Socials 9 - Industrial Revolution Dragon’s Den Project Inventors/Inventions/Impacts Name: _________________ Date: __________________ Block: _________________ Project: You and a partner will choose an inventor from the list below and research as much as you can about that person and the invention they are credited with. You will present your findings to the class as if you are this inventor and an assistant, trying to sell your invention to a team of investors, called the Dragon’s Den. Each team of Dragon’s Den investors will listen to FIVE different presentations and decide how they will invest the ½ million dollars they have to invest. The Dragon’s Den will have to explain their choices to the class and the presenters. Research—This is what you will include in your visual Aid and Presentation: In the library/lab, you will use specific resources to locate the information you need to make your presentation. Please begin your research with the link: In addition to this site, Ms. Chiang will provide you with more websites to use. The notes for this activity need to be done on e-note taking sheets. (Mr. Waugh will explain this). Once you have used this source, you may look at other sources. All sources for this activity must be documented in a bibliography. Ms. Chiang will explain how this is to be done. Biography of your inventor: 1) 2) 3) 4) When/where were you born? What type of education (if any) did you have? What do you do as a profession? Any other RELEVANT information (**Please include only information that will be needed by the investors to have a sense of you and of the probable success of you/your invention!**) Details of your invention: 1) 2) 3) 4) What is your invention? How does it work? How will it benefit people? Society? Business? Education? Any other RELEVANT information you may find. Presentation and Visual Aid—Maximum 3-5 minutes: After finding all of the information you need, you will present your findings to the Dragon’s Den for evaluation. You can do this in a variety of formats—a newspaper ad (11”X17” maximum size), a brochure; a model of your invention; a power point presentation; a video advertisement; a website/blog…other format if you clear it with your teacher first. The important part here is to have some form of visual aid in your presentation and to be CREATIVE! You want to secure some if not all of the money the Dragon’s Den has to offer. Remember this is must be between 3 and 5 minutes! Dragon’s Den Members Group Evaluation of Presentations: Everyone in the class will be on one of the Dragon’s Den panels at some point. You need to listen carefully to the presentations made to you and defend how you will spend your money at the end of these presentations. You will need to explain what you think are the strong points of the presentations made to you; what are your concerns/worries with the presentations; how much (if anything) will you choose to give the inventor and why do you choose this? Evaluation Criteria Formal Works Cited (Typed and Proper Format) /10 Research on Notes Sheets Inventor’s Biography Details of the Invention /20 Visual (Model / brochure / video ad / Powerpoint / blog…) /10 Oral Presentation for the Dragon’s Den /30 Dragon’s Den Evaluation Sheet /10 Total /80 You will have 2 classes to research and one class to finalizing your presentation. This presentation is due on: _______________________________________________ Inventor Invention Year Arkwright, Richard Water Frame 1769 Bell, Alexander Graham Telephone 1876 Bessemer, Henry Iron/Steel Industry 1850 Cartwright, Edmund Power Loom 1785 Cort, Henry Iron Industry 1780 Crompton, Samuel Spinning Mule 1779 Daimler, Gottlieb Internal Combustion Engine 1886 Daguerre, Louis Daguerre Photograph 1837 Darby, Abraham More efficient steam engine 1700s Diesel, Rudolf Internal Combustion Engine 1880s Duke of Bridgewater Canal Systems 1759 Edison, Thomas Incandescent Light Bulb 1800s Edison, Thomas Phonograph 1880s Faraday, Thomas Electric Generators 1800s Ford, Henry Assembly Line 1914 Fulton, Robert Steam powered Ships 1800 Hargreaves, James Spinning Jenny 1764 Jacquard, Joseph Marie Complex patterned weaving 1800 Kay, John Flying Shuttle 1733 Marconi, Guglielimo Wireless Radio 1890 McAdam , John All Weather Road Surface 1700 Morse, Samuel F.B. Telegraph—electrical impulses 1837 Newcomen, Thomas Safer Steam Powered Pump 1720s Perkin, William Dye Made from Coal 1850 Stephenson, George Steam Power Locomotive Rocket 1829 Townshend, Charles Rotating Crops 1730s Tull, Jethro Seed Drill 1730s Volta, Alessandro First Electric Batteries 1800s Watt, James More Powerful Steam Engine 1760 Whitney, Eli Cotton Gin 1793 Wright, Orville & Wilbur Airplane 1903 Name of Student Dragon’s Den Evaluation Sheet Student Name What is good about this invention? (2 or more points) What needs to be improved about this invention? (2 or more points) How much Explain why $$$$$ will you invest will you invest this much? in this invention?