Monday, May 26th, 2014,
7.30pm Meeting Room, Trust Offices.
Jane McDermott (JMD) (Chair), Ron Johnstone (RJ) (Trustee), Rupert Allison (RA)
(Trustee), John Norman MacLeod (JNM) (Trustee), Moira Johnston (MJ) (Trustee),
Angus Robertson (AR) (Trust Manager), Sharon Campbell (SC) (Administrator),
Calum Stiven (CS) (Enterprise Officer).
APOLOGIES: Margaret Colpus (MC) (Trustee), Neil Stephen (NS) (Vice - Chair).
ABSENCES: Archie MacCalman (AM) (Treasurer), Hans Petri (HP) (Trustee).
MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING: The 113th minutes are to be amended to
include CS in attendance. Action 1: SC to Action. Minutes proposed by RA Seconded
MJ, approved by board.
MATTERS ARISING: Action 7.4 113th meeting – Feasibility study – awaiting new
graduate placement. Action 8 113th meeting – AR to email Dorothy Jackson of the
Environment Group. Action 2: AR to Action.
AR gave an update to the Board on the current bank balances for the three company’s
accounts. AR gave the board an update on the most recent Profit & Loss accounts for
the three companies for the first month of the new financial year. SCTCL has made a
loss of £257. SRL has made a loss of £2.7k. SRL is showing a loss due to a
Memorandum of Understanding payment to SCT as the payment from SRDP has not
been received. The SRDP payment was due within 90 days, we are now at 130 days AR
has been in contact and payment will be made on 30.05.14. AR discussed this issue
with Highland & Island Enterprise and Jean Urquhart MSP.
Future Cashflow:
AR informed the board that all timber harvesting income due for the remainder of this
harvesting phase would now be offset against forest roading costs. SRL may have a
balance to pay Scottish Woodlands Ltd upon haulage completion in June 2014. The
following 18 months will see no income from harvesting. Staff wages, loan and
overheads will then reduce bank balances up to current projections in April 2015 to
£10K; this is a cause for concern. Action is required with a cohesive plan to raise
income levels. SCT has become purely reliant on forest income which is not
sustainable. The board discussed options, loan holidays, a potential income stream from
Broadband Project or applying to funders which would have to be project led. SCT
needs to raise £60K in the next six month period.
Income Generation – the SRL have board discussed the potential to set up a new
company for split log production and sales. This venture would require significant
investment of £80 - £90K. SCT could sell the timber providing an income stream and
provide a community benefit. Chris Marsh (CM) & RJ will formulate a plan prior to the
next meeting. Action 3: RJ & CM to Action. There is high demand for split log and a
good long term income generator. AR has to investigate capital funding for this
project. Action 4: AR to Action. The board discussed the potential to offer community
shares in a company as a means to raise capital. AR has to investigate. Action 5: AR to
Small event fundraising has to be explored giving SCT a means to raise some funds and
raise community profile, via Charity café’s, 100 club, lottery. AR informed the board
that SCT is now registered for easygiving.co.uk. AR will email out all boards with
information on how to sign up to the scheme. Action 6: AR to Action.
SCTCL has undergone a financial turnaround and it is hoped that the new full-time
member of staff will incorporate stock ordering, report submission and record keeping
in their workload after the initial training period. This would free up SCT staff to work
on new projects for income generation. The new petrol pumps may only potentially
increase income by £10k per annum.
Housing Needs Survey (HNS):
AR has received a letter and questionnaire to be distributed to the community in the
next edition of An Slèiteach. The survey will be available for completion online via
survey monkey. The board discussed the potential to have drop off points around the
peninsula for the paper copies. AR has to investigate potential sites. Action 7: AR to
Graduate Placement:
AR has met with representatives from Highland & Islands Enterprise (HIE) to finalise
funding for a new graduate placement for a development offer. Funding has been
approved with adverts placed by the end of the week.
Community Land Scotland Conference:
The conference will be held on June 6th & 7th at Sabhal Mor Ostaig. As a director of
CLS AR is only available to attend on June 6th. HP has offered to attend on June 7th.
Paul Wheelhouse MSP will give the opening address on climate change on the
Saturday. The main topics will be the Land Reform Review report, right to buy and the
land registry.
