MINI ST RY O F E DU C A T I ON AND S CIE N CE O F T HE RU S SI AN FED E R AT I ON National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI” Faculty of Management and Economics of High Technologies Kaziev Andrey Viktorovich «Innovative project assessment and management in the thermonuclear energy sector» Master’s degree thesis synopsis Moscow 2013 The work was carried out in NRNU MEPhI at Faculty of Management and Economics of High Technologies at department 72 “Business project management”. Scientific adviser: Virin Mikhail Mikhailovich candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, department “Business project management”, NRNU MEPhI Scientific consultants: The presentation of the master's thesis will take place at the «___» of _______ , 2013 at the State Certification Committee meeting. Please send your references in two copies to: 115409 Moscow, Kashirskoye shosse, 31 Abstract sent out «___» of __________ , 2013. I. MAIN CHARACTERISTICS OF THE WORK Topicality of the thesis theme. Nowadays Russia pursues a policy of building an innovative economy, economy of knowledge. Energy industry plays an outstanding role in the process of such modernization. First of all, the energy sector is vital for the national security of the country. Secondly, the energy market is one of the most important branches of the world market providing the players with the instruments of economic and political influence. In Russia the Rosatom State Corporation is now realizing a number of innovative projects covering the whole energy production chain. One of the main modern nuclear fission energy drawbacks is the generation of radioactive waste so that new technologies development is needed to avoid this issue. The nearest well-defined solution is to build a nuclear fuel cycle based on fast-neutron reactors. The prospective future possibility is to utilize the nuclear fusion reactions by constructing the thermonuclear power plants. Thus, such innovative projects are nowadays suitable for taking them as real objects of an investigation from the management, economic and organizing points of view. The issues of the project assessment and management are to a great extent connected with the project risk management problems. The risk management issues caused by the application of new technology processes as well as the upgrading of the existing energy industry structures are of a great interest from the scientific point of view. Besides, these problems and their solutions are highly topical, being situated at the front edge of the investigations of the future energy industry development — both short- and long-run. The goal and the tasks of the investigation. The goal of the work is the investigation of the problems concerning the assessment and strategic management of the innovative projects in energy sector, economic modeling and derivation of the solutions taking into account special features and project risks of the fast-neutron nuclear and thermonuclear energy sector. The tasks are: analysis of existing material on the high-technology project assessment and risk management in energy sector, comparative analysis of the development of thermonuclear, nuclear and alternative energy sources, consideration of the existing risk management models being realized today and the discussion of their applicability in case of fast-neutron nuclear and thermonuclear energy sector. The object of the investigation are the business projects in energy production complex and the project management and risk management in high-technology sphere. The subject of the investigation are the economic indicators and risks of the innovative projects in nuclear and thermonuclear energy sectors. The scientific novelty and importance are the preventive accounting of the risks that would emerge during the realization of the innovative projects in fast-neutron nuclear and thermonuclear energy. Theoretical and practical significance of the work is the implementation of the analysis of the accumulated theoretical knowledge in the project assessment and risk evaluation sphere as well as the past progress and errors in project management in nuclear energy industry that allow one to expect the effective project risk management as early as at the very beginning of the closed fuel cycle formation and the start of the thermonuclear energy industry. The main propositions to be defended: 1. The economic assessment of the innovative project of constructing nine BN-1200based nuclear power plants showing that the main risk factors are the capital costs and the MOX fuel costs. 2. The economic aspects of the future fusion power plant projects and the additional levelized cost components. 3. The project risk management propositions in case of fast-neutron nuclear industry and fusion power plants. Approval of the thesis results. The main theoretical proposals and practical results of the thesis research were presented and discussed during the following conferences: International theoretical-practical conference “Science and education in the modern society life” (Tambov, October 29, 2012), the XVIth International telecommunication conference for young scientists and students “Youth and science” (Moscow, NRNU MEPhI, February 1–6, 2013). Publication level. The main results of the work have been published in the book of collected papers of the International theoretical-practical conference “Science and education in the modern society life” (Tambov, October 29, 2012), in the book of abstracts of the XVIth International telecommunication conference for young scientists and students “Youth and science” (Moscow, NRNU MEPhI, February 