Unit 7: Water & Water Pollution Chapter 11, Section 3: Water Pollution Standards: SCSh 6d • Introduction of _________________, _________________, or __________________ agents into water that degrade water quality and adversely affect the organisms that depend on the water. • • ____________________________________ Rapid _______________________________________ growth • Developed countries• Main causes • _______________________ • ____________________________ runoff Developing countries• Main causes • ____________________________ runoff • ____________________________ What is water pollution? What are two underlying causes of water pollution? How does water pollution differ between developed and developing countries? • • What are two sources of pollution? What are 6 types of water pollution? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Pathogens Organic Matter Organic Chemical Inorganic chemicals Heavy Metals Physical Agents Name __________________ • Point Source Pollution • Discharged from _______________ source • Easy to __________________________ to source • Ex: leaking oil tanker, factory pipe, wastewater treatment plant Non-point Source Pollution • Discharged from many __________________ sources • _______________________ to trace back to source • Runoff in river could come from ______________, __________- difficult to pinpoint specific car or farm • ______% of water pollution is this type • ____________________________ public about awareness of problem and what not to do helps control non-point 1. Pathogens • ______________________________ organisms • Ex: • Bacteria- ________________ • Viruses- _________________ • __________________- Giardia, Cryptosporidia • _________________________ worms- filariasis • Sources: • __________________________________________ • Livestock feedlots & poultry farms • ________________________ from overburdened wastewater treatment plants 2. Organic Matter • Remains of plants or animals • _______________ • ____________________________ • Sources: • Mostly ___________________ sources • ____________________ • Food processing plants What are 6 types of water pollution? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Pathogens Organic Matter Organic Chemical Inorganic chemicals Heavy Metals Physical Agents 3. Organic Chemicals • _________________ • __________________ • __________________ • Detergents • ___________________ • Sources: • __________ • Lawns • _______________________ • Roads • ________________________ • __________________ underground storage tanks 4. Inorganic Chemicals • Acids • ______________ • ______________ • Industrial chemicals • Sources: • ___________________________ • Road surfaces • ___________________________ • Acid rain 5. Heavy Metals • _______________- causes developmental problems in children • _________________- from burning coal; causes nerve disorders • _________________- from batteries; severe pain, softening of bones, kidney failure • _________________- headache, confusion, diarrhea, drowsiness, skin disorders • Sources: • ________________________________ • Unlined landfills • ________________________________ • Some are __________________________ (arsenic) What are 6 types of water pollution? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Pathogens Organic Matter Organic Chemical Inorganic chemicals Heavy Metals Physical Agents 6. Physical Agents • Thermal pollution (water too hot) • Sources: • ______________ of trees over river (decreased shade) • ___________________________ dump hot waste water • ______________________ from parking lots • Effects: • hot water ____________________________________ in water causing massive fish kills • Sediment pollution • One of the _________________________________ pollutants in Georgia • Sources: • ____________________________________ • Removal of trees/plants • Effects: • water becomes cloudy (__________________) which blocks sunlight for plants/algae • ________________________________ in water if plants are affected • causes lakes/ponds rivers to fill in which increases risk of _________________________________ • How are water pollutants removed from water? How does water pollution affect ecosystems? Wastewater Treatment Plants • Treat waste water pollutants from homes or industry • Not all chemicals can be removed from waste water (removing these is expensive & difficult) • Creates sewage ____________________ • May be hazardous & must be disposed of as hazardous waste where it is incinerated & ash buried in secure landfill. (expensive) • If treated can be turned into _____________________ or added to clay to make ___________________ ___________________________ Eutrophication: • Dead leaves & animal waste get decomposed by bacteria. • Bacteria population increases with increased food source • Bacteria use up oxygen in water • Hypoxic (lacking oxygen) water cannot support animals • Animals die and their bodies accumulate on bottom of pond, filling it in (with dead plant matter) • Pond becomes meadow and eventually a forest • Takes ______________________________ of years How does water