretary who shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting. If the post of any
officer or other committee member should fall vacant after such an election, the Management
team shall have the power to fill the vacancy.
Regions are able to elect their own regional manager however this needs to be done on an 80 %
quorum voting count of the membership at the time of voting.
All board members who are in service for the first financial year shall be appointed, and not voted
into a position as this is a new organization.
4.3 All Executive Board members shall be members of the SAPP.
5 General Meetings
5.1 Annual General Meeting
SAPP shall hold an Annual General Meeting in the month of August after completion of the first
financial year.
5.1.1 Approve the minutes of the previous year's AGM.
5.1.2 Receive reports from the President and National Operations Manager.
5.1.3 Receive a report from the Treasurer and approve the Annual Accounts.
5.1.4. Receive a report from the Treasurer.
5.1.5 Elect the Executive Committee.
5.16 Consider changes to the Constitution.
5.1.8 Deal with other relevant business.
5.2 Extraordinary General meeting
An Extraordinary General Meeting shall be called by an application in writing to the National
Operations Manager supported by at least four members of SAPP. The Executive Committee shall
also have the power to call an Extraordinary General Meeting by decision of a simple majority of
its members.
5.3 Notices
At least 30 days notice shall be given to all voting members of any General Meeting.
5.4 Voting
5.4.1 With the exception of changes to the Constitution decisions put to a vote shall be resolved
by simple majority at General Meetings.
5.4.2 The President of the organisation shall hold a deliberative as well as a casting vote.
5.5 Quorum
The quorum at General Meetings shall be a minimum of four members of the management team.
5.6 Changes to the Constitution
5.6.1 Any change to the Constitution shall require a two thirds majority of those present and
eligible to vote at a General Meeting.
5.6.2 Notice shall be given to all voting members of any General Meeting 15 days prior to the
meeting any proposal to change the Constitution shall be submitted in writing to the Secretary at
least 30 days prior to the meeting.
5.6.3 All proposals for changes to the Constitution shall be signed by two members eligible to
vote a General Meeting.
6 Finance and Accounts
6.1 The financial year shall run from1 March to end February each year.
6.2 The Treasurer shall be responsible for the preparation of annual accounts of the organisation.
6.3 The accounts shall be verified by an independent person who is elected by members of the
management team.
6.4 All cheques or payments drawn against the SAPP funds shall be signed by the Treasurer and
one other nominated office-bearer.
7 Bye-laws
The Management team shall have the power to publish and enforce such bye-laws as the
membership feels necessary to govern the activities of SAPP
8 Expulsion of Members
The Management team shall operate a fair system for deciding upon the expulsion of a Member
as laid down by the ‘Law of Natural Justice’.
9 Dissolution
In the event of the dissolution of the SAPP, any assets thereof shall not be distributed amongst
the members of SAPP in any way whatsoever
10 Electronic Communication
SAPP reserves the right to hold meetings via Skype or any other similar electronic media.
The Mountaineering Council of Scotland Participation Statement
“that climbing and mountaineering are activities with a danger of personal injury or death. Participants in these
activities should be aware of and accept these risks and be responsible for their own actions and
11. Members moving over from PPSA To SAPP
Any member who has moved over from Professional Photographers of Southern Africa has the rights
11.1 Licentiates can use LSAPP
11.2 Associates can use ASAPP
11.3 Fellows can use FSAPP
11.4 All Honorary awards are transferable.
12. Head Office
The head office of SAPP WILL BE 11 Grey Street Knysna.
Ian Fleming The Photographic Company.