1–6, 2013), in the electronic journal “Modern problems of science and education” and in the book of collected scientific analytical articles “Factors of the innovative industry development in the scope of the Russian Federation spatial economy modernization”. Structure and size of the work. Thesis research consists of an introduction, three chapters, conclusion and list of references. The size of the work is 70 pages. II. MAIN POINTS OF THE THESIS In the introduction the aim of the investigation is defined, the choice of the theme is substantiated, the object, subject and tasks of the research are defined, the scientific novelty and importance as well as theoretical and practical significance of the work are described. In the first chapter — «Methods of risk analysis of an innovative project» — the existing theoretical knowledge on the innovative project management is analyzed. Various types of risk classification are described. Main steps of the project assessment procedure with respect to risk management are shown. Qualitative risk analysis, quantitative risk analysis and common methods of risk management in energy industry are examined. In the second chapter — «Project of a nuclear plant with BN-1200 reactor» — the main information about the BN-1200 project based on the open source publications is given. It contains the financial aspects of the project including the capital costs, MOX production and fuel costs. The main risks of the project are revealed. The values of corresponding risk factors are utilized to model a project of constructing 9 nuclear power plants with BN-1200 reactors. The quantitative assessment of the risk factors influence on the basic economic indicators of the project is carried out. The main methods used for computations are sensitivity analysis and the Monte-Carlo simulation modeling. The results are discussed and the risk minimization methods are proposed. The third chapter — «Nuclear fusion power project prospective» — deals with the economic assessment of existing thermonuclear power plant projects. It contains the economic aspects of the projects including the capital and fuel costs. The special features of the levelized cost methodology in case of fusion power are discussed as well as the main risk factors and their minimization methods. In the conclusion the totals are given and the main results of the work are summarized. The concluding points and propositions are formulated in compliance with the goal and the tasks of the thesis investigation. III. CONCLUSION The present thesis research is devoted to the innovative project assessment and management in fast-neutron nuclear and thermonuclear projects. The qualitative analysis of the risks of the innovative project of constructing the first line of nuclear plants consisting of nine BN-1200type power reactors is carried out. The main risk factors of the project are denoted. The quantitative assessment of the risk factors influence on the basic economic indicators of the project was performed. It was found that the trends observed in the time variations of the capital costs in energy sphere and particularly in the nuclear energy sector play the prevailing role in the uncertainty of the innovative project economic indicators. The second most important factor was found to be an uncertainty in the production costs of nuclear fuel for fast-neutron reactors as well as of the construction of the corresponding manufacturing enterprises. The results obtained allow author to make certain conclusions on the positive prospective of the innovative project of creating nuclear power plants based on BN-1200 reactors as well as to develop recommendations that would help in decreasing the negative economic effects caused by the presence of the risk factors. The considerations of the economic assessment of fusion power plant projects are given. The quantitative assessment of the risk factors influence on the basic economic indicators of the project was performed. Similarly as for the fast-neutron reactors it was found that the capital cost variation is the most important risk factor. The recommendations regarding risk minimization are discussed. IV. PUBLICATIONS ON THE TOPIC OF THE THESIS RESEARCH 1. Kaziev A. V. Trends of the economic relations in nuclear waste management sector // Science and education in the modern society life: book of collected papers of the International theoretical-practical conference, October 29, 2012: in 12 parts. Part 11. Russian Federation Ministry of Education and Science. Tambov: «Biznes–Nauka– Obshestvo», 2012. P. 40–41 (in Russian) 2. Kaziev A. V. Financial relations in the process of radioactive waste management // XVIth International telecommunication conference for young scientists and students “Youth and science”. Book of abstracts. In 3 parts. Part 2. Moscow: NRNU MEPhI, 2013. P. 117 (in Russian) 3. Kaziev A. V. Innovative project risk management in nuclear energy sector // XVIth International telecommunication conference for young scientists and students “Youth and science”. Book of abstracts. In 3 parts. Part 2. Moscow: NRNU MEPhI, 2013. P. 118 (in Russian) 4. Kaziev A. V. Economic aspects of the radioactive waste management // Factors of the innovative industry development in the scope of the Russian Federation spatial economy modernization. Book of collected scientific analytical articles. / Ed. by V. A. Tupchienko. — Moscow: «Trovant» Publishing House, 2013. P. 27–52 (in Russian) 5. Kaziev A. V. Risk detection ad assessment of the innovative projet in nuclear energy sector // Modern problems of science and education. – 2013. – № 4; URL: of visit: 04.07.2013).