Unit Name: Plate Tectonics Length of Time: 6 weeks Core Area: Science Grade Level: 7th Grade ENDURING UNDERSTANDINGS: ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS: STANDARDS ADDRESSED: STRAND 6 – Earth and Space Science CONCEPT 1 – Structures of the Earth – Describe the composition and interactions between the structure of the Earth and its atmosphere. PO3 – Explain the following processes involved in the formation of the Earth’s structure: erosion, deposition, plate tectonics, and volcanism. CONCEPT 2 – Earth’s Processes and Systems – Understand the processes acting on the Earth and their interaction with Earth systems. PO3 – Analyze the evidence that lithospheric plate movements occur. PO4 – Explain lithospheric plate movement as a result of convection. PO5 – Relate plate boundary movements to their resulting landforms, including: mountains, faults, rift valley, trenches, volcanoes. PO6 – Describe how earthquakes are measured. STRAND 2 – History and Nature of Science CONCEPT 1 – History of Science as a Human Endeavor – Identify individual, cultural, and technological contributions to scientific knowledge. PO1 - Identify how diverse people and/or cultures, past and present, have made important contributions to scientific innovations. CONCEPT 2 – Nature of Scientific Knowledge – Understand how science is a process for generating knowledge. PO1 – Describe how science is an ongoing process that changes in response to new information and discoveries. PO2 – Describe how scientific knowledge is subject to change as new information and/or technology challenge prevailing theories. 7th Grade Science p. 1 Aligned to 2005 Arizona Science Standards June 2012 Unit Name: Plate Tectonics Length of Time: 6 weeks Core Area: Science Grade Level: 7th Grade SCIENTIFIC PRACTICES: 1. Asking questions and defining problems. 2. Developing and using models. 3. Planning and carrying out investigation. 4. Analyzing and interpreting data. 5. Using mathematics and computational thinking. 6. Constructing explanations and designing solutions. 7. Engaging in argument from evidence. 8. Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information. INTEGRATED STANDARDS: 7th Grade Science p. 2 Aligned to 2005 Arizona Science Standards June 2012 Unit Name: Plate Tectonics Core Area: Science Grade Level: 7th Grade Length of Time: 6 weeks Skills 1. Describe how the lithosphere is made up of tectonic plates. (DOK 1) 2. Explain (DOK2) and analyze the evidence for Continental Drift. (DOK3) 3. Determine the causes of lithospheric plate movement. (DOK2) 4. Explain the contributions of Alfred Wegener and why scientists initially rejected his theory. (DOK1) 5. Describe the three plate boundaries and where they occur. (DOK1) 6. Explain how hot spots are used to track plate movement. (DOK2) 7. Describe what happens when plates move apart (rift valleys and mid ocean ridge) (DOK2) 8. Describe what happens when plates converge (trenches, mountains, and volcanoes) (DOK2) 9. Explain the cause of Earthquakes and why most occur along plate boundaries. (DOK2) 10. Explain how energy from an Earthquake travels through Earth and how the energy is measured. (DOK1) 11. Describe how scientists study the Earth’s core using seismic waves. (DOK2) 7th Grade Science p. 3 Resources/Strategies usgs.gov (real time earth quake data ) Candy bar boundaries Design and engineer a building or structure that will withstand a simulated earthquake. Volcano autobiography project: a 1st person essay about being a volcano. Requires research of a real life volcano and presenting the research in the 1st person format. Build baking soda and vinegar volcanoes. Vocabulary • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Tectonic Plates Continental Crust Oceanic Crust Continental Drift Alfred Wegener Pangaea Mid Ocean Ridges Ocean Trenches Convection Currents Sea Floor Spreading Divergent Boundary Convergent Boundary Transform Boundary Hot Spots Rift Valley Subduction ContinentalContinental Collision Oceanic-Oceanic Subduction Oceanic-Continental Subduction Stress Fault Seismic waves Focus Epicenter Seismograph Assessment District 1st Quarter Assessment Aligned to 2005 Arizona Science Standards June 2012 Unit Name: Plate Tectonics Core Area: Science Grade Level: 7th Grade Length of Time: 6 weeks • • • • • Richter Scale Moment Magnitude Scale Volcano Magma Lava DOK1 – Depth of Knowledge Level 1 DOK2 – Depth of Knowledge Level 2 DOK3 – Depth of Knowledge Level 3 DOK4 – Depth of Knowledge Level 4 7th Grade Science p. 4 Aligned to 2005 Arizona Science Standards June 2012