CURRICULUM VITAE SUAD ABU TAHOUN, MD. Cell: (00962)777566692 Telephone: (00962) 4892903 Email: Amman -Jordan PROFILE Dedicated Radiologist with commitment to breast cancer screening program and leadership and management development. PROFESSIONAL APPOINTMENTS Radiologist 12/2014- current Everest Digital Clinic Marj al-hamam Jordan Radiologist 07/2013- 12/2014 Department of Radiology Arab Medical center Amman-Jordan Clinical Director of Breast imaging Unit 03/2014 –12/2014 Department of Radiology Arab Medical center Amman-Jordan Attending physician /hospitalist 11/2007 - 5/2008 Al- Esraa hospital Amman-Jordan PROFESSIONAL TRAINING Internship Two years internship rounds Fattouma Bourguiba university hospital Monastir-Tunisia Residency in Diagnostic Radiology 2004-2006 7/2008 - 6/2012 Department of Radiology Jordan Hospital Amman-Jordan Elective training during fourth year residency 03-04 /2013 Oncology and Breast imaging KHCC (King Hussein Cancer Centre) Amman-Jordan Additional training Breast imaging unit KHCC (King Hussein Cancer Centre) Amman-Jordan 08– 09/2014 SUAD ABU TAHOUN,MD PAGE TWO EDUCATION Doctor of Medicine 02/2007 University of Monastir Faculty of Medicine, Tunisia French language 06/1998 Institut Bourguiba Des Langues Vivantes Sousse-Tunisia German language course 09/2013 Alibaba international language center Amman-Jordan OTHER WORK EXPERIENCE Ellegibly boarded Radiologist Jbal Al_Zaitoon hospital Amman-Jordan 09-11/2012 Radiologist Jubili Clinic Amman-Jordan 03-06/2013 BOARD CERTIFICATION Jordanian Board of Diagnostic Radiology 02/2013 Certificate of Passing State Internship Examination from Jordan Medical Council 09/2007 Certificate of Equivalence from Jordanian Ministry of Higher Education And Scientific Research 09/2007 The National Diploma of Doctor in Medicine 02/2007 Certificate of French Language 06/1998 General Secondary Education Certificate, scientific stream 07/1997 LICENSURE Permission to Practice Diagnostic Radiology specialty (Active) 11/2013 Permission to Practice General Medicine Profession (Active) 10/2007 Personal license to work in Ionizing Radiation Fields (Active) 09/2013 PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS Jordanian Radiological Society 2013-current Jordanian Medical Association (JMA) 2007-current Radiology Society of North America (RSNA) 2012-current European Society of Radiology (ESR) 2012-current SUAD ABU TAHOUN,MD PAGE THREE THESIS OF GRADUATION AND RESERCH EXPERIENCE Title of thesis: Histopathologic Examination of Appendectomy Specimens One year duration of retrospective research study for about 1000 histopathologic results of Appendicectomy in correlation with clinical data and history Monastir-Tunisia AWARDS AND DISTINCTION 2006-2007 02/2007 Passed the discussion of “Graduation Thesis” on the State level With a ‘Very honourable degree’ with jury felicitations Monastir-Tunisia LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT TRAINING DIPLOM Training Diplom in Leadership and Management for Health Care Providers. German- Jordan University Amman-Jordan 09/2014 - 02/2015 WORKSHOPS The Third Obstetrics & Gynecology Ultrasound Workshop Amman-Jordan 08/2015 Breast cancer in the Arab world Conference 2015/ Breast Imaging Workshop. Amman-Jordan 03/2015 A Hands on Approach to Mammography and Ultrasound Workshop Amman-Jordan 02/2012 Susan G.KOMEN Workshop / MENA Study, Workshop for Breast Cancer Awareness in the Middle East and North Africa, Sharm El-Sheikh-Egypt 01/2012 ATTENDED COURSES AND CONFERENCES 7th International Conference of the Royal Medical Services 11/2014 Breast imaging conference, 9th to 11th Oct 2013, Jordan. Breast Cancer Screening and Diagnosis Seminar and Guidelines 12/2012 98th Scientific Assembly & Annual Meeting of RSNA 11/2012 Fifth Arab Radiology Conference 2012, Tunisia 97th Scientific Assembly & Annual Meeting of RSNA 2012 12/2011 SUAD ABU TAHOUN,MD PAGE FOUR Continued - ATTENDED COURSES AND CONFERENCES ESOR ASKLEPIOS Course, Oncology Imaging 10/2011 Essentials of Multimodalities Breast Imaging with Clinical and Pathological Correlation Course Third Arab Radiology Conference 2010, Jordan. International Skeletal Society (ISS) Outreach Program, Teaching Course 04/2011 2010 10/ 2010 KHCC 17th International Conference: Infections in Immunocompromised Cancer Patients 08/2009 KHCC 15th International Symposium: Gastrointestinal Malignancies, 03/2009 Course of Radiation Protection, Royal Scientific Society, 10/2008 Training Program in Antenatal Care, the Private Sector Project for Women’s Health Care and USAID 01/2008 Clinical Training In Gynaecological Ultrasound, the Private Sector Project for Women’s Health Care and USAID, 2008 A Six - Hours Workshop about Breast Cancer, 12/2007 Languages: English, French, Dutch, and Arabic References: Available upon request