Mull & Iona Visit:
A successful 2 day visit was hosted. Mull & Iona Development delegation were fact
finding for their National Forest Land Scheme application as they hope to buy a local
forest. SCT received £325 for this visit. Also present were Amanda Bryan and James
Ogilvie from the Forestry Commission Scotland. AR will try to reduce the number of
visitor delegations hosted by SCT. Action 8: AR to Action.
An Slèiteach:
AR informed the board of the deadline for the next edition of the newsletter being
16.06.14. RA has to inform Stephen McKeown of Clan Donald regarding article
submission. Action 9: RA to Action. JNM has to inform SMO of the deadline for
article submission. Action 10: JNM to Action.
AR inform the board of a visit from Jean Urquhart MSP, who wanted to know about the
work of SCT. AR expressed his angst to Jean regarding SRDP lack of timeous
7.1 Woodfuel:
RJ gave the board an update on harvesting which is nearing completion. RJ informed
the board of the dramatic change to the appearance of the forest.
7.2 Forestry Commission Scotland (FCS): SCT has now hosted 3 visits from FCS, which
is a unique occurrence. Discussions regarding the potential partnership with FCS
proposing a standing sale of 1000 tonnes to SRL per annum. SRL will investigate the
technical and business aspects of this arrangement.
7.4 Finest Woods Awards: Tormore forest received a commended award with an
invitation to collect a cherry wood plaque at the Royal Highland Show at Ingliston,
Chris Marsh will attend. Action 11: CM to Action.
Green Burials:
JMD asked RJ if SRL would investigate Green burials. AR confirmed that enquiries
into green burials were underway. Funding for a study visit is available from HIE. AR
has to investigate legislation surrounding green burials. Action 12: AR/SC to Action.
8.1 Broadband: CS has submitted a draft application to Community Broadband Scotland
(CBS) for feedback. CS has been advised to make a few amendments. Action 13: CS
to Action. CS has to submit completed application by 30.05.14. Action 14: CS to
Action. CS informed the board that support from the local landowners and crofters had
been good.
8.2 Pumps: CS has submitted the Enterprise Ready Fund application for new fuel pumps.
Feedback has been received with the application to be amended and resubmitted in the
name of SCT as applicants require Memorandum and Articles of Association. CS has to
make the amendments and resubmit the application by 30.05.14. Action 15: CS to
8.4 Staff: Andrea Kluge has been appointed new shop assistant and will commence
employment on 09.06.14 Colm Boyd returns to work week commencing 02.06.14. All
volunteer staff have to be commended for their effort. Action 16: AR to Action.
8.5 Visit Sleat: The exhibition at Talla Duisdale has now 15 local artists signed to exhibit.
JMD & SC to meet in June to discuss invoicing. Action 17: SC /JMD to Action. JMD
will travel the route of the proposed Tarskavaig Loop Road minibus tour. Action 18:
JMD to Action.
8.6 Signage: New signage for the SCTCL trading facility is due to be delivered this week.
ENVIRONMENT: A Bumble Bee workshop session is scheduled for 31.05.14.
Attendees will make a bumble bee hotel and go on a bee hunt. AR is still awaiting
feedback for a representative from the Environment Group joining the SCT board. AR
has to email Dorothy Jackson. Action 19: AR to Action.
STAFF/TRUSTEES/DIRECTORS: The board discussed the need for all boards to be
strengthened. AR has to email all boards for potential candidate suggestions. Action
20: AR to Action.
AOB: CDI have offered SCT the opportunity to attend a licencing training day at a cost
of £475, six places are available. The board declined. AR has to inform CDI to ask the
Ardvasar Hall Committee. Action 21: AR to Action.
CS has issued a report to AR following his visit to Mull to investigate electric car
charging points. AR has to email report to the board. Action 22: AR to Action.
AR informed the board that Cal Mac have released passenger figures for the last 7
years. A 10% rise in passengers last summer was recorded.
The residual rubbish behind the portacabin is unsightly. AR to put a Message on
Facebook and email to get it uplifted. Action 23: AR to Action.
The board discussed the confidentiality of board meetings and decided not to host the
next one at HP’s house but to move to an earlier timeslot of 7pm and visit HP following
the meeting. JMD has to inform HP of this decision. Action 24: JMD to Action.
A membership application received from Rosemarie McNee of Aird was approved by
the board.
Date of Next Meeting:
Monday 30th June 2014, at 7.00pm in Trust Offices