The Centre for Sustainable Cropping - New Project Form January 10, 2012 Main Contact: Name: Amanda Wilson Insititute: JHI/St Andrews University Email address: Secondary Contact: Name: Graham Begg Insititute: JHI Email address: Project Title: Usage of arable habitat by small mammals Funding body: JHI / NERC / NFU Mutual / GWCT Start/end date: 2012-2014 Brief project description (abstract): The impact small mammals have on lower trophic levels in arable systems is uncertain. Perhaps as a result of this lack of information, the impact of agri-environment interventions on small mammals has been under-researched. Semi-natural habitat within arable systems may provide enhanced cover and food availability and may enable small mammals to leave natural habitat patches and enter arable habitat more easily. Once established within the arable habitat, small mammals may leave the semi-natural margins and enter cropped areas. The areas I am interested in include: - The influence of small mammals on lower trophic levels The influence of small mammals on crop yield Whether semi-natural habitat within the arable system functions as a corridor connecting natural habitat to the arable system The factors that may determine the extent to which small mammals make use of arable systems Hypotheses to be tested: - Small mammals influence lower trophic levels - Small mammals influence crop yield - Semi-natural habitat may act as a corridor connecting natural habitat with the arable system - Cover and food availability determines the extent to which small mammals make use of arable systems Expected outcomes/outputs: - Address some of the above ideas Project data requirements (list datasets from the CSC data you would like to make use of, see: about/facilities/centresustainable-cropping/datasets) - possibly make use of the data about insect and plant abundance and species richness Field sampling methods: Type of material to be sampled (soil, plant, insect, water, air) Small mammals Timing of sampling events (spring, summer, autumn) Unsure The Centre for Sustainable Cropping - New Project Form January 10, 2012 Sampling frequency (weekly, monthly, annual) Unsure Sampling intensity (number of samples and distribution – per field, half field, Unsure strip etc – see field layout on /about/facilities/centre-sustainable-cropping/design) Other comments (e.g. is equipment expected to be left out in the field, any special conditions/requirements for sampling?) Unsure Photograph of wood mouse (Apodemus sylvaticus) taken by Shona Jack (University of Dundee)