Vaccine and International Travel Health Questionnaire Please Print Clearly Name:________________________________________________________ Last Name First Name Age:____ DOB:____________ Sex: M F T MI MM/DD/YYYY Home Address:___________________________________________________ ________________________ _______ _________ Street Address Phone:___________________________ Home or Cell City State Zip ________________________ Email:__________________________________________ Work Occupation:____________________________________________Employer:___________________________________________ SSN:__________________________________________ Primary Care:__________________________________________ Emergency Contact:________________________________________ ________________________ ________________________ (required) Name Relationship Phone Number Insurance name and policy number:___________________________________________ Subscriber:_____________________ Pharmacy Name/Address:_____________________________ Secondary insurance number:______________________________ Travel Information Please list the countries you are traveling to, in the order you will visit them: Date of Departure Destination (City, Country) Date of Return or Transfer Length of Stay Please mark all that apply to your travel plans: Purpose: ___Leisure ___Adoption ___Study Abroad ___Business ___Missionary ___Other Accommodations: Activities: ___Resort ___Hotel ___Cruise Ship ___Rural Travel ___Staying with Family/Relatives ___Sightseeing ___Climbing/Hiking ___Camping ___Safari ___Business Meetings Who arranged your Trip: _________________________________________________ ___________________________ Name Phone Immunization History: 1) What was the date of your last tetanus/diphtheria (Td/Tdap) injection? _______/__________/__________ 2) Have you had chickenpox, or received two (2) doses of the varicella vaccine? Yes No Unknown 3) Have you ever had a reaction to a vaccine that required medical treatment (a doctor’s office visit or emergency care)? If yes, please explain the specific type of reaction: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4) Please list any vaccines you have received in the past 30 days: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5) Have you ever travelled outside of the U.S. and received travel vaccinations for that trip? If so, when and where? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Medical History: Do you have any medical problems? ____________________________________________________________________________ Please list any past surgeries: ________________________________________________________________________________ Are you allergic to ANY medications, latex, vaccinations or vaccine component, thimerosol, protamine sulfate, or mercury (a preservative)? _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Are you currently taking antibiotics? Are you allergic to eggs, yeast, or any other foods? Yes Are you currently experiencing any respiratory infections or other acute illness or infections? Do you have any immune system problems, such as cancer, HIV, or AIDS? Have you had your thymus gland removed or a history of problems with your thymus, such as myasthenia gravis, DiGeorge Syndrome, or thymoma? No Yes No Yes No Yes No Do you take any cortisone, prednisone, steroids, chemotherapy, or other biologic (e.g., Humira, Remicade, etc.)? Have you ever fainted from an injection or from having your blood drawn? Do you have ANY other health issues for which you see a health professional? Please describe: Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Are you currently taking any medications (including oral contraceptive) or planning any new medications during your trip? Please list: Do you smoke? Yes No Questions for Women: Please circle your response Do you use a contraceptive or birth control (e.g., condoms, pills, surgical sterility)? YES Are you pregnant? YES NO Do you plan to become pregnant in the next three (3) months? YES NO Are you currently nursing? YES NO NO How did you hear about us? ___Established Client ___School/College ___Physician ___Employer ___Friend/Relative ___RVIDS Website ___Travel Agent ___Other ________________________________________ ___CDC Website By signing, I am stating that the above information is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. Depending on your insurance, River Valley Infectious Disease Specialists may file a claim for services. Some vaccines may not be covered by your insurance plan. Please call your insurance in advance to verify your coverage. RVIDS is not responsible for knowing your plan’s coverage of vaccinations. Payment for vaccines not covered by your plan is due at the time of service by cash, check, or credit card. Traveler/Patient Signature ___________________________________________________________________ (under 18 years of age must have parent/guardian signature) Date_________________________ RIVER VALLEY INFECTIOUS DISEASE SPECIALISTS Patient Financial Responsibility Form Name: _____________________________________ Date of Birth: _____________ Patient Financial Responsibilities The patient (or patient’s guardian, if a minor) is ultimately responsible for payment for treatment and care. We are pleased to assist you by billing our contract insurers. However, the patient is required to provide us with the most current and updated information about their insurance, and will be responsible for any charges incurred if the information provided is not correct or