
Tips for Leaders
Troop Tricks
Troop Management
Set up a file folder for each girl. Put notes for
parents here. Ask parents to check and leave
notes, money, etc. for you.
Have the girls sign a sheet at each meeting. Every
time a girl comes to 5 meetings, she gets an
inexpensive gift or SWAP.
Register parents as helpers and have them
complete a background check. It is easier to get
done in the beginning, then you don’t have to
worry when the time comes to have them help
the troop.
Parents should always come in with their
If someone new is picking up a girl, you should be
told before the meeting.
Give girls a few minutes to let off steam before
starting a meeting.
Allow a 15 minute grace period before and after
meetings, events and field trips for parents to
drop off and pick up girls.
Find out what the girls want to accomplish at the
beginning of the year and keep in mind what your
goals are as a leader. Then work towards both
sets of goals with the girls’ goals as a FIRST
Help girls create a budget for the year. Even
Daisies can understand how to track the money
needed if you relate it to things they like – toys,
blocks, etc. make great visuals.
Bringing dues every meeting teaches girls
responsibility and provides the treasurer with
concrete knowledge of how much is in the bank
Collecting dues twice a year may be easier for the
parents as a group with less paperwork.
To help cut costs, ask parents to donate supplies
you may need during some of your meetings, i.e.
– craft supplies, first aid, scissors, etc.
Have girls set clear goals for Council-sponsored
Adapted from Girl Scouts of NYPenn Pathways, Inc.
A monthly newsletter or calendar can help remind
parents and girls of upcoming events
Always carry your calendar with you.
Ask parents to drive; don’t keep offering to do it
for every trip.
Be upfront with money – costs of events, trips and
crafts. Remind parents if they are past due on
Keep good money records should the service unit,
parents or girls want to know where the money is
Inform the Service Unit Manager of any problems
and whether they have been resolved or not.
Carry permission slips with you at tall times with
emergency numbers.
Try to participate in service unit events. Ask
parents to attend with the troop if you can’t be
Always attend leaders meetings or send a
representative. It is where you learn what is
You can call the girl’s parents when a behavioral
problem arises.
Never tell a girl you won’t tell anyone when she
tells you she wants to tell you a secret.
Take all your training so you are prepared.
Use a kaper chart.
The First 4-6 Meetings
Register the girls and adults
Create a Group Agreement
Get to know the girls and let them get to know
Learn about Girl Scouts, Promise and Law, Quiet
Sign, Motto
Find out what girls want to do and help them plan
Plan a simple investiture/rededication
Assemble the Troop First Aid Kit
Discuss purchase of uniforms & books
Have variety of fun activities, songs, games
Make plans for future meetings