pollution affect ecosystems? (cont’d) __________________________ Eutrophication: • Acceleration of natural eutrophication- decades instead of centuries. • Caused by increased use of fertilizers on crops and sewage runoff • Algae grow quickly with increased fertilizer. • Algae outcompete each other and some die. • Bacteria decompose their bodies and use up oxygen in water. • Less oxygen puts stress on fish and other aquatic animals. • Leads to death of ecosystem. _________________________________________: • When pollutants accumulate in an animal and that animal is eaten, transferring that pollutant up the food chain. • Ex: DDT and eagles/osprey. • DDT builds in fat tissue • Highest on food chain most affected b/c pollutant does not breakdown. • Anything on surface of ground that can affect surface water can affect groundwater. • _____________________________________ • __________________________________________________ • _______________________________________ tanks for gasoline, sewage/septic systems, chemicals can leak into groundwater. • Don’t always know location of these tanks so may leak until someone notices large instance of disease in an area. • • • Takes a long time to _______________________ water to dilute pollutants _______________________________________ groundwater to clean it up. Pollutant attaches to __________________________ so even if water pumped out and replaced with clean water would still become polluted. • Ships can _________________________ wastewater and non-plastic garbage overboard into some parts of the ocean. Most ocean pollution (__________%) comes from _____________ • Oil • Toxic waste • Medical waste • Plastic/litter Pollutants travel down rivers and most seriously affect ____________ areas. Only ___% of oil spills from oil tanker accidents • Each year 37 million gallons of oil from tanker accidents are spilled into oceans Most oil ocean pollution comes from _________________- non-point sources • People pour car oil down ____________________________ (bad- take it to a recycling facility!) • Small leaks on ______________________________________- boats, jet skis, etc. What type of pollution can you find in groundwater? Why is cleaning groundwater more difficult than surface water? • How are our oceans polluted? • • Where does most oil pollution in oceans come from? • Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Deepwater Horizon BP Oil Spill How are oil spills cleaned up? • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • What impact does plastic have on the ocean? • • • What laws are established to protect our water quality? • • March 1989 Exxon Valdez Oil Tanker ran aground on reef in Prince William Sound in Alaska Released ___________ million gallons of oil Killed 1,000’s of birds and other wildlife Ruined fishing industry in the area Fined __________________________ Now ships required to have ________________________ (outer layer of metal) around oil containers in ship. April 2010 Largest accidental marine oil spill in history After an explosion and fire on the oil rig __________million gallons of oil leaked from broken pipe under water for 87 days Affected marine fisheries, people’s jobs, wildlife, killed 11 people. As of 2013, BP has been fined _________________________, lost contracts, and is under government supervision for the next four years. Try to contain the spill using _________________________ ________________ separate oil from water. Hold oil until it can be disposed of. May ___________ it off _____________________________- add genetically engineered bacteria to eat the left over oil. Plastic: • _______________________________ • Plastic floats • sea turtles mistake it for __________________ and eat it • Plastic cannot be digested, turtle feels full, stops eating, and starves. • Plastic can _______________________ ocean animals Great Pacific Garbage Patch • Large area in Pacific Ocean where plastic garbage from Japan & US is accumulating. Threatens health of wildlife & nobody wants to pay to clean it up. _________________________________________ (1972) • Restore & maintain the chemical, physical, & biological integrity of our nation’s waters; make them fishable & swimmable by 1983 ________________________________________________ (1975) • Established standards for drinking water contaminants Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation & Liability Act (_________________) (1980) • AKA _________________________________ • Makes owners, operators, consumers of hazardous waste sites responsible for cleanup ________________________________________________ (1990) • Required all oil tankers entering US waters to have double hull. • • You should be able to… • • Explain why point-source pollution is easier to control than nonpoint-source pollution List the major types of water pollutants. Suggest ways to reduce the levels of each of type of pollutant in a water supply Describe the unique problems of cleaning up groundwater pollution. Describe the sources of most ocean pollution. Is it point-source pollution or non-point source pollution?