updated. Patients are responsible for the payment of copays, coinsurance, deductibles, and all other procedures or treatment not covered by their insurance plan. Payment is due at the time of service. For your convenience we accept cash, check and most major credit cards. Patients may incur, and are responsible for payment of, additional charges at the discretion of River Valley Infectious Disease Specialists. These charges include, but are not limited to: Charge for returned checks. Charge for copying and distribution of patient medical records. Charge for extensive forms completion. Any costs associated with collection of patient balances. If a patient does not cancel his/her appointment by 10 a.m. one (1) working day in advance, the patient will be considered a “no show” and may be subject to a charge of $25. Repeated appointment cancellations or “no shows” may be cause for dismissal from the practice. Please initial here. __________ Patient Authorizations By my signature below, I hereby authorize assignment of financial benefits directly to River Valley Infectious Disease Specialists under standard third party contracts. I understand that I am financially responsible for charges not covered by this assignment. By my signature below, I authorize River Valley Infectious Disease Specialists personnel to communicate with me regarding my financial information by mail, voice mail, message and/or e-mail according to the information I have provided during my patient registration. I authorize any holder of medical or other information about me to release to the Health Care Financing Administration and its agents of other insurances any information needed to determine these benefits or benefits for related services. I HAVE READ, UNDERSTAND AND AGREE TO THE PROVISIONS OF THIS PATIENT FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY FORM: ________________________________________ Signature of Patient or Guardian _____________________ Date Waiver of Patient Authorizations I prefer to pay at the time of service and/or to be fully responsible for payment of charges. ________________________________________ Signature of Patient or Guardian _____________________ Date River Valley Infectious Disease Specialists A) HIPAA Notice of Privacy Policies – Acknowledgement of Receipt I have received a copy of the HIPAA Notice of Privacy Policies for River Valley Infectious Disease Specialists that explains my rights and documents policies and procedures that will safeguard my private health information. Signature _____________________________________________Date________________ B) Authorization of Payment I authorize payment of medical benefits by my insurance company for all covered services provided by River Valley Infectious Disease Specialists. Signature _____________________________________________Date _____________ C) Authorization to Release Information I authorize the release of any medical information or other information necessary to River Valley Infectious Disease Specialists process my insurance claim. Signature _____________________________________________Date ______________ FOR MEDICARE PATIENTS ONLY (Medicare does not cover Travel Medicine visits) D) Medicare Authorization Patient (Beneficiary) Name__________________________________ Policy #_____________ I request that payment of authorized Medicare benefits be made to me or on my behalf to River Valley Infectious Disease Specialists for any services furnished me. I authorize any holder of medical information about me to release to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and its agents any information needed to determine these benefits of the benefits payable for related services. Patient (Beneficiary) Signature________________________________Date________________ E) Medigap Authorization (Medicare secondary insurance if applicable) Patient (Beneficiary) Name__________________________________ Insurance Company______________________________________Policy#________________ I request that payment of authorized Medigap benefits be made to me or on my behalf to River Valley Infectious Disease Specialists for any services furnished me by this provider. I authorize any holder of medical information about me to release to my insurance company any information needed to determine these benefits or benefits payable for related services. Patient (Beneficiary) Signature________________________________Date________________ River Valley Infectious Disease Specialists Health Information Consent I give my consent to representatives of River Valley Infectious Disease Specialists to leave messages on my home or cell phone answering system or with individuals that I will designate below. Relating to my care ____ Yes ____ No Appointments Reminders ____ Yes ____ No I give my consent to representatives of River Valley Infectious Disease Specialists to discuss my care with the following individuals: ________________________________ Spouse Name ________________________________ Family Member - Relationship ________________________________ Family Member - Relationship _____/_____/_________ Phone No. w/area code _____/_____/_________ Phone No. w/area code _____/_____/_________ Phone No. w/area code ________________________________ _____/_____/_________ Other Name – Relationship Phone No. w/area code I understand and agree that this authorization will stay in effect until such time I give written notice to change or withdraw my authorization. Signature __________